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"I don't believe you." Scoffed Gabriel as he attampted to look at his assistant, but unfortunately for the two of them it was way too dark in the elevator to see anything, and so the designer ended up having no idea as to which direction he was facing in, but he still turned 'around' in hopes that now he'd be facing the opposite side of her.
Well he wasn't, that became pretty obvious as both of their faces brushed along one another causing them to blush and immediately apologize:

"I'm so sorry sir" exclaimed Nathalie quite flustered as she tried to push herself further away from her superior but again the exact opposite happened and instead she just fell into his arms unexpectedly.

Then there for a second she froze as she couldn't quite move because of her position, but things only got worse when the designer laid his arms around her back and pressed her tighter against him a which ended up making the young woman completely compressed against his chest to the point where she couldn't breathe and only smell the cologne he had on which was utterly pleasant, she couldn't lie. But nevertheless, the position wasn't utterly comfortable, so without a warning she just pressed the palms of her hands firmly against her boss's chest and tried to push herself back, but Gabriel's arms didn't allow her, instead they kept her tightly in place, and whilst Nathalie was struggling her superior began laughing.

"What are you trying to do Nath?" He scoffed arrogantly with a smirk that his assistant could sense even if she didn't see it.
"I-I-...I'm just trying to-...let go of me!"
"Gabriel I can't breathe!"
"Oh-" he immediately released the woman who fell back pathetically panting as she could finally inhale something else which wasn't her boss's strong smell.

"Thank you."
"Of course...and I'm sorry for not realizing earlier that you were-"
"No, that's fine. I also can't see anything so maneuvering around here will be quite awkward."
"Yeah...awkward..." the designer thought about it a little, and after really putting his mind to the idea of them two acting awkward then he had to admit that he really enjoyed thinking about it.
Sure it would be "awkward" but Gabriel absolutely adored to see his usually emotionless assistant get all flustered and emotional.
It was always something about sudden emotion changes that he liked. Maybe it was simply because of having Nooroo around, or maybe he just loved the fact that his wife was an actor who could without question be overly dramatic.

Either way he loved it.

He loved to imagine Nathalie getting all flustered, then sad, and finally angry.

It was even attractive in some way but before he could've thought more about it Gabriel felt something soft touch his shoulder, and when he focused back into reality he could see the young woman with dark hair looking rather concerned, but at the same now he could see!

Turns out Nathalie found her little mirror charm which she usually opened to check up on her makeup, but now as the other side of the charm had a built in led light this gadget came in handy, a lot.

"Sir are you alright?" She spoke quietly "You look troubled." The woman moved her delicate hand to place upon the fastly heating up face of her boss who couldn't control his blush.
"Y-yes...I'm fine...I'm alright..."
"I'm sure, I'm sure."
"Good." Nathalie smiled "now we should call for help or at least try to make someone aware of the fact that we're trapped."
"Oh...right...but I wouldn't mind being stuck here just a little longer."
"What? Why's that?"
"Well..." The designer smirked as he suddenly grabbed her wrist and slowly but surely moved her hand further away from his face until Gabriel had the chance to pin Nathalie's arm against the glass of the elevator, then he leaned closer towards her and whispered:"...I have you."
"So? What more do I need?"
"I-...sir-" she began to get flustered "W-we shouldn't-...we really shouldn't go down this road again, you remember the last time..." now the assistant was sad "...last time turned out horrible and-...and sir please!!" As Nathalie finally became angry Gabriel couldn't help it, he had to kiss her before anything else could be said or heard, so without hesitation he pressed his lips firmly against hers.

The assistant gasped as she truly couldn't believe what was happening.

Nathalie's boss suddenly couldn't control himself and acted almost desperate for her which not only flustered the woman but also really turned her on.
He looked so incredibly good with that hopeless begging face he just had on a second ago. In addition Nathalie really liked her superior, like she always had a thing for him, his arrogance and obvious superiority. The way Gabriel acted as if the world would've revolved around him made the assistant feel so worthless almost as if she would've needed to prove herself. But she liked it, both the idea and the feeling.
So as the designer pulled back his employee's face had turned completely red, but despite looking unwell she didn't want him to stop, in fact, to communicate her feelings the young woman grabbed her superior's tie and pulled the older man closer.

"Sir I-...I love you, and I love how you're making me feel so-...please just before anyone finds us-"
"Of course." He shut her up with a kiss and obeyed every ordered of the dark haired assistant who enjoyed every second of him being close, him kissing her, him so tenderly touching her as if she would've been some fragile precious thing which could be broken by the smallest amount of rough impact.
Nevertheless the designer almost even began undressing her but then Nathalie caught his hand in the act.

"Stop it! Not because I don't love it, but because I wouldn't want anyone suspecting things once we escape."
"Once we escape? That might still take days, darling, and there's also the possibility that we don't make it...so why worry so much?"

To be continued-

I'll try to post another chapter!
I don't promise anything tho!!

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