Book of Dragons

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Hiccup POV

I was walking in the forest to the place where I release the night fury. Once I reach there I saw the same ropes that I used to catch it. I picked it up and observed it. "So why didn't you?" I question myself on to why I didn't killed the night fury. I put the ropes back down and climbed over a log. I saw a small entrance and walked to it. Once I reached to it there was a pretty place with a lake inside.

I looked around until I saw something black on the ground. I picked it up and looked at it until something flew up in front of me startling me. I fell on the ground and looked up to see the night fury climbing against the wall. I watched it as it went back down then glide over the lake to the ground.

I looked at it with an awe expression on my face and climbed down the hill a little bit and hid behind a rock. I watched as it started to fly but only fell to the ground. It then started to fly again up wards while making noises but fell back down again. I reached into my jacket and pulled out my journal.

I drew what the dragon looked like while it keeps trying to fly but only getting the same results. "Why don't you just fly away?" I asked myself curiously. I then compared my drawing to the night fury but realized something. I erase the left side of the tail fin which make me realized how it couldn't fly.

I watched as it try to catch some fish by diving its head in the lake but it's head came back up with no fish in it's mouth. I looked at the dragon in sadness since it couldn't fly again until I dropped my pencil. I panicked and tried to catch it but it felled down the hill onto a rock making a sound. The night fury lifted it's head up towards me and we started having a stared down. It tilted it's head towards me.


Time Skip


Me and the gang was sitting at a table eating dinner while chatting until we heard the door opened. We ignored it and Gobber asked "Okay what did Astrid do wrong in the ring today?" Astrid responded "I guess I missed time my somersault. It was sloppy, it threw off my reverse tumble." Ruffnut then said "Yeah, we noticed." Snotlout said "No no, you were great, that was so Astrid." I joined in and said "Yeah but you know Astrid not everything is going to be the way you want it to. Making mistakes is normal and now you know what you can do better." "Yeah, Y/n is right, sometimes you have to be tough on yourself."

I saw Hiccup walked passed us and was going to say hi until Ruffnut said "Ugh he showed up." Snotlout said "He didn't get eaten." Then Astrid said "He's never where he should be." I looked at them disappointed and said "Guys, that isn't nice to say and leave him alone." Everyone looked at me shocked.

It was silent until Snotlout said "Why are you defending him babe I mean looked at him, he looks weak and always mess things up." I turned to him "I'm just doing what I think is right and I don't think he is weak, I mean think about it, he tries his best on trying to become a Viking even after everyone doubts him. I mean do you thinks it's easy to become someone that everyone thinks you won't be especially your own father? If I was in his position I would've start doubted myself but Hiccup took it as a strong person by instead of giving up he keeps trying to prove everyone and even his father that he is good enough to be part of what this whole village is. Strength isn't just about physical so this is why he's in this dragon training we are doing right now." I replied looking down with my hands in my lap.

After I finish everyone looked at you even more shocked but looked down realizing what you said was true and Hiccup looked like he wanted to cry. Meanwhile Gobber was smiling warmly at you and thankful that your perspective towards Hiccup is different than others. "You indeed found the right one for you Hiccup." He thought. It was silent until Gobber broke it which made them snapped out of thoughts "Okay let's move on now. We can live and breath this stuff. The dragon manual." He said while dropping it on the table.

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