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After that night of getting scolded by her boss Nathalie acted very quiet and shy around him, but to Gabriel that didn't appear strange since his assistant had never been the social kind.
So nothing seemed 'odd' to him, except that she began taking longer lunch breaks and the young woman would often end work early or come to work late. And it only got worse as time had passed, so now the assistant would begin working 1 hour late which bothered her superior a lot, so he decided to confront her about this issue.

"Yes sir?"
"I want to talk to you. Come here!"
"Yes sir!"

She said before standing up and walking over to the podium on which he was standing, but once again the young assistant didn't watch her steps and she fell. However thankfully this time the designer reacted quickly and caught her before she could've landed on the floor.

"You still haven't gotten used to those heels, have you?"
"N-no not really sir."

The assistant smiled awkwardly as she now straightened her posture and stood in front of Gabriel who was still chuckling over her clumsiness.
"Oh Nathalie, you always make me laugh." He began which drew a smile onto the young woman's face but that immediately dissolved after he said: "But that's not what I wanted to tell you."
"So then what is it?"
"Well..." he took a step closer to her so now their faces were only a few millimeters apart "...I've noticed how lately you've been slouching a little too much. Why is that?"
"O-oh I-...well I'm just tired."
"Everyday? Is something wrong with your sleeping schedule?"
"N-no...it's just that...lately I've been feeling a bit under the weather."
"I-I-it's nothing serious sir-"
"No-no never! B-but this 'sickness' isn't something that would affect him!"

Gabriel didn't shout back this time, instead he stayed quiet for a moment and thought.
"So you're pregnant?"
"Well...you're sick in the morning...so you come late...and this 'sickness' can't affect my son...sounds like a pregnancy if you ask me."
"O-oh well I can assure you that's the last thing I am suffering from."
The assistant laughed hysterically, but since her boss only gave her a death stare and didn't even smile she quickly switched back to a serious expression.

"Sorry I thought-"
"-Yes, I know you thought it was funny but it really wasn't Nathalie. And now you got me worried. What is wrong with you if it's not being pregnant?"
"Well...it's...quite difficult to explain..."
"I don't care, I want the truth. Now!"
"I-...I can't say it."
"Why not?" Asked the designer as he lifted up her face so they could make eye contact once again but his assistant just stubbornly pulled away and quietly mumbled:
"It's personal, plus you'd get mad."
"Well...what if I try my best not to get mad?" He asked in a much more soothing voice than ever before which caused the assistant to instantly get flustered as she had not heard him be so nice in a very, very long time.
So now Nathalie shook her head trying to forget about her stupid dirty thoughts but they were too good to let go.

"Come on, tell me." The grey haired man repeated once again but this time he whispered it closer to her ear which caused Nathalie to almost blush but instead she just sighed in a disappointed way knowing that she couldn't show any form of romantic emotions towards her boss.
"I-...it's well...Mayura...she is making me sick."
"Whenever I use the peacock brooch I feel like all of my energy is being drained away. And I can barely regain any strength after a simple mission." She began explaining "I know I don't need to use it anymore so I should be fine but I still keep getting weaker by the second and I can't stop it!...If that wasn't enough Duusu is also hurting just like me! In fact she's probably going through the most pain."
"I'm so sorry." Gabriel whispered as he pulled his assistant close who by now was really on the verge of tears but as she felt him close all of her problems dissolved.
Now Nathalie couldn't even think straight it felt as if she was lost in some fairytale story where the main characters fall in love and live a happily ever after but unfortunately this is not that story.
Soon after Nathalie had gotten comfortable in his tight embrace the designer pulled back and said. "I really do wish I could help, but I've never used the peacock miraculous before, and the only person who has some experience with it is Emilie. So we need to get her back as fast as possible and fix your sickness."
"Y-yes sir, that sounds great!" The young woman smiled although she didn't want to because deep down she knew she'd be dead before Emilie would get her second chance at life. But still Nathalie completely ignored that and she didn't even bother to tell her boss about the sacrifices instead she stayed quiet and followed him down to the basement.

There they both found the blond woman resting, just like she had done for the past few years. But apparently time didn't wear her away and Emilie stayed the exact same flawless as she was before her 'death'.

"My love, I think today is the day. Are you ready Nathalie?"
"More than ever." She grinned before handing over the earrings of ladybug and the ring of the black cat to her superior who smiled down proudly at the two jewels.
"I've waited so long for this!" He said right before placing the two miraculouses together and with that causing a huge beam of light to glow all across the room.

"I-...I wish for-...Emilie...Agreste to live again!"
And just when Gabriel finished saying that his assistant collapsed right in front of him.
"Nathalie! Oh I swear I'll get you new shoes if you can't even stand in these." he joked before reaching out to pick her up, but as his hands brushed along her now limp lifeless body the young woman's figure slowly perished away. "N-N- Nathalie?"
"Don't you mean...Emilie?" Another woman's voice asked and as the designer sprung around he couldn't believe who he saw.

To be continued-

Oh what an ending! Wooooow sooooo dramatic omgggggggg.
Lol this chapter was shit, sorry.

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