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"You sir? Sorry? For what?" Nathalie looked up shocked, but since their foreheads were still laid against one another she slightly hit him causing her to apologize again in an instant.
"Oh I'm so sor-"
"It's fine." Gabriel smiled whilst taking a firm hold of her face and pulling it even closer which made his assistant give him a strange glare for a moment "I overreacted...and I'm sorry about that." now he let go, allowing Nathalie to move back, but she didn't want to, so she just stayed exactly where she was and stared right into her boss's soul.
"Apology accepted." The young woman returned with a smile to which Gabriel chuckled quietly:"Thanks."

And there they were, completely forgetting all of their conflicts, only thinking about the present whilst awkwardly staring at each other, not daring to move.

"So-..." Nathalie began as she stood up "...I can go back to my room...I don't need to leave?"
"Yes, you may stay, but Nathalie wait-" the designer grabbed her blazer causing the assistant to almost lose her balance but thankfully Gabriel quickly stood up before she could've fallen, and so he caught her. "...I only want to say that...maybe...if you wouldn't mind...we could try again..."
"Try again what?"she didn't get the hint causing the grey haired man to feel even more nervous.
"Never mind." He laughed "Ignore what I said."
"Are you sure sir? Didn't it matter?"
"No-no it's useless. You-you just go and get some rest in your own room...I'll...I'll make sure Adrien is well."
"Alright, thank you sir. And good night."
"Y-yes, g-good night to you too!" He stuttered before watching his assistant take the elevator upstairs so that now he was left all alone with his beloved Emilie.

"Oh Em." Gabriel sighed as he looked at her coffin which shined brightly in the dim moonlight. "I'm so sorry. I wish I could-...sacrifice...someone or something...I'd do anything to get you back but-..." he hesitated for a moment "but-...I'm not sure if that's possible."

Now the designer began to tear up whilst he dragged his finger down the spotlessly cleaned glass in order to collect some dust, but there was none. The whole entire coffin was so clean that at this point it even began glowing.
Or maybe that was just Gabriel's imagination playing with him.

Meanwhile this the young assistant made her way up the stairs but before she could've gotten fully up a pair of tiny arms wrapped around her waist.

"Mommy!" A creature sobbed making Nathalie instantly recognize the voice.
"Adrien sweetheart?"
"Yes...mom...it's me." He held on tighter to the fabric of her shirt "I had a bad dream!"
"Oh my boy." The woman frowned "Come here darling!" Said Nathalie as she lifted the small child up, and now she was able to wipe his tears away whilst giving him tiny kisses only to calm the child down, which eventually worked because:

The toddler soon felt much better and even his uneven heavy breathing began to slowly but surely calm down.
So after a few minutes of just holding Adrien close the young woman decided to make her way to her own bedroom, but since her boss was still not back she also had to take the child with her.

She didn't mind much though since Nathalie knew Gabriel wouldn't be able to handle the toddler's cries so her taking care of him would just be better for everyone.


After a little while of stroking Adrien's hair and waiting until he would fall asleep Nathalie now finally achieved many parent's dream.
The child beside her was sound asleep with a cute little smile on his adorable childish face.
But before the assistant herself could've fallen asleep she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and pull her a little back only to be able to feel someone's chest very firmly press against her back.

Nathalie inhaled sharply before turning her head back to check who the hell was behind her but when she looked all she could see was someone's messy hair because the person had already managed to hide their face in the crook of the assistant's neck.

So now she was clueless and also terrified causing her to make an awkward squeak sound to which the mysterious person giggled.

"I like that." He said now pressing his head more against her back. "It was cute."
"Sir!?!" Nathalie jumped, or at least tried to just because she couldn't really from how tight he was holding her down. "What the hell?!"
"What?! Why'd you get so scared?"
"I-I-...w-why a-are y-you...h-here?!?!" She spat not being aware of her own sassy attitude "I-I-it's my b-b-bedroom!"
"I know, and we're pretending to be together! Remember, for Adrien."
"I-oh..." she gulped whilst settling back down comfortably on the mattress "I forgot."
"Well don't forget again!..." the designer sighed sounding fed up "...You know exactly how precious that child is, so for him we can break our usual friendship, alright?"
"Good." He smiled now once again pulling the woman back into the same position and holding onto her just as he was before.
But Nathalie still felt that this was wrong even though she knew her boss was completely acting only for Adrien's sake.
And this also broke her heart.
He was only acting.
This was all an act!
Nothing more.

So as her brain flooded with doubts and concerns the assistant slowly got tired out by these heavy thoughts, and within a few minutes Nathalie fell asleep in her superior's arms wishing that he wouldn't be pretending but really meaningfully holding her tight.
But maybe that was just too much to ask for, maybe she should've stayed in her rightful place where she got known as the heartless assistant of Gabriel Agreste.
Nothing more!

To be continued-

(Personality I love this chapter and finally for once I'm proud of myself, yay.)

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