Mysterious dragon and new bond

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I was walking in the forest to look for the night fury that Hiccup capture to free it. I was looking around until I heard a screech from the distance. I ran over to the sound to see what it was. I move a bush out of the way and what I saw was shocking. It was a beautiful dragon with white scales and pretty blue eyes. It looked like a night fury but was different from the one I saw Hiccup caught. I took a closer look to see that it was injured on it's leg. I watch as it try to get up but only ended back on the ground.

I slowly walk over but I step on a branch making a sound. The dragon perked up and turned in my direction. When it saw me it's eyes turn slit and it started to growl at me. I was a little afraid but knew that it needed help. So I slowly walked over and the dragon started to back up but fell down. I kept walking over to it "Hey I'm not trying to hurt you, I just wanna help because you're injured." It kept growling at me but I slowly pulled my hand out and lower it so it knows I'm not trying to harm them. It stopped growling and started sniffing my hand. The dragon then put it's snout on it purring.

I let out a breath I didn't know I held and started to pet the dragon. "So are you a female?" It started nodding it's head. "Can I name you?" I asked kindly. It started nodding it's head again. "How about Snow?" It shaked it's head. "Luna?" No again. "How about Crystal because of your eyes." It stared at me for a sec then started purring. "I take that as a yes." "I wonder what type of dragon you are? You look like a night fury but white." I started thinking "Aha! I'm gonna say a light fury because it's the opposite of night and it rhymes." Crystal nodded her head. "I heard that night furies are really rare so I'm glad that I found you before any other Viking did or else you would of been capture."

I look up and saw that it started to get late. I look around but realize "Oh no, I don't have anything with me to help with your leg." Crystal then started rubbing her head on me saying that it's okay. I looked at her and said "Tomorrow I will be back with stuff to heal you. Can you stay here and hidden?" Crystal nodded her head and STARTED TURNING INVISIBLE!? "Crystal where are you?" I said looking around but I felt a head and hear purring. I turn back to see Crystal again. "So you can turn invisible huh? That's so cool!" I said excitingly. "Okay can you stay invisible until I come back tomorrow? I don't want anybody to see that a light fury is here." Crystal started purring so I took that as a yes. I gave her a pat and started leaving to the village.


The next morning

Still Y/n POV

I woke up in bed stretching but jolted out of bed. I got ready and had breakfast. I ran outside to Gothi's place to get stuff for Crystal. I went inside to not find Gothi so I took some bandages and ointment for Crystal's leg. I walk out and ran to the forest excited to see Crystal. When I got there I call for Crystal and look around. I heard a sound and turned around to see Crystal uncloaked looking at me purring. I walked up to her and started to pet her. "Good morning Crystal. I hope I didn't take too long." She rubbed her head on me saying that I didn't.

I laid the stuff on the ground and put my hand out for her leg. She slowly lifted her leg onto my hand. I started to gently applying ointment on her wound saying "Sorry if it hurts a little but don't worry it will help your leg." Crystal nodded her head at me saying she understands. After applying the ointment, I started to wrap it with bandages. One I was done I stood up saying "There all done. It should be healed by tomorrow since it's not as bad as yesterday. Can you stand up?" Crystal then started to try to stand up but fell down. I started to pet her to calm her down and to say that it was alright. "I think it's because you haven't been moving it so it started to be sore." I said thinking.

Crystal then started to look at me as if asking what to do. I then started you stretch my arm hoping that she would follow. She did follow and stretch her leg. Once she did she starting yelping happily as if saying it's helping. I then sat down "I think if you keep doing that it will eventually not feel sore anymore." She then rubbed her head purring as if saying thank you. I petted her saying "Your welcome. I just wanted to help. You know, I think that you and dragons are just misunderstood and not as bad as everyone thinks they are." I said to Crystal as she listen to me. I sighed and looked down saying "I just wish that Vikings and dragons didn't have to fight and everything would be fine." Crystal whined and I said "It's not your or any dragon's fault. You guys are just trying to defend yourselves against us."

I suddenly heard a stomach growling. I looked over at Crystal to see her looking away embarrassed. I chuckled "You must be hungry. I mean with your leg you couldn't hunt for any food." She nodded saying it was true. I then stood up and said "I will get you some food from the village. We have lots of fish from fishing." She then pinned me against the ground and started licking me. I laughed while trying to get away. "Okay Okay you have to wait first because I need to go to the village to get them." She then started to stop licking me.

I stood up and turned to her. "Stay hidden while I go get you food. I will come back okay?" She cloaked herself and I knew she understand. I ran to the village and put a bunch of fish in a basket. Once I got enough I ran back to the forest. I arrive with a basket of fish and said "Crystal I got the food you can turn visible now." Right after I said that she appeared and sat up excitingly. I walk over to her and dumped the fish from the basket. I laughed when I saw her dived into the pile of fish quickly. I sat down and wait for her to finish which didn't take long.

As the sun was setting I sat on the edge with Crystal laying down next to me with her head in my lap. I sighed when I realizing that dragon training starts tomorrow. Crystal looked up at me questionably. I then said "Dragon training is going to happen tomorrow which means I need to harm a dragon and I don't want to do it but since I'm a Viking I need to participate." Crystal then purred saying that it was going to be fine.

Suddenly an idea popped up inside my head. I sat up "Aha! I know what to do. What if I don't try to hurt the dragon but get it to trust me. Like I did to you Crystal." Crystal looked up at me with a tilted head wondering why. I then said "If I can earn a dragon's trust then maybe I can show Vikings how dragons really are." I then looked back at the sunset and was determined for tomorrow. I looked at Crystal and said "I need to thank you Crystal because without you I wouldn't think of this right now." Crystal then looked at me and nod her head saying your welcome. Up next is DRAGON TRAINING!


End of chapter

I hope you enjoy it :)

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