The Dragon's Nest

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Y/n POV 

We continue on following the dragons as Toothless and Crystal refuse to leave. "It looks like they're hauling in their kill." Hiccup said as we looked at the dragons. "Uh... What does that make us?" Astrid asked as I looked at her. "Don't worry Toothless and Crystal would never give us in right guys?" I said as they both roar. 

I looked next to us and see a zippleback glaring at us and I just nervously smile back. We then started diving as Astrid started yelling. We started to dodge some rocks as Astrid's grip tighten around me waist. Once it got more clear I looked up and see a volcano. 

We then enter and there was a bunch of pillars and it was really red inside with a lot of dragons. "What my dad would of give to finds this..." Hiccup breathe. We started to fly around and hid behind a pillar. We watched as dragons begin to drop their food to the fog. "Oh that's satisfying to know that all of our food is getting dump down to a hole." Hiccup said as I looked at scene suspiciously. "They're not eating any of it." I said as Astrid nodded. 

Then a gronckle appear flying wobbly and it threw up fish to the hole. It started flying away until something horrify happen. A giant dragon ate the gronckle and I gasp and look away as I held onto Crystal's neck. "What it that?" Astrid breath out. "Alright guys we need to get out of here." I said to Toothless and Crystal as I saw the dragon look at our direction. "NOW!" I yell as it launch to us opening it's mouth but we got away before getting eaten. 

We started flying upwards toward the hole is with the other dragons and it was going to get us until a zippleback got in it's way and it ate it instead. 


*Time Skip* 

We manage to get away and is now flying in the forest. "Well it totally makes sense. It's like a bee hive. They're the workers and that's their queen. It controls them." Astrid said while getting off. She started running and said "Let's find your dad." I panic as Hiccup quickly yell "No! No." I quickly ran in front of her to stop her. "Not yet, they'll kill Toothless and Crystal. Astrid we need to think this through carefully." I said to her and started to walk but Astrid said "Y/n Hiccup, we just discovered the dragon's nest. The thing we've been after since Vikings first sailed here and you guys want to keep is a secret! To protect you pet dragons are you serious!" I got serious and turned to say "Yes. You see Astrid I never even wanted to be a Viking in the first place but I had to. I didn't feel like I was part of the Village and I had to pretend to become someone I don't want to be. But not until I met Crystal and even Toothless. I rather protect them then let them get kill just for letting our village to find the dragon's nest." She widen her eyes, the same with Hiccup as Toothless and Crystal rubbed their heads against me purring. 

I turned away and got shock later "Okay, what do we do?" Astrid said softly. She then smile and said "I want you to be happy Y/n. Your like my little sister and I know that if Crystal and Toothless get kill you would be really upset and I don't want that for you." I then quickly hug her and said thanks. Then Hiccup said "Okay just give me and Y/n until tomorrow. We'll figure something out." and I nodded. "Okay." Astrid said but then punch Hiccup and I. "That's for kidnapping me." as me and Hiccup touch our should and look over to Toothless and Crystal to just see them shrug and drink water. She then hug us "That's for everything else. Also you'll have to thank me later." Astrid said the last part to Hiccup and whisper something to me. 

I look at her confuse and said "Why?" and she replied "If you do that it'll make him really happy." So I smile and walk to Hiccup. "Astrid said that this will make you happy so I hope it does." After I said that he looked confuse until I tiptoed and softly kiss his cheek. Hiccup's face then turn red which made me confuse. I turned to Astrid to see her smirking and I pointed to him "Are you sure that was suppose to make him happy? I mean look at him his face is red." I then gasp and said "Oh no! Did I make him feel sick? Astrid you said it will make him happy." I then got into Hiccup's face. "Are you okay!? I'm so sorry!" I said and then heard laughing so I turn to see Crystal and Toothless. "What's so funny?!" Once I said that Hiccup snapped out of it and glare at them as they smirk back. 

"N-nothing." After he said that I nodded and turn to leave with Astrid. "Okay then I'll see you guys later. So Crystal and Toothless stay out of trouble and Hiccup make sure to take them back." Once I said that I started running with Astrid to go home "Oh got tomorrow is me and Hiccup's final exam. I'm so nervous." I thought. 


Hiccup POV 

Once Y/n left I shyly looked down thinking of the kiss she gave me and had a love daze. Crystal and Toothless then walked up to me with innocent looks but I know that they were smirking. They then purr and I got annoyed and said "What are you guys looking at?" After I said that Crystal and Toothless started teasing me by nuzzling each other as Toothless tease me by copying the smile that I did every time I looked at Y/n. "Okay! I get it. I look weird but please stop that." I said as they made dragon laughing noise. 

I grumble and got onto Toothless. to fly them back. "Come on. Let's get you guys to the cove." I said as we started flying back. I then said goodnight to them and went back to my hut to get some sleep for tomorrow. I sigh as I remember that tomorrow will be me and Y/n's final exam but went to sleep. 


End of the really short chapter 

But hope you like it still :)

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