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When we got back to the house mom took me and Lisa up to Maggie's nursery and asked if we would like to be in our diapers for the rest of the day. We said yes, so mom put me on the changing table tock off my pants and taped 2 of my new diapers on and she did the same to Lisa. When we were off the changing table me and Lisa could barely walk mom told us to wait here so me and Lisa sat on the floor and felt our mess spread all over our butts.
Moms pov.
I went downstairs and made 2 big bottles of milk and put 2 packs of powder laxatives and brought them up to Bart and Lisa.
Barts pov.
Mom came in holding 2 big bottles of milk and told us to drink them. Me and Lisa started to drink them and after 2 minutes of drinking we finished and we felt very full once me and Lisa were done with our bottles mom tock the empty bottles and asked if we were hungry? Me and Lisa said yes and mom asked if we would like baby food or normal food? We said normal food and mom took us downstairs. Once down stairs mom made me and Lisa 3 pb&j sandwiches each and she told us to finish all 3 sandwiches so me and Lisa started so eat the sandwiches.
Moms pov.
When I asked Bart and Lisa If they want baby food or normal food I was planing if they picked baby food they would just have baby food but if they choose normal food I would make them pb&j sandwiches and I would mix very strong laxatives in the jelly.
Barts pov.
After me and Lisa where done eating we were super stuffed and could not eat anymore. After we were done mom told us to go watch tv so we did. Me and Lisa decided to lay on our stomachs on the floor and mom sat on the couch behind us. After 10 minutes I needed to pee so I just let it out in my diaper. I felt it fill my first diaper and it felt really good. 5 minutes later I really need to poop. I asked Lisa if she need to poop? She said yes so we were about to get up and mom said just go in your diapers. so we just pushed all the mess into our diapers. I felt it coil in the seat of my diaper. Me and Lisa were pooping for 5 minutes straight. After we finished I looked at Lisa's diaper and it was to her knees and so was mine then I looked back at the tv for the next while.

Bart Simpson in diapersWhere stories live. Discover now