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Moms pov
I awoke 30 minutes later to see that Bart and Lisa were still watching tv. When I sat up I saw that both Bart and Lisa's diapers were full and said that they need a diaper change. So I took Bart and Lisa upstairs and changed their diapers. Once I put up all the changing stuff I went to the kitchen and say that we needed some groceries. So I told Bart and Lisa that they need to get dressed. Then I went back up to my room and changed into my normal dress with my diaper still underneath. Once all 3 of us were dressed we got in the car and went to the store for groceries. Once at the store I grabbed a shopping cart and the 3 of us went to get all we came for. After 30 minutes of shopping I had a sudden urge to poop, so I looked around to see if anyone was around. And the isle I was in was empty, so I slightly squatted and started to push. First the mess entered my diaper, then it slowly coiled in the seat of my diaper, then it started to make its way up the back of my diaper. Once I was done messing my diaper I started to pee in my diaper. Once my diaper was full we continued getting what we need and went home.
Once home I went to the kitchen and put all the groceries away. Then after the groceries were all put away I went upstairs to my room and changed back into my onesie. Once I had my onesie on I went downstairs and mad myself a snack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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