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Even though Nathalie felt absolutely exhausted from crying over her uselessness she still couldn't fully fall asleep.

She just kept endlessly staring at the toddler in front of her who was sound asleep, but would occasionally roll around once or twice simply so that he could find a new comfortable spot. Then after an approving smile from the child Adrien would snuggle his face into the pillow and fall asleep.

This seemed so simple and yet it was so complicated for Nathalie.
By now she'd just gotten annoyed of herself and her own stupid thoughts that were keeping her awake, so without really thinking this through the young woman grabbed her pillow and completely covered her face in it.

Then after a few minutes she somehow managed to fall into a peaceful slumber.

Or at least it was peaceful until:

"Emilie" He began whilst slowly tightening his grip around the assistant's waist "Oh my Emilie, you're all mine." The designer now chuckled as he snuggled his head deeper into Nathalie's messy hair causing her to sense this movement and wake up.

"Sir?" She turned her head back, but before the young woman could've seen anything her boss's face completely covered her view as he without a warning 'attacked' her lips with his.

Nathalie couldn't even pull away since her superior's arms were tightly secured around her waist and if she'd move back too much that would cause her to crash into Adrien and probably knock him off of the bed.

So without having much of a choice the young woman played along until Gabriel pulled back first, and then she saw that the designer wasn't even awake, he was simply moving in his sleep.

"Sir!" Nathalie yelled in an attempt to wake him but instead his son woke up and immediately began crying whilst his father was about to kiss his assistant once more.
He leaned close to her, so right at this moment only a few inches were separating Gabriel from Nathalie, but before he could've tasted her sweet rosy lips the young woman slapped him. "SIR!" Nathalie shouted in both disgust and fear as now her boss fell down from the bed, crashed onto the cold hard floor, and finally groaned in pain.

"What the fuck!"
He spat whilst getting up and laying eyes on the terrified assistant who held his son close.
"Sir you were-...moving in your sleep."
"Oh-...I-...I didn't mean to."
"Thank god." Nathalie sighed in relief but she was still worried when she turned her head to see the toddler in her arms sob.

"Yes my sweet boy?"
"I had the nightmare again!"
Adrien admitted to which his 'mother' gave his father a death glare.

"He had the nightmare again Gabriel!" Nathalie repeated her child's words but this sounded much more threatening then the one the kid said.
And funnily enough even the designer got intimidated:
"He has had this nightmare multiple times!!" The assistant emphasized again "Something is obviously not right!"
"W-well I-I don't k-know what to do!" Gabriel admitted feeling a bit useless and also ashamed of himself for ever considering his son as a sacrifice for his wife "I'm sorry Nathalie but don't you also have this nightmare?"
"You said you did."
"Well-..." she hesitated "...well that was once! However your son has had it many times! And we need to stop that!"
"Okay great, but how?!" The grey haired man asked to which his assistant laid her hands over the kid's ears and whispered:

"We need the book!"
"The book?"
"Yes, there's some sort of miraculous book that basically contains all of the spells and rules. So if we find it then we can probably cure Adrien!"
"O-okay but-...didn't you say that being Mayura hurt you?" Gabriel asked worried as he now sat beside his assistant and carefully turned her face into his direction "Tell me the truth Nathalie!"
"Well-...it's fine! All that matters is that Adrien-"
"No!" The designer interrupted "Don't put yourself at risk for him!"
"B-but sir-...we're talking about your son."
"Nathalie." He interrupted once again "we're also talking about your health and well-being."
"Oh please, it's not like you've ever cared! I mean really now my 'health' and 'feelings' matter but down in the office they sure didn't! God damn it Gabriel make up your mind! Do you need me or not!?! Am I just a little toy or do I actually matter!?! Just tell me!! What am I to you?!"
"I-..." the man looked at Nathalie quite shocked, but all that she said was true, unfortunately.

He had been playing with her feelings ever since the start, but the upsetting truth about this was that Gabriel has always known of his cruel actions, he just never stopped because then he couldn't possibly get anything from his assistant.
So as long as he kept Nathalie interested she was willing to sacrifice anything and everything for him.

Now the grey haired man sighed embarrassed as he took her hand into his and looked up to the young woman with teary eyes.

"I'm really sorry Nathalie." He spoke so convincingly that even the assistant began to tear up "I've really been an asshole ever since we met but-...but I sort of didn't wish to change."
"No Nathalie hush! I-I want to explain!...so I knew that you had some sort of 'thing' for this family which made you unable to quit your job and-...and well I took advantage of that. I really tried to push you to your limits but you never seemed to break so-...so I thought you'd be perfect for a-..."
The designer couldn't even finish his sentence before his voice became completely inaudible and now he was basically begging his assistant for mercy.
But she wasn't some cruel villain so within seconds Nathalie immediately forgave her boss and even laid a hand on his cheek so she could pull his face up and ask:

"What did you think I'd be perfect for? Come finish you sentence."
"I-I-...I can't say it! It's too mean..."
"Please sir! I can handle it." She encouraged, to which Gabriel eventually gave in and sighed:

"Perfect for a sacrifice."

To be continued-

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