Test Drive

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Y/n POV 

Today was the day the Toothless and Hiccup was going to go on a official ride in the sky. The last couple of days we were just learning on how to use the tail but today we are going to go on a test drive. Me and Hiccup was at the cove putting the saddles onto Crystal and Toothless. Once we finish getting ready we got on and I turned to Hiccup and said "Are you ready?" and he replied "Yeah I am. Are you bud?" He asked Toothless as he nodded. 

We then both lift up in to the sky and once we got at a good height we started gliding. Me and Crystal was next to them in case anything happens. "Okay bud. We're going to take this nice and slow." Hiccup said to Toothless while patting his side. He started looking at the sheet attached to the saddle. "Okay here we go. Position 3 no 4." He said as he switch on the tail fin. 

Toothless then looked at the tail and then in front of him annoyed and I notice it. "I know that it's annoying but you need to trust Hiccup and we need to take it slow or else things can go wrong so don't worry once you guys get it down you can fly however you want and it will be worth it." I said to Toothless and Crystal purr at him in reassuringly as he nodded purring. 

Hiccup gave us a thankful nod as they both started to tilt to the side and turn directions with me and Crystal following. Then they starting flying forward and Hiccup look behind him to see the tail and me and Crystal as I gave him a nod with encouragement. He nodded back and said "All right it's go time." As he and Toothless started diving and then flew over the water. 

"Come on buddy!" Hiccup yelled at Toothless with encouragement. "Yes it worked." Hiccup said as they went under a rock arch. But that ended as they crash to a pillar when they try to turn. Me and Crystal flew up to them "Are you okay?" I asked as he nod. "Sorry" He said to Toothless but when they try to turn again they ended up crashing. 

"Hiccup you are trying to pull to hard and that's making Toothless loosing control and you need to control the tail fin too instead of just pulling to turn." I said to him giving him advice as he nodded towards me understanding and Toothless gave me a purr thanking me. 

"Sorry Toothless" Hiccup apologized to him as he get slap in the face with a ear as me and Crystal laugh at him. "Yeah yeah I'm on it." He said "Position 4 no 3" As they started fly straight up. "Yeah go baby!" Hiccup yell as I giggle at their excitement. We started to fly up with them as Hiccup said "Oh this is amazing!" While Toothless had a huge grin on his face as I said "I know right! This was how I reacted when I first rode Crystal." 

But that happiness ended as Hiccup's cheat sheet flew off as he yell and tried to reach it but suddenly Hiccup got unattached to Toothless' saddle as they started to fall down. "HICCUP! TOOTHLESS!" I yell for them as Crystal roared loudly worry. We dived down for them as Hiccup tried to get back on Toothless but he kept moving around which made it hard. 

Toothless roared in panic as Hiccup kept yelling. "Okay you need to angle yourself. Okay no no come back towards me-" Hiccup said to Toothless but he got slap away with his tail. I was trying to not laugh because I knew this was serious. "Crystal grabbed Hiccup and fly him over to Toothless so he can go back on." I said to her as she follow what I said. She grabbed Hiccup and we flew him back to Toothless as he got back on. 

They pulled up as the wind hit their face and I saw Hiccup trying to look at his cheat sheet but I knew there wasn't enough time so I yell "Hiccup there's no time to look at that you need to do this on your own and with Toothless. Just go with your instinct and work together with Toothless." His face then turn to a determine was as he threw the cheat sheet away and started dodging the pillars with Toothless on his own as me and Crystal follow them.

Once we made it out I laugh happily "I knew you guys can do it." I said to them as Hiccup yell with achievement and Toothless had a smile while shooting a plasma blast in front of them. Crystal did the same but I didn't worry because I knew what would happen as we flew inside and turn invisible but Hiccup didn't quite had the same reaction. "Oh come on" I heard him and when they flew out me, Crystal, and Toothless was laughing on how burnt he looked. 

He looked at us annoyed and said "Yeah, Yeah, laugh all you want." We continue laughing but eventually stop as we landed on a random place. Me and Hiccup sat down as Toothless and Crystal dive into the water hunting for fish and when they came back up they had a mouth full of fish. 

I laugh at them and put a bunch of sticks in front of me and Hiccup. "Okay guys plasma blast." I said to them as they shot a small plasma blast creating a fire. Me and Hiccup then started cooking some fish with the fire. Then Toothless threw up some of the fish and looked at Hiccup as he said "Ahh, no thanks, I'm good." and then Crystal just ate the threw up fish and started to nuzzle against Toothless as he did the same. 

I smile at the two finding them adorable together and I heard a noise and turn to see some terrible terrors heading our way. Toothless and Crystal then started growling while hugging their food possessively. I giggle at them as one the terrible terror took one of the fish. Another one try to come closer but the it shot a blast at them as they run away. 

Toothless and Crystal looked at them annoyed as turned to see a fish standing up. Then another terrible terror crawled out with the fish in it's mouth but Toothless grabbed onto the other side of the fish as they started playing tug of war. Toothless ended up wining and he started to make dragon laughing noises at it teasing it. 

It started to get ready to shoot a blast at him but Crystal just blew a tiny plasma blast in it's mouth causing it to fall down. It started crawling wobbly and Hiccup said "Not so fire proof on the inside are you." While I threw a fish towards it "There you go." I said to it softly. It start eating it as Hiccup and I sat back down. It then crawled between us underneath our hands and laid down. 

We both started petting it as Hiccup said "Everything we know about you guys, is wrong." "Yeah I agreed." I replied as he look at me. "You know I notice on how you acted on the first 2 days of training and I always wonder why you didn't hurt them but now I know." He said as I chuckled. "Well you see, for my whole life I knew that dragons weren't as bad as everyone thinks they are. I just thought that they were misunderstood but I didn't know if I was actually right until I found Crystal injured and that was when I realize that dragons are actually not so bad. Before dragon training started I didn't wanted to participate in it but I knew I had to so I came up with a plan that was instead of hurting them why not try to tame them so everyone can understand that dragons are different." I said to him as his eyes widen. 

He smile at me and said "Well then how about I help you? I want everybody to get along with dragons too." and I smile at him and said "Sure the more help the better." We smile at each other as Crystal and Toothless came over to us rubbing their heads against us. I laugh as I got up "Okay let's go back now. I hope you still have those skills in riding Hiccup." I said to him as he laugh "Of course I do." I then got on Crystal as we flew off. "Let's see who gets there first then. Last one is a rotten egg." I yell as me and Crystal shot off to the sky. "Hey! That's not fair! You got a head start!" I heard Hiccup yell as I looked behind me and see him on Toothless catching up to me and Crystal. 

I patted her head and said "Full speed girl!" she then roared and flew ahead really fast. We arrive at the cove first as I got off of her and started dancing. "Haha! We won!" I said to her as she started running around me but that ended when I got knocked down to the ground. I groaned and looked up to see Toothless smiling with Hiccup on him smirking at me. I gave him an annoyed look while saying "Not cool Hiccup. Not cool." He chuckled and help me got up. 

It was getting dark so me and Hiccup took off their saddles as they went to the tunnel to the hidden place as me and Hiccup walked together back to the village. We both said goodnight and bye as we went separate ways and then I went to my bed falling asleep instantly. 


End of chapter 

Hope you are loving the story :)

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