Training Tips and new dragon names

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The next morning I woke up and went over to Hiccup's hut to go to see Crystal and Toothless. I knock on his door and I heard a faint come in so I enter. I saw Hiccup with a belt on his waist attach to the saddle. I tilted my head "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Oh hi there Y/n. I just made this so when I ride Toothless I don't fall off." He replied and I nodded. 

"So are you ready to go?" I said and he nodded and picked up the saddle. We both fill a basket of fish for Crystal and Toothless and left to go to the secret place. Once we got to the cove we enter the tunnel and exit it. The next thing we saw was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. It was Toothless and Crystal sleeping and cuddle up to each other. 

"Aww look at them. They look cute together don't you think?" I said to Hiccup and he nodded in agreement. I stay in my spot and softly whistle in a tune and when they woke up they perked up and saw me and Hiccup. They both started running towards us with their tongues out and with gummy smiles. I laugh and said "Good morning guys. Me and Hiccup brought breakfast for you and this morning Hiccup and Toothless are going to practice flying. You and me Crystal are just going to watch them and maybe help them if needed. Then after that me and Hiccup have to go to dragon training." They nodded and started eating their breakfast. 

After they finish Hiccup attached to saddle to Toothless as I got on to Crystal and petted her head. We went out to the cove and started flying. Me and Crystal was behind Hiccup and Toothless as they try to work together to fly well but when Hiccup pull on his leg with the rope that was attach to the tail fin they fell down as me and Crystal landed to see if their okay. 

Crystal then ran to Toothless as they both started rolling all over the grass. Me and Hiccup give each other looks and I said "Hey it looks like these plants have affects on dragons so maybe we would use these for dragon training." and Hiccup nodded to me in agreement. 

"Come on Toothless and Crystal we need to get you guys back so me and Hiccup and go to dragon training." After I said that both of them got up as we all flew back to the cove and into the secret area. Me and Hiccup then said our byes to them and started running back to the village for dragon training. 

Once we got there the training started and we were against Meatlug again. She would pretend that she was going to attack me but move to the person that was near me. Tuffnut tried charging her with a shield but she just head butted him as he flew away. She then head towards me and Hiccup and we gave each other a nod as we both pulled out our hands with the same plant Toothless and Crystal was rolling on. 

Meatlug stop then lay down as we both started scratching her with the plant as she fell onto her side. After it ended we were walking on the bridge while the gang except Astrid kept asking us questions on how we did that but then Hiccup said "Well us me and Y/n left our axe and sword back inside the ring so you guys go ahead while we'll catch up to you." "Yeah we will be back." I said going along as we almost bumped into Astrid but ran away to go see Toothless and Crystal. 


The next day 

Me and Hiccup was with Toothless and Crystal as we started scratching them all over their heads. We continue scratching them until we scratch their chin which made them collapse while purring. "So that's their blind spot huh?" I said to Hiccup. 

During dragon training 

We were up against Stormfly again and Astrid try throwing her axe at her but she hit away with her spines and charged as her but she dodge as Stormfly charged as me and Hiccup. We both dropped our weapons and saw Astrid charging at her with an axe so we move quickly and started scratching her head then at her chin which made her collapse as Astrid stop and stare at us with shock. 

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