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Moms pov
After an hour and a half I decided I should change my diaper. I asked Bart and Lisa if they wanted a diaper change? They said that they were good and went back to watching tv. Since Bart and Lisa don't want a change I went upstairs to my room and grabbed a new diaper, wipes and some baby powder and started to change my diaper. Once I was done I got up off my bed and then grabbed my pacifier and put it in my mouth and went downstairs. Once downstairs I felt thirsty so I asked Bart and Lisa if they wanted anything to drink? They said sure so I went to the kitchen and grabbed 3 bottles one for Bart, one for Lisa, and one for me. Once I had the bottles I filled each with milk and added fiber powder to each, then put the 3 bottles in the microwave tell they were warm. Once the bottles were warm I brought them to the living room and handed Bart and Lisa each a bottle. Once they had their bottles they start to drink them and once I was back on the couch I started to drink mine. Once the warm milk started to go down my throat I felt so relaxed and once I was done with my bottle I put my pacifier in my mouth and feel asleep on the couch.

Bart Simpson in diapersWhere stories live. Discover now