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After 3 hours of watching tv it was time for dinner, me and Lisa sat next to each other at the table. Mom then brought our food and we started to eat our food. After 10 minutes we finished our food so we put our plates in the sink and went back to the living room to watch tv for the next 2 hours. After 2 hours it was time for bed so mom took me and Lisa to Maggie room and changed our diaper. Then me and Lisa went upstairs to our rooms and fell asleep fast that night.
Moms pov.
It was now 12pm and Bart and Lisa were fast asleep so I grabbed my phone and first went into Barts room and opened a Hypnosis video and plugged the headphones in and put the buds in his ears. The hypnosis video was to make it to were when he was in a diaper he would not have any control over his bladder and bowel's, I did the same for Lisa. I wanted this because lately Bart and Lisa have been trying to use their bathroom instead of their diapers so I want them to use their diapers without thinking about it. After the video stopped for Bart I could hear him grunting, I pulled the covers off him and I Could see the seat of his diaper expanding, and the same happened to Lisa. After I was done I went back to my room and went to sleep thinking about the messy baby's I will have to change in the morning.
Barts pov.
When I woke up I could feel the mess in my diaper, I looked shocked that I messed my diaper in my sleep. I got up and went to Lisa's room and say that her diaper was messy as well. I woke her up and asked if she messed her diaper before she went to sleep? She said no and I told her that her diaper was full. She sat up and felt the mess in her diaper. She looked shocked just as I was. We went downstairs and mom say our diaper and said wow y'all to need a diaper change and took us up to Maggies room and change our diapers. After mom changed our diaper me and Lisa said that we messed our diaper in our sleep. Mom said ok well I thing y'all should stay in your diapers until you get control back so we said ok and went downstairs to have breakfast.

Bart Simpson in diapersWhere stories live. Discover now