The Night Fury

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A/n: So I'm just going to skip the meeting and the conversation between Gobber and Stoic because I can't find the clip to help me write it in the story so I hope you don't mind and sorry if you're not liking the story so far this is my first one and you can leave if you don't like it.


During the dragon attack


I was watching as people were fighting with dragons and fire spreading all over the place. I didn't like how the village was treating them. I think that dragons are cool and just mistreated by Vikings and I don't want to ever hurt one but I know that one day I will have to since I'm a Viking. Dragon training is coming up too so I'm pretty nervous.

After me, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishleg, Tuffnut, and Ruffnut finish with pouring water to stop the fire I went to the cliff to look at the sky since I have nothing to do. I suddenly heard something coming over and hid behind a rock. I peaked out and saw the Chief's son which I believe his name is Hiccup. He had a weapon with him and he open it and waited. "What is he doing?" I thought. Suddenly I heard a dragon in the sky so I looked up and saw a purple blast. Then I saw a night fury coming out of the smoke.

While I was looking at the black dragon a bola came out and hit it. I look in front of me to see that Hiccup was the one that did it. He started yelling "I hit it. YES I HIT IT. DID ANYBODY SEE THAT." "Yes I saw that but poor dragon." I thought sadly. Suddenly a monstrous nightmare climb up behind Hiccup and I was going to yell at him to run but he already saw it. "Except for you" Hiccup said to the monstrous nightmare. He started yelling and running away while I ducked my head behind the rock so I wouldn't get seen.

I went back to see that a torch was rolling around the village. I walk towards the group and Astrid notice me coming. "Where were you?" she ask. I panicked a little bit since I didn't wanted to tell her about Hiccup and the night fury so I replied "Just checking around the village to see if there was any fire left." She looked at me for a moment but then looked away. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

I was watching on how Hiccup was trying to convince his dad that he caught a night fury but that didn't end well. As he walk pass me I look at him with sadness.


Back to the present

Hiccup POV

I was walking in the forest with my journal in my hand and was trying to search for the night fury I caught. I reached at a place but didn't see anything so I scratch that off my journal but then I let my anger out and started scribling all over it. I sighed as I close my journal, put it in my jacket, and continue walking while saying "Oh the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife and mug. No not me, I just manage to lose an entire dragon." I hitted a branch in front of me out of anger but it swung back and hit my face. "OWW" I said painfully while holding my face.

I look up and saw that half of a tree was bended over so I look to the side and saw a trail down leading to the edge. I slowly and carefully walk on the trail and look at the branches on the ground. As I climb up the edge and look ahead I saw the NIGHT FURY ON THE GROUND. I gasped and ducked down breathing heavily hoping it did not see me. I slowly peaked out my head and stare at it for a moment.

I roamed my hand around me to search something and pulled out a small dagger. I slid down the rock and then hid behind another one. I slowly walked out and saw that it was laying still with it's eyes close. "Oh god. I did it, ohh I did it. Th - th- this fixes everything. YES" I said excitedly "I have brought down this might beast." I then said while putting my foot on it. Suddenly it made a sound and move while I fell back on a rock.

I shakingly pointed my dagger at it while walking towards it again. It was breathing heavily and I look at it's head to see that it's eyes for open. "I'm gonna kill you dragon. I'm going to cut out your heart and take it to my father. I'm a Viking.... I'M A VIKING." I said breathing heavily I sucked in a breath and lifted the dagger in the air. I close my eyes, ready to kill it but I open my eyes and saw the way it looked at me. I sighed and put the dagger back down. "I couldn't do it" I thought 

I look at it with sadness "I did this?" I said and was going to walk away but turn back. I walk over to it and starting cutting the ropes off. After I finish the night fury slammed and pinned me against the rock. I close my eye and look away thinking "This it is. This is it. I'm going to die." But it didn't eat me it roar in my face really loudly and flew away. I stay lying down for a moment breathing heavily but got up. I watched as it flew away from the distance and starting walking back but I collapse and fainted.


End of chapter

A/n: I know there wasn't much of Y/n in the first two chapters but I promise that there will be more of her in the next few chapters.


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