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"Sir! We really must find a way to get out!" Nathalie changed the topic as she couldn't handle any more of her boss being so 'silly' and fooling around with her feelings, but despite her efforts he still didn't change back from that arrogantly superior mood he was in.

"It can wait, plus isn't it sort of fun not having to worry about anything?"
"What do you mean sir?! I am very much worried about Adri-"
"-Well then let me take those things off of your mind." He interrupted before attempting to lean closer to her, but with a swift movement of her hand, the assistant pushed her boss away.
"No sir! Enough of that, and now help me to get out!"

But he didn't, instead Gabriel just sighed in an annoyed manner and rolled his eyes at her:

"Come on Nathalie! If we get out the fun is over!"
"Fun? Fun?!? Sir you can't possibly-"
"What? Didn't you think this was fun? I thought you-"
"I-...It was something we shouldn't talk about anymore!" She said whilst collecting her clothes off of the ground, then trying to dress up whilst giving the man beside her a fiercefull stare "Just forget it! It never happened, it was never reality!"
"But why? Are you afraid that I don't actually like you?"

She gasped at the sudden statement of her boss which was mostly true but at the same time Nathalie didn't want him to know about her fears and weaknesses, so the assistant just scoffed:

"Then what?"
"Nothing, it's none of your business."
"Really now?" Gabriel teased, leaning closer and closer to the point where his assistant got tightly pressed against the wall. "I think you're lying!"
"I'm not!" She shouted, making him suddenly pull back, and stare at the woman with a rather hurt look.

"Alright then, just don't come crawling back when you realize that I was right." Said the designer with a very decided and arrogant facial expression which sort of craved Nathalie's apology.
But she remain strong and didn't show any emotions on her face, however she did show a lot of attitude in the way she replied:

"Oh I won't, don't worry sir. I know exactly how to separate my work life and private life, unlike some people."
"Yeah right, we'll see about that!"
He spat before turning away and rolling his eyes, definitely mad and irritated by his employee's sudden arrogant behavior.

It was sort of like getting a taste of his own medicine, which Gabriel didn't like, at all.

It was bitter and cold, arrogant and selfish, but after realizing he was all of those things the grey haired man for a second quieted down.
His thoughts came to an end as he thought upon the idea of himself.
But then again, this was Gabriel Agreste.
The famous windowed man who had no soul and absolutely no skill in parenting, the single most arrogant person on this planet, it was him.


After some time of getting dressed and 'pulling themselves together' so at least once they'd get out it wouldn't be so obvious of what they did, Nathalie sighed.

She sighed in such a manner that for a split second Gabriel became a bit too worried and was about to ask 'what's wrong' but then he remembered that he was meant to be holding a grudge against her.
So the grey haired man turned back around and minded his business...or at least he did so until his and her hand collided in an attempt to break the top of the elevator open.

"Sorry sir." The assistant said plainly, to which her boss didn't quite know how to react.
He looked at her, then after seeing that she wasn't looking at him the man just shrugged:

"It's fine."

But now Nathalie looked at him wondering why he sounded so offended and hurt.

"Is everything alright sir?"
"Perfectly fine!"
"You sure?"
"I'M SURE!" He yelled, scaring the young woman so much that she lost her balance, her hands slipped off of the top, and she herself fell all the way down.

With a loud thud the woman's screams were cut off, but the eerie silence after that bothered Gabriel more than her high pitched cry for help.
So he decided to ask:

No answer.
"Nathalie? Are you...alive?"
Still no answer, just complete silence.
"I-...fuck-...I think I-...broke something..."
"Y-yes...like-...my back...and it hurts...a lot!"

He chuckled.

"Sir!! Not like that!! Please just help!!"
"Oh look who's the one crawling now!...literally as well because if you did break your back there is no way you'll walk."
"Wow thanks for telling me that!"
"I'm just saying...I think you lost." Gabriel smiled before picking her up, but not so gently which instantly caused the woman to grab his arm tighter, and press her face into his chest, that way her crying would be muffled.

But although this did work, the noises were still very loud which not only echoed through the whole entire elevator, making the compressed space painfully noisy, but it also worried the grey haired man like nothing before.

As he looked at the hurt woman in his arms the designer no longer wished to stay in the elevator, but instead he hoped to be outside where he could get her professional help that Nathalie truly needed.
Because as of right now, she seemed to be in serious pain that Gabriel himself had to idea how to ease or help.

So he just sat down onto the ground and tried to lay the woman's back against his chest, but that only hurt the assistant more.

However after a bit the designer managed to find a position which was both comfortable for her and for him, so one problem got solved, but there were still a bunch other.

To be continued-

Sorry this chapter wasn't so good.

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