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Wait long?
Well I hope you'll be satisfied with this *smirk*

"Well yes...but don't take this too seriously because when it comes to physical contact I wouldn't like to have much! Only...maybe kisses, but that's also not often! We just have to pretend so Adrien gets brought up 'normally' and won't feel like he's missing out on anything. Understand?"
"Y-yes sir."

Nathalie sighed looking very depressed and she was.
I mean what fun would there be in pretending if it meant she couldn't 'really' pretend?
Not much.

But anyway the assistant agreed to become Adrien's fake mother and Gabriel's pretend wife just for the sake of the kid's childhood.
And training for that started tonight, so without hesitation the designer grabbed the young woman in front of him and pulled her close.

Her back pressed against his chest and now the assistant could feel her boss very closely making her blush in an instant.

"Good night." He whispered but it sounded like more of a hiss which wasn't inviting at all.
(At least he tried to pretend.)
Meanwhile Nathalie put all of her acting skills to use and mumbled: "Good night Gabriel." whilst tilting her head back and sort of laying her cheek against his which began to quickly heat up.

Suddenly Gabriel's heart pounded faster as his name got said but the designer tried to hide that by immediately scolding his assistant.
"Nathalie! Don't say my name!"
"But I can't call you 'sir' that's not what a married couple would do."
"Oh okay but this is pretend! We don't need to be accurate!"
"Well it's only for Adrien's sake that I'm doing this."
"Woman! Hold yourself back with the touching and sweet-talk! I'm also not fucking you as if you were my wife!"
"Right." She scoffed now making the designer angrier by the second "...so then what should I call you?"
"I don't know! Figure it out! But no nicknames and if you're saying my name don't say it like 'that'!!"
"Like 'that'? What does 'that' mean?"
"NATHALIE! You know exactly what it means!"
"No I don't, explain."
She smirked but immediately regretted that when Gabriel decided to grab her throat and not in a romantic way to choke her.
"Don't play games with me Nathalie!" he spat before the assistant would've even had a chance to respond, so her boss quickly picked her up and took the young woman down to the office.

There he locked all the doors and without wasting a second longer pushed his assistant against the wall.
"You!..." He began whilst slowly lifting the woman's shirt but just when Nathalie could've enjoyed that a little too much he pulled it back down "...were teasing me!" The designer explained and before his assistant would've even had room to talk he shut her up with a kiss.

Now whilst their mouths were connected Gabriel slowly but surely undressed the young woman in front of him. And by the time she somehow managed to pull back only her bra and underwear remained on her.
(But she wished they wouldn't have)

"You want more don't you?" The designer chuckled "dirty whore."
"S-sir p-p-please-" she whimpered from just the sound of him calling her that nickname, and maybe she liked it a little too much.
I mean Nathalie couldn't even hide the fact that her whole entire body ached for this man like never before.
She wanted him right then and there.

"Please?" He teased whilst slowly running his hand up from her lower abdomen to her neck where for a second Gabriel softly choked her, just to earn a little moan:
"Owh you're asking so nicely it's really hard to resist but...I was just teasing you. Sorry."

The assistant gasped as she now watched her boss walk away but she couldn't let him go this easily, so she quickly pulled herself together and reached out to grab his wrist.

"Please sir, you can't just-"
"I can! And I will! Now you know how to act!"

He left, leaving Nathalie all by herself in nothing but her black lingerie which should've been on the floor, but no, it was still on her.
And just like that instead of being covered in kisses she got covered in guilt which seemed to have no mercy when it came to her poor little hurt heart.


Well anyways, after pulling herself together for the second time tonight Nathalie stumbled back upstairs, but she didn't go into 'her husband's habitat', no, she went straight to her own separate room where she locked herself up.

There the young woman immediately collapsed and began sobbing just like she did down in the office before, but at least now she was all alone surrounded by the comfort of her own room where no one could hurt her. (Or at least that's what she thought)

"Miss?" A faint whisper said to which Nathalie jumped in fear, but after seeing that it was only her kwami the assistant quickly calmed down.
"What do you want Duusu?"
"N-nothing. I just want to know why you're crying."
"Oh it's...nothing..."
"Come on...let it all out." The blue creature smiled whilst making herself comfortable on the shoulder of her owner who soon burst into tears all over again.

"I messed up! I really did this time! I-I just wanted to...well maybe flirt with Mr Agreste a little b-but-...I shouldn't have!"
"Oh no. What happened?"
"He...it's hard to explain. I guess he just misses his wife so much that he despises all women except her. Or maybe the problem is just with me. I don't know. In fact I don't know anything I'm so stupid! I agreed to be Adrien's mom and Gabriel's wife but I can't even be myself!!"
"His wife?!"
"Yes Duusu! You heard me! I've gone insane! I'm in love with a married man who just wants happiness for his son. And I-...I-I don't know what to do anymore. I wish Emilie was here! She always knew what to do! S-she was so perfect! God...how could I even compare myself with that goddess."
"No Miss Nath-"
"Hush Duusu! You also know her! She was probably a better owner than me! She-she's just better than everyone! She's flawless. And I-...I'm a fucking screwup. I don't deserve this, I wish Gabriel would've sacrificed me without hesitation!"

Nathalie cried, Nathalie sobbed, but that was still not enough pain.
She couldn't punish herself mentally anymore so it was time to switch.

Without hesitation the young woman grabbed her peacock brooch and quickly said the transformation words causing Duusu to not even have the chance to talk her out of this.
She just had to obey because Nathalie was now already Mayura and that's when the physical pain began.

To be continued-

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