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After about 3 hours mom came in and checked my diaper. I didn't hear her come in so I jumped and peed in my diaper a little. She say this and chuckled. Then she said that dinner was in 30 minutes. I said ok and asked if I could have my pants back? She said no and that I will be sitting at the table in a diaper and T-shirt. I sighed and said fine. I got back on my game and after 25 minutes mom called us down for dinner, I heard Lisa run by my room, I got up and slowly made my way downstairs. When I got to the kitchen I heard Lisa and homer snicker, then mom gave them a look and they stopped and went back to eating. Mom told me to sit down and I did, she went to the kitchen to make my plate. I saw her add a white powder to my food, I paid no mind to it thinking it was Salt or something. When mom brought my food I grabbed my fork and started to eat. Once I finished eating I got up and took my plate to the kitchen and put it in the sink. I was about to head up to my room when mom stopped me and said that they all were going to watch a movie. I said ok and went to the couch and sat down. I was soon meat by Lisa, then homer, and then mom with Maggie. They all set down and we started the movie. 25 minutes through the move I moved to the floor on my stomach. After 5 more minutes I felt a sudden urge to poop. I was about to get up to use the bathroom when mom asked, where I was going? I said I was going to the bathroom. She then said that I was wearing it and said to just go in my diaper. I decided to just hold it until later. 10 more minutes into the movie I heard Maggie grunting then I smelt the smell of poop. I looked back and say Maggie's butt getting bigger. Once she was down she sat back down and giggled. After Maggie had finished messing her diaper I could no longer hold it, and I felt the hot mess slide into my diaper It slowly coiled in the seat of my diaper. After 5 minutes of pooping I was done. I turned back and say Lisa barely able to hold back a laugh. After a few minutes Lisa bursted out laughing at me. I felt my eyes started to water. But before I could cry mom said "it won't be so funny when I put you in a diaper" then mom grabbed Lisa by the arm and drag her upstairs after a few minutes mom came back downstairs with Lisa in a diaper. Mom took Lisa to the kitchen and made her another plate of dinner and added the same white powder to her food as she did mine. Mom made Lisa eat the whole plate. Once she was done they came back to he living room and mom set Lisa right next to me and continued the movie. After 10 more minutes Lisa got up and was about to walk off when mom said "we're do you think your going?" Lisa said to the bathroom. Then mom said that she had to use the diaper. Lisa sighed and sat back down next to me. At the end of the movie Lisa was fidgeting a lot, mom saw this and told Lisa to just use her diaper. Lisa said fine and stood up and squatted and pushed it all out. I saw the back of her diaper sag. After 5 minutes of pooping she was done. Then mom pushed her down onto her but. Lisa said eww. Mom then took us the Maggie's room and changed our diapers. Once my and Lisa's diapers were changed mom told Lisa that she is going to stay in that diaper for the rest of the night and if she did not have a wet diaper in the morning she was going to be in diapers for 3 weeks. Lisa said ok and went to her room. Mom then told me goodnight and told me to go to bed. I went to my room and grabbed a new T-shirt and put it on and went to bed.

Bart Simpson in diapersWhere stories live. Discover now