The Final Exam

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Y/n POV 

Today was the day where me and Hiccup have to kill a dragon. I'm really nervous since I don't want to kill one. Right now me, Astrid, and Hiccup are in the back waiting for it to begin. I was shaking a little and Hiccup notice. He put his hand on my shoulder and said "Hey it will be okay." 

I nodded and stop shaking. Outside I can hear a lot of cheering. I then hear Stoic said "Well I can show my face in public again." I watched as he gesture for people to be quiet and started to make a speech. "If someone told me that in a few short weeks, Hiccup would well uh being Hiccup to placing first in dragon training with Y/n! Well I would of tied him to a mast and ship him off for fear! He's gone mad!" As people started to cheer louder. 

"And you know it." said Stoic laughing. "But, here we are. No one's more surprised than I am." I look at Hiccup as he look down and swallow. So I gave him a hug and look up at him with a smile. "Don't worry, I'm sure your father would be really proud of you if we can show if how dragons are really are." After I said that he blush a little and nod at me with a smile. 

"Today, my boy and his friend becomes a Viking. Today, they become one of us!" yell Stoic as the people cheer. Me and Hiccup look in front of us with determine as I felt Astrid walk behind us. "Be careful with that dragon." She said as I replied "It's not the dragon we're worry about." "What are you going to do?" She then asked as Hiccup said "Put a end to this. We have to try." We then turn to her "Astrid, if something goes wrong, make sure they don't find Toothless and Crystal." I said to her seriously. "I will, just promise me it won't go wrong." Once she said that I smile and hug her as she hug back. 

"Take care of each other" she said as we nodded. Gobber then came and said "It's time Hiccup and Y/n. Knock them dead." We let out a big breath and started to walk out as Hiccup put on his helmet. People then started to cheer as I hear the group cheering for us and I smile at them. People cheer so loud and started chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" 

We then picked up our shield as Hiccup pick up a small dagger and I pick a sword. We breath out and said "We're ready." The lock then got pull up as a monstrous nightmare in fire charge out. It started to climb all over the arena and hang upside down until it saw us. It climb down slowly and glare at us. People started to tell us to hit it but we ignore them.

It started to walk towards us slowly as we backed up and drop our weapons. "Hey it's okay. It's okay." Hiccup slowly as it still growl so I step up. "Hey don't worry, we're not one of them. We are both friends with dragons and if you met the other captured dragons then you'll know me. I know how it feels to be trap since I felt the same way with wanting to become someone I don't want to be." I said quietly to it as it perked up which made me think it recognize me. 

"Okay I know that it's a bad time but I think I will name you Hookfang." He nod it's head at me as Hiccup look at me with disbelief. "Really, are you naming it now." "Hey! In my defense we can't just call him a dragon. Everyone deserve a name." I said back as he nodded. Hookfang quietly purr at me which made me knew he trust me but he still growl at Hiccup. I look at him and said "The helmet Hiccup. It makes you look like one of them." He then nodded and took off his helmet while said "I'm not one of them."  

People then started gasping and mumbling disbelief. "Stop the fight." I heard Stoic said until Hiccup said "No, I need you all to see this." I started to pull my hand out as Hookfang sniff it and put his head on it quietly purring as people then gasp but then he turn to Hiccup still glaring. Hiccup then pull out his hand "They're not who we think they are. We don't have to kill them." Hookfang then lean his head in until I kept petting him until I got startle when Stoic yell "I SAID STOP THE FIGHT!" While smashing a hammer against the rail bending it. 

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