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Moms pov.
I woke up early that morning to the doorbell ringing and I went downstairs and say the mailman drive away. When I opened the door I say a package and took it inside. Once inside I opened the package and found it was the swimming diapers I ordered for Bart and Lisa. I went upstairs and woke up Bart and Lisa and told them it was time for breakfast. I made Bart and Lisa each 3 pancakes and a bottle of formula.(both of which have strong laxatives in them but they have a delayed effect.) after breakfast I told Bart and Lisa that we were going to the pool 2 towns over. They said yay but then asked what about our diapers? I told them that I had Bought some swimming diapers for them to wear. Then said ok and asked when we are leaving? I said In the next 2 hours. They said ok and went to the living room to watch tv.(the laxatives won't start having an effect for another 3 hours.) after an hour and 40 minutes I told Bart and Lisa that it was time to get ready and told them to follow me. First I grabbed the swimming diapers and then took Bart and Lisa up to Maggie's room to change their diapers. Both Bart and Lisa wet their diaper so I changed them into their swimming diapers pretty fast.
Barts pov.
Once me and Lisa were in our swimming diapers we were about to go get in our bathing suits but mom stopped us. She said that we are just going to be wearing shirt and our diaper and nothing else. We asked why and she said so she can keep an eye on our diapers in case then need a change. We said but mom and she shushed us and said that we are going to the pool 2 towns over so there won't be anyone we know. We stopped arguing and went to our rooms and got on shirts to wear to the pool.
Time skip to the pool.
Barts pov.
Once we got the pool we entered the fence. At first people looked at me and Lisa weirdly but then went back to whatever they were doing. So we went and found a spot for us to sit and we got our sun screen on and got into the pool. Then we got out and went to the spot we're mom was and asked if we can get some ice cream? She said sure and gave us some money and we went to go get us some ice cream.
Moms pov.
While Bart and Lisa were heading off to get ice cream I could see the seat of their diaper sage to their knees and I could tell that the laxatives have kicked in. After Bart and Lisa got their ice cream they made their way back to the table and sat down and had a shocked expression on their faces. I said it ok and that I will change them after they finished their ice cream. They went back to eating their ice cream and I was looking for a place to changed them and say a private bathroom and decide I will change them there when they finish their ice cream.

Bart Simpson in diapersWhere stories live. Discover now