Dragon Training Day 1

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Today was the first day of dragon training. Before we went inside the arena we first picked out a weapon. A bunch of different types of weapons were laying down on the grown so all of us picked something. I picked out a sword, Astrid chose an axe, Fishlegs with a rock hammer, Snotlout with a mace, Tuffnut and Ruffnut with a spear.

Gobber open the door to the arena while saying "Welcome to dragon training." As we walked inside Astrid said "No turning back." When we were inside we looked around in amazement. "I hope I get some serious burns." Tuffnut said. Ruffnut then said "I'm hoping for some mauling like shoulder or blowing back." "Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it." Astrid responded. Then a boring voice appeared "Yeah, no kidding right. Pain, love it." We turned around and see Hiccup with a small scythe.

Tuffnut said "Oh great, who let him in." I jammed my elbow to his side giving him a disappointed look. "Quit it." I said. Gobber then yelled "Let's get started! Let's see who's the best" He then turned to Hiccup "He'll win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village." Snotlout then sarcastically said "Hiccup already killed a night fury, so does that disqualify him?" Then everybody started laughing but I interrupted saying "Don't say that, I mean maybe he'd actually did killed a night fury and if he did then I think he is better then you. He doesn't flirt with every girl like you do and it makes me uncomfortable when you do." I looked down after saying my opinion and looked up to see everybody looking at me with shocked including Hiccup.

Snotlout turned to me and said "Oh come on babe, I know you agree with me." I looked at him annoyed and said "I think you just prove my point and if you want advice, I think you should stop flirting if you want somebody to date you." Astrid said "I'm gonna have to agree with her advice for you." Snotlout said "Not you too Astrid, com-" Gobber interrupted "All right, that enough let's just get started."


Hiccup POV

When Y/n defended me I was shocked. I never thought that anybody would stand up to me. When she gave Snotlout an advice, I turned away to cover my laugh since she doesn't know that she is insulting him. Gobber then said that we would get started.

As he walked me to the others he said "Don't worry, your small and weak. That'll make you less of a target. They'll see you as a sick and insane and go after the more Viking like beans instead." When he said that it just made me feel worse. It made me feel sad that he thinks I'm not good enough to fight with a dragon. When we reached to the other I bumped into someone. I looked at the person and saw that it was Y/n that I'd bumped into and turning away blushing.


Back to Y/n POV

Me and the other lined up and I stood next to Fishleg. I felt someone bumped into me and looked at them. I saw that it was Hiccup and when he looks at me, he immediately looked away. I turned away sad thinking that he didn't liked me. At least I tried to stand up for him against Snotlout. I shaked my head thinking "I can't let that bother right now. I need to focus on trying to get the dragon to like me without hurting it."

Gobber said "Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will live to fight." Then there was sounds of a dragon coming from behind the door. While Gobber was saying what species of dragons, Fishlegs keep saying facts about them. "The deadly nadder, the piteous zippleback, the monstrous nightmare, the terrible terror." As fishleg said another fact Gobber yell at him to stop. "And...The gronckle." Gobber finally said while getting ready to pull the leaver. Fishleg then whisper to me a fact about the gronckle.

Snotlout then stepped up trying to protested. "Woah, Woah, wait. Aren't you going to teach us first?" "I believe in landing on the job." Gobber replied while pulling the leaver. As the wood got lift up a gronckle charged out of the door. It then started to fly towards us while we were running away. "Today is about survival. If you get blasted, your dead." Gobber said while the dragon fly towards the wall. "Quick, what's the first thing your going to need." Gobber ask us. "A doctor" Hiccup said. "A bus five-speed" Fishleg says. "A shield" Me and Astrid said. Even though I don't want to hurt dragons I still need to learn how to defend myself.

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