Dragon Training day 2 and new friends

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Before dragon training

I woke up and decided to visit Crystal since I didn't see her since the day before dragon training. I got ready and eat breakfast. I went to the forest without getting seen and walked over to the location where Crystal is. Once I got there I looked around and see nothing so I called out her name. "CRYSTAL! I'm back! Where are you?!" I suddenly heard an excited screech and yelped when I felt something knocked me down.

I looked up and see Crystal with a smile on her face while looking at me. I smile back and said "Hey girl. How are you and how is your leg?" She then got off me and show me her leg. She was still smiling so I check it and said "It looks heal, can you move?" She got up and started running around me and jumping up excitingly. I laughed at her happiness then started petting her and said "Now that your leg is heal you are free to go." I looked at her with a sad smiling and she stopped running and looked at me.

I move aside and pointed to the sky. "You can be free now so fly away but remember I will miss you." I said sadly and walked over to her putting my forehead against her head. She looked down and started walking away getting ready to fly. She looked back at me whining and I nodded towards her.

The next thing that happen made me confuse. She started tucking her wings back then started walking towards me shaking her head. I knew what she was saying and shaked my head. "You need to go. You can't stay with me or else you would be in danger." I said trying to convince her. But she didn't listen and started rubbing her head on me purring. I sighed and knew that she wasn't going to listen. I then started petting her and said "Are you sure? I mean you can be free out there instead of being in danger with me." She nodded her head saying she was sure.

I then hugged her and said "Thank you for being my friend and staying with me. I promise that I will try my best to protect you no matter what." She started purring and hugged me. I almost lost my balance because of her weight but hugged her back. I then pulled away and say "How about I talked about what happen yesterday at dragon training." She nodded her head and laid down next to me with her head on my lap.

I started on telling her about how I saved Hiccup and I was almost able to have the gronckle to trust me. She had a proud look on her face when I mentioned what happen with me and the gronckle as if saying she is lucky to have someone that can be friends with dragons. "Then Hiccup started rambling about me being reckless but I stopped him with a hugged. But when I pulled away his face was red which made me worry and confused so I asked him if he needed to get treated but he said he's fine. I wonder I did something wrong or that he turns red normally." I question to myself.

Crystal then started shaking her head at me like she knew something and I looked at her confuse. "What?" I asked her but she just responded by rubbing her head again me. So I ignored what happened a second ago and started petting her. I then quickly got off remembering that I still have dragon training today. I then said to her while running away "I have dragon training to get to so take care of yourself and try to stay out of trouble. I'll see you again and love you!"


Still Y/N POV

Once I got to the arena, I stopped and starting breathing heavily. "I'm here, I hope that I'm not late." "Oh Y/n! Don't worry you just made it in time. We are about to start so go ahead and get a weapon and shield. I nodded and walked pass the group to grab a sword and shield but not before smiling at them sweetly. "I'm sorry if I kept you guys waiting. I hope that you can forgive me." They smile back and Astrid said "Don't worry we understand that you might be busy and just like Gobber said your just in time." I nodded at her.

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