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Instead of jumping out to the roofs Mayura stayed in the mansion and made her way downstairs to set things right.

She knew this wasn't the right move, it was simply an act which could ease her thirst for revenge, but the villain couldn't stop.
She had to do what Gabriel was unable to, so without hesitation after stealing the two main miraculouses Nathalie headed to the basement.

"Don't do it Miss!" Is probably what Duusu would've said if she could've argued the assistant out of her foolish acts but sadly the little kwami had no say in what her owner did, so she was just forced to watch this tragedy:

Now Mayura stood in front of her most hated enemy's glass coffin which looked so clean and shiny that she almost couldn't believe it has been 3 years since Emilie began laying there.
But it has, and yet Gabriel was still just as obsessed as he was when this all began.
He really seemed to have loved this woman, or maybe Emilie just figured out a way to wrap him around her finger.

Whatever was happening didn't seem like an accident, instead it was definitely something that got planned out but the designer failed to complete his part of the plan since his wife was still not back alive plus he appeared to get increasingly frustrated as time passed.

But despite knowing all of this sketchy information Nathalie still went ahead and united the two miraculouses causing that weird light figure to appear before her:

"W-w-who are y-you?" She stuttered as a tall glowing creature now giggled in a bloodcurdling manner which scared Nathalie very much.
"I'm the 'thing' that makes your wishes come true. So what do you wish for?"
"I-..." the assistant began but without a warning the her words betrayed her causing whatever she said to sound like nonsense. "to-...bring-...back Em-..."
"To what sorry?"
"To bring back Emilie Agreste!" She spat now feeling very relieved but at the same time incredibly stressed. And the fact that this glowing 'thing' still kept on giggling the same way it did before didn't help Nathalie's situation at all, in fact it made it a lot worse.

'It' sounded so arrogant and powerful that Mayura was almost no one compared to this creature.
Not even her villain powers could help her because 'it' seemed to have looked right through her costume. And 'it' probably already knew who she really was.
Just a useless assistant of a guy with a 'big name'.

"Alright." He chuckled "...and who will your sacrifice?"

The young woman's heart dropped to that question.
She couldn't possibly kill someone, that would fill her heart with endless guilt which would get unbearable very quickly.
So now Nathalie had gotten herself in a very tricky situation.

"Yes sacrifice, you heard me." 'It' laughed "...your boss...or his son."
"His son?!?! No-no-no I can't choose!"
"Well you have to."
"W-what if I sacrifice myself?!"
"That-...that doesn't work. Plus it's rather stupid, don't you think?"
"I-..." the young woman was too troubled to answer. But she did indeed think that sacrificing herself was a little bit ridiculous, still she couldn't possibly lose Adrien...or her boss? (The last part was a question)

Nathalie didn't know how to feel about him at the current moment since they had just gotten into a fight, plus Gabriel quite literally left her all alone in the office not so long ago which made her frustrated and annoyed.

The assistant simply had a bunch of anger built up inside her which caused her to say the dumb decision she would very soon regret:

"I well I-...maybe I can sacrifice him...my boss." Nathalie mumbled shyly whilst thinking about how much trouble she'd get in if the designer would ever find out. And unfortunately enough for her he just did, because before she knew it the grey haired man tapped her back.

"NATHALIE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He yelled grabbing her shoulders and pushing the woman down to the ground so both jewels fell out of her hand and the glowing thing immediately vanished.
"Gabriel!" The assistant screamed "Sir I can explain myself!"
"Oh you better! YOU TRIED TO KILL ME?!"
"No-...I would-...never."
"Really?" He grabbed the collar of her blazer and without hesitation pulled Nathalie close as if she was some light-weight object "Then why were you about to say my name as the sacrifice, huh?"
"I-...I was n-not thinking right...I-I'm so sorry."
"Oh wow. Do you really think a 'sorry' will fix this?!?!"
"Exactly!" He scoffed letting go of her shirt and allowing his assistant to once again fall back onto the hard cold ground. "...so do me a favor and go clean out your room."
"Because you're leaving!"
"I-..." Nathalie couldn't even formulate a sentence, instead she just grabbed the designer's blazer causing him to fall back and land on the floor next to her.
But when Gabriel tried to yell "WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!?!" his words failed him and they didn't even get heard.
Instead now they were just both looking at each, the young woman with tears in her eyes, sobbing and holding onto her boss's blazer desperately, whilst the designer appeared quite shocked, and he was simply staring at his assistant.

"Please sir no!" She begged "I can't leave! I-I-...Adrien!!! And I-...I don't know where to go!!!"
Nathalie now threw her arms around Gabriel's neck which caused him to be disgusted at first but as the young woman's sobs got louder he couldn't help but pity her a little.
"Okay calm down, you don't need to leave then." The designer spat rolling his eyes and trying to get her off of him but the assistant's grip was too strong to break. "Just make sure not to-"
"I won't ever mess up again I promise!!! I'm so sorry."

Nathalie looked so desperate and scared that even Gabriel's cruel soul felt a little sad, maybe even guilty.
But of course as usual the designer didn't show any emotions, so he just sighed and laid his forehead against hers as an attempt to stop the assistant's cry.

"It's alright." He whispered "I'm also sorry."

To be continued-

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