Toothless meets Crystal and new place

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This morning I woke up and got ready to go see crystal. But first I went to get measuring items to measure her side for the saddle. After I got those and filled a basket with fish. I head to the forest. Once I reach to the place I call for her. I heard a noise and turned to see Crystal running towards me happily. I smile as she nuzzle her head and sniff the measuring items.

I lifted them up and said "These are for me to measure you so I can make a saddle so stay still for a moment okay?" she nodded and stand still for me to measure her. I measure her waist and back. "Okay and here." I said and dump the basket full of fish as she sniff them. "I brought breakfast for you since I knew that you would be hungry." I said to her as she started eating.

I then tell her that I will be back after I finish with the saddle. I headed to Gobber's place and went inside to see nobody. "He's probably busy with planning for dragon training." I thought. I then started making the saddle and designing it. I made it so that it was really light so Crystal doesn't feel uncomfortable and design it with some colors.

I painted it with white and some pretty small blue swirls design. After I finish I lifted up to see the final product and it looked really nice. I smile widely feeling proud of myself and started heading back to the forest. After I got there I see Crystal laying down curled up. I smile and walked towards her "Crystal, I'm back and with a new saddle. I think you will like it." I said to her softly not wanting to scare her.

She uncurled herself and stand up sniffing the saddle. "Do you like the design? I made it so it would match you and so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable." I said and she started purring. "Are you ready for me to put it on you?" I asked her and she started running around me with excitement and had her tongue out with a gummy smile.

I giggled at her finding her excitement adorable. "Okay stay still for me will you?" I said and she stand still for me to put it on. I started to put it on gently and fasten the buckles around her. I made sure that it was tight but not too tight where she couldn't breath. After I finish I looked at her and said "Wow it looks good on you. Don't you think?" She turned her head to her back and nodded jumping happily.

"Okay now I'm gonna try to get on you." I said to her. Crystal nodded and I slowly got on her. I patted her head and said "Okay are you ready to fly for the first time with me on you?" She nodded and open her wings getting ready to launch. I got excited to see what it would be like to fly and said "Okay when I say three you can start flying the way you want." She nodded and purred with excitement.

"1...2...3!" After I said that she immediately lifted off the ground. I happily laugh as she went so fast. "This is the best! Don't you think?!" I said to her and she roared loudly agreeing. She then went up into the clouds and it was so pretty.

After some time on getting use to it I asked "How about we try some tricks? It's gonna be so cool!" Crystal gurgle with excitement. "Okay so we will dive down and glide over the water. Then after that we fly straight up and fly in a circle backwards. After that while we dive down and keep spinning into a circle and then you open your wings as we start gliding." I said towards her and she nodded.

We started diving down and glide over the water as she roared happily. I laugh since it felt so free and nice to fly with her. Then we starting flying straight up and after we reached to the clouds we did a circle backwards then dive back down again. She tucked her wings at we started spinning together as I laugh. She open her wings and we started gliding as we looked at the view. I then came up to something and said "Okay now this is the hard part I'm gonna start standing on your back and then do a backflip so I trust you that you will catch me." She roared comfortingly at me saying she will catch me. I smile at her and started standing on her back. I took a deep breath and jumped and did a backflip.

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