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"Sir-" She couldn't even reply as Gabriel had ignored all of her words and just simply shut his assistant up with a kiss.

There they were again, except that this time  Nathalie was beginning to have less and less clothes on her as her superior's hands moved quick and in a matter of seconds she laid before him in only her matching set of a bra and underwear.

"Dark blue? Mhm, nice, it really suits you." Gabriel stared her up and down which took the young woman by surprise so much that she could only react with a:
"It reminds me of Mayura-...and now I'm glad to know that she indeed wears exactly what I've imagined her to wear."
"-Well...can you really blame me? Her figure is excellent and-...and always having a good look at her only strengthens my feelings."
"I most certainly do." He whispered in agreement "I love every part of my work partner, and I have for a very long time, so how about you just bless me with allowing me to have a good look at you, my dear Mayura?"
"Sir I-...this isn't right, I mean your words are but-...but I really do look like a slut trying to get with my much older boss."

Gabriel pulled back from the sound of that which caused the woman to fall onto the cold glass and suddenly exclaim in shock as her body felt utterly freezing from the lack of clothing.

"Much older? Come on now Nathalie don't say that, you know we're not that far apart."
"Yeah only like thirteen years, not too much, huh?" She scoffed only offending the grey haired man further.
"Oh okay, but still, don't call my 35 years old. It's you who's so utterly young! Plus, if you'd feel uncomfortable by our age difference then you would've already quit this job, so I don't see how this is affecting our relationship right now."
"Well-...well I look like some young girl who is solely after your money! It's like every other show where there's this rich man and he has a bunch of woman wrapped around his finger because they'd do anything just to get near his cash!"
"So? So you're saying that's like us? You're after my money?"
"No-no! I'm saying that's what the paparazzi and others will think! They'll blame me! And I don't want to get hated only because I seem like a bad person!"

By now the young woman began to tear up, but her boss still didn't care, he just shrugged:

"Oh well, that's a part of the job, you must not focus on the media and simply carry on as if nothing would've happened. You'll get used to it."
"So you're just gonna put me out there and not care how people insult me?"
"Why Nathalie? What am I supposed to do? Act like your big, strong daddy and protect you? Please." He chuckled "you're an adult, learn how to deal with it."

She felt hurt, crushed, and even betrayed.

Suddenly Gabriel's so wonderfully tempting behavior was gone and now his actual arrogant side showed which was simply a bitch, nicely speaking.

Nathalie usually loved it, but as of right now she hated him for how carelessly he handled her fears.

And despite that being very obvious the designer still tried again as he leaned back to the position he was in earlier but once he tried to take Nathalie's face into his palm she shook her head vigorously and pushed him back.

"Leave me!"
"Oh why?! What's wrong now?!"
"Can't you see?! Can't you obviously tell that I'm upset because you make me feel so good and then seconds later you crush me like I'm nothing."
"Well...well then I'm sorry. I didn't meant to."
"Doesn't sound convincing."
"Oh." Gabriel rolled his eyes fed up before suddenly having an outburst of rage which caused him to very roughly take ahold of Nathalie and force her down onto the cold, tiny floor of the elevator "Oh I'm so fucking sorry! Is that good enough for you?"
"Forgive me Nathalie! I can't live with the sin of such a delightful woman like you hating me! Please my dear Mayura, I promise I love you but I can't always protect you from everything.
There are certain things we all have to solve for ourselves, and no one can help, so please understand that as much as I want you safe I can't always watch over you, okay?"

But she didn't reply.

The young woman simply stared up at her boss with teary eyes and as she could see his worried eyes also tears up she pulled his face down closer to hers.

She still didn't answer though.

"Nathalie, please woman, talk to me! At least just nod or squeeze my hand. Anything! Do anything!"
"Fine." The assistant began "Fine I understand, and I'm sorry for acting so childish."
"It's alright." He sighed in relief quickly pulling the girl up and laying her down against his chest whilst Gabriel himself leaned back onto the glass. "Some things are just tough to understand or accept, but you always have to, otherwise life gets hard."
"Wow thanks, such an inspirational talk." She scoffed "now my life is solved."
"You're welcome, I know I'm amazing, a lot of people have said it." The designer smirked as he came across the visible annoyance on his assistant's face which signaled that she was about to kill him, but despite that Gabriel just kept going with his silliness "And I'm sure you agree that I'm one of a kind, right?"
"Right, most definitely sir, you're one of a kind, bastard."
Nathalie whispered the last part hoping to avoid trouble that way but unfortunately for her, the man's ears picked up even on the very last word which caused him to suddenly gasp and chuckle at the same time.

"Oh you're a funny thing Nath. Just not so funny if I really think about all the things I could do to you right this second, good and bad." Gabriel grinned.

To be continued-

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