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I woke up the next morning put my pants back on and went downstairs. Mom, Lisa, Maggie, and homer were already eating. I sat down and started eating my breakfast. Afterward, I went to my room to play more video games. After a few hours. Mom came into the room and said that they were going to the fair, and asked if I wanted to go? I said no and she said ok and left. After I heard them leave I went downstairs in just a diaper. I looked through the medicine cabinet and found some laxatives I took 3 of them and went back to my room. After an hour I had to poop. So I stood up squatted and pushed it into my diaper. I felt its coil in the seat of my diaper. after 3 minutes of pooping, I was done. Then I sat down and felt it spread all over. I sat back down in my chair and I went back to my game. After 30 minutes I heard the car pull in and I started to panic knowing that they were home. I ran to Maggie's room grabbed a diaper rushed to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I took the diaper off threw it away got in the shower and cleaned myself off. After my shower, I put the new diaper on and put my clothes back on. I went to my room and kept playing until lunch. When mom called us downstairs for lunch. I ate my lunch and went back upstairs. About 2 hours later mom came into my room and closed the door. She walked over to me and asked what I left in the bathroom. I started to panic mentally and I said nothing. Then she said well I found one of Maggie's diapers in the trash and Maggie couldn't have used it because they were not home. Then I said ok fine I used it. My eyes started to water then mom said it's ok and asked why I used one of Maggie's diapers? I said I didn't want to have to get up to use the bathroom and stop playing my game, but after I used it the first time I realized I liked it. Mom then said ok, and said if I want she could get me my own diapers and I said yes. She said ok then asked if  I was wearing a diaper right now I said yes. She said ok and left. I heard her leave for the store after 20 minutes mom came home and brought a pack of diapers up to me, and asked if I had used my diaper? I had wet it about 10 minutes ago and said yes. She asked me if I wanted her to change me? I blushed and nodded my head yes. She opened the bag of diapers and grabbed one. We went to Maggie's room and I climbed up onto the changing table mom pulled my pants off, then she untapped my diaper, she wiped my butt, and slid my new diaper under me and put baby powder on me and tapped my diaper shut. I stood up and went to grab my pants, but mom grabbed then and said since I wanted to wear diapers she will need to see my diaper to know if I need it changed. I said but what if homer or Lisa see? She then said if they say anything about it to upset you they will be in big trouble. I said fin. Mom then left my room and I went back to my games.

Bart Simpson in diapersWhere stories live. Discover now