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"So...you want to...love me...like actually? As more than...just work partners?" Nathalie asked whilst her heart felt as if it would've been in a garden full of butterflies, or akumas in this case.

They all infected her , therefore now she couldn't and wouldn't want to leave Gabriel's magic spell.

"Yes I meant it like that! I want to love you, love as in a feeling stronger than simple friendship!" Said he and the assistant almost jumped up from the joy...well she would've if she could've.

But as of right now Nathalie's back was broken and she could barely move.
So with a disappointed sigh she just firmly pressed her broken back against the designer's chest and inhaled:

"Thank you sir, for giving me a chance."

"Oh well of course, you deserve much better but-...this is all I can give you so-"

"It's more than I deserve, and please don't doubt that, okay?"

"O-Okay I guess." The man stuttered because he was still a bit shocked that his employee got so excited over such a small thing, but in the meantime it also warmed his cold, broken, crushed heart.
And so Gabriel blushed a little, but thankfully Nathalie didn't see, she could only imagine which was fortunate for the man himself but rather unfortunate for the dark haired woman who would've loved to see that emotionless guy flustered.

Nevertheless the grey haired man still managed to even more tightly wrap his arms around the woman, and then kiss the back of her neck.

"What are you doing sir?!" Nathalie ranted after feeling the strange but nice sensation of his lips on the back of her neck, which was a bit ticklish.


"Well if you'd be doing nothing then-"

"Nathalie!" He interrupted "Damn it, can I just at least please kiss you without getting judged!"

"Well-...of course sir, I'm just a bit shocked by our situation." The assistant admitted whilst she tilted her head back to once again make eye contact with her superior "You know it's not everyday someone says to like me."

"Really?" He teased "I would've guessed that for such a pretty lady like you love confessions would be an everyday thing."

"Sir please! It's not! And you don't need to say all of these sweet thing because-"

"Because?..." He asked with a serious voice which didn't comfort Nathalie at all, instead it caused her to get rather uncomfortable "...Because what Nath? Are you hesitant about something? Are you scared of something? Or are you just unsure that I really meant I love you?"

"I-..." she began "...Yes I am a bit hesitant and scared and unsure."

"Why's that?"

"Well-...do you really mean it?"

To the sound of that Gabriel would've wanted to immediately prove that he indeed did very much love her, but Nathalie's sick condition made him hold back a bit, and so the designer only sighed in an irritated manner before saying:

"If I could I would show you just how much I meant what I said, however, as of right now you need rest and so I'll just have to hope that you believe me when I say I will love you. Even if it is a bit strange, even if the media doesn't support it, and even if everyone around us will be disgusted. I'll still love you."

Nathalie smiled to that, in addition she also began tearing up about how cute and adorable that sounded, especially coming from such a harsh person like Gabriel.
But right this second she wouldn't have wanted to do anything else than just simply kiss this man and tell him truly how much he captured her heart.

However even we she tried to open her mouth and form the words "I love you too" nothing got said.
The only sound which could be heard was the unsure breath of the assistant who all of a sudden didn't know what to feel.

It was almost as if something supernatural would've taken over her and therefore she couldn't speak, despite really wanting to.

The only 'thing' she could do was shake her head and with that get rid of all those salty tears that have formed in her eyes by now.
Otherwise Nathalie was completely paralyzed and mesmerized.

Nonetheless Gabriel saw this and although he couldn't have possibly known what his assistant would've wanted to say he still took the chance to guess and then just nodded:

"It's alright, I think I know what you mean."


"That's fine, dear. You don't need to do anything right now, so just please rest and don't stress yourself out over nothing."

"Nothing?!" She shrieked "T-This is not n-nothing! T-this is s-something r-really important f-for m-me! A-and I-I'm just s-shocked, b-but I'll get over it!"

"Good, then get over it quick and also get some sleep. You most definitely need it dear."

And with that the grey haired man placed one last kiss on top of his assistant's head before snuggling his face into her soft, pleasantly smelling hair.

Now they should've fallen asleep, however the flustered young woman couldn't possibly close her eyes even when she tried really hard, so she just ended up excitedly chatting with her superior who very much enjoyed hearing Nathalie's voice when they were both in a half asleep state.


After forgetting a bit about time and just senselessly talking to each other the two adults didn't even realize that they almost talked through the entire night.

It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it was only surprising to both that they never thought about what time it exactly was. But as now the sun began to rise and the birds started making some noise the two soon noticed it was daytime.

"Oh wow, we really did get carried away." Gabriel chuckled before placing a soft kiss on top of Nathalie's head and then quickly transforming into Hawk Moth "But I do need to leave my dear because-...well you know."

"I do." Nathalie sighed falling back onto the not so comfortable cushions after her love left "It's alright though, you have to do what you have to do!"

"Precisely! But I'll see you tonight again love, right?"

"Right!" The young woman smiled, also looking very forward to their next encounter.

And with that they parted.

Once again Nathalie felt super alone without her not official boyfriend, and this situation even seemed to have worsened her condition as she felt more pain in her back now.

Maybe it was because lying on the designer was much more comfortable or maybe it was only because the assistant totally stressed herself out and by that even increased her pain.

Either way she missed him and missed home.

To be continued-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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