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When I woke up that morning I had to poop. So I squatted down and pushed the mess out. I had to poop so bad that my diaper was full to the brim. When I was done I went to Lisa's room to see if she was awake. When I got to her room I say her still in her bad asleep. I pulled the covers up and I saw that her diaper was dry. I woke her up saying that her diapers was dry. She looked shocked and asked me not to tell and I said ok but she had to mess her diaper as well. She said fine and squatted down and pushed I say the seat of her diaper sage a lot. Then I saw the front of her diaper turn yellow. Before she could stand back up I pushed her down into her mess. She blushed feeling the mess spread all over her butt. I asked if she liked using a diaper instead of the toilet? She said kinda. I asked her if she wants me to ask mom if she could wear diapers just like me? She said let me think about it. I said ok and went downstairs. Lisa soon followed me downstairs. When we got downstairs mom was on her way up to wake us up and say our diapers. She said oh wow you two really filled Those diapers. Then she grabbed our hand and brought us to Maggie's room and change our diapers. She changed my diaper first, then she asked Lisa if she would like to be put in another diaper? She said umm... then said sure I guess. Then mom changed Lisa's diaper and into a fresh one. After mom changed our diaper we went back downstairs and ate breakfast.( little did Bart and Lisa know that both of their Meals had very strong laxatives in them.) after breakfast marge said that they were coming with her to the store and told us to go get dressed. We listened to what mom said and we went up to our rooms and got dressed. I went with some baggie sweatpants and a red shirt. On my way to the stairs I say Lisa in her usual red dress. Once we got to the bottom of the stairs mom was waiting at the door. We left the house and got in the car and where off to the store.

Bart Simpson in diapersWhere stories live. Discover now