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"Don't take it personal though." Said Nathalie as she tried to cure her boss's crushed face before he would've fallen into tears, but since nothing seemed to work she eventually just gave him a kiss hoping that would cheer him up, and it sure did.

Now the designer stared at his assistant, his eyes suddenly sparkling not from the tears but from the simple excitement that little gesture gave him.

"I-...thank you."
"You're welcome." Nathalie smiled back, only making him and also her blush more, "but could we please get out of here?"
"Of course, how though?"
"Well...don't you have your miraculous?"
"I guess I do..."
"Good, then transform into Hawk Moth and break us out!"
"Oh...god...I'm so dumb!" Gabriel smashed his fist down making his work partner suddenly flinch and also exclaim in pain since every little movement for her came with excruciating pain.
And so right after that the designer instantly apologized whilst he pulled the fragile woman back and also gave her a 'sorry' kiss.

"My deepest apologies, I'm really forgetful and also frustrated that I haven't thought of that before. Because if I could've then we wouldn't need to be here by now and you'd be safe in-"
"-Sir!" She interrupted "Less talking more doing! And don't be mad, I also only noticed now when you took off your vest! But please let's not discuss any further and just-"
"Of course dear, of course."

And with that, no further words were exchanged.
Gabriel just simply transformed into Hawk Moth and after taking a firm yet careful hold of his employees they both broke free from that horrible, tight place which by now became a sort of prison to them.


Once the two adults were out, the grey haired man almost immediately de-transformed and hurried upstairs with the woman still in hands.

However now not only was her back hurt but Nathalie was also completely covered with glass fragments which poked through her delicate skin, and stood out, violently bleeding.

So as fast as he could Gabriel flung the door open to his bathroom and quickly took some towels to clear her wounds with.

"This might hurt a little." Whispered the designer before closing his eyes and forcefully pulling out one glass piece, then after he heard a quiet 'squeak' from his assistant Gabriel opened his eyes again "Are you alright?"
"Just fine." Nathalie smiled with teary eyes which for some reason didn't make her boss feel so sure, but he still continued.
And thankfully enough after a few more urgent 'operations' they were done, but only done with the small problem, the rest of their troubles still needed solving.

So with a depressing sigh the designer carefully stood up and carried his employees over to the soft mattress of his bed.

"Wait here, I'll get you a doctor as fast as possible, alright?"
"Nathalie don't argue with me! You need professional help and that's the end of our conversation!"
"Fine..." the woman rolled her eyes as she watched her love leave who aggressively shut the door making Nathalie flinch a little, but knowing that her superior only meant good with his not so kind behavior she still managed to draw a smile onto her hurt and tired face.


Meanwhile this Gabriel wanted to make his way downstairs, but the intense screaming of his son completely shifted the man's attention and suddenly got him walking towards the toddler's room.

"Sir-" mumbled the blond secretary in fear whilst trembling as if the world would've been ending right then and there, but then again, Gabriel Agreste being furious is probably worse than the end of the world, so her fears were completely understandable, yet the designer himself found it ridiculous "-my deepest apologies but he just won't shut up!"
"Oh really?"
"Really sir, really."
"Well then-"
"MOMMMMMYYYY" Adrien screamed at the top of his lungs whilst keeping direct eye contact with his father "I WANT MY REAL MOMMY!!!" He just kept going and going before suddenly hearing a snap, and then, as if some magic would've been involved, the child just shut up.

"Wha-" She couldn't believe it, just with the snap of his fingers the little boy stopped yelling and instead smiled innocently as if nothing would've happened before.

The secretary seriously thought she was going insane, however Gabriel beside her just shrugged:

"Manners, my kid has manners." He lied and then left not wanting to talk more about this incident. The designer simply just went back to focusing on what he originally wanted to do hoping this could distract him from the slowly building up guilt he had from controlling his 'own' 'child' for the first time in many years.

The grey haired man quickly dialed his trusted doctor who within a few minutes arrived and now was staring down at the quite literally 'broken' woman.

"So...how did this happen exactly?" Asked the doctor as he casually tapped his pen against his professional looking notebook. "You fell-"
"-Oh well I-...I was running down the stairs and...and slipped."
"Right..." he wrote down something "...so now you think your spine is broken?"
"Well...I can't really move and every time I even just breathe an excruciating pain hits me so hard that I want to cry."
"Oh-..." he scribbled something again, now lowering his glasses down a bit and then taking 'a better look' at his patient "...then I'd suggest we take you to the hospital...where we can treat you...properly!"
"I-" but before she could've replied her boss cheered up:

"That'd be great, wouldn't it Nath?" Gabriel smiled whilst he kissed her hand, and continued patting her head as if his assistant would've been some baby.
"Yes but..."
"But who would take care of Adrien?"
"Nathalie please! That should be the least of your worries! I assure you, he'll be fine, I just need 'you' to be fine!"
"But sir-"
"NO BUT!" Now the designer's hand stiffened in her hair and painful took a hold of it causing the woman to nod with tears in her eyes:
"Fine! Fine!"

So with those few words the doctor closed his notebook, walked closer to the dark haired woman, and smiled:

"You'll get better soon."
"I sure hope so too!" Gabriel whispered as he stood up from his seat on the bed and then walked away with the other man leaving Nathalie completely alone.

She sighed, throwing her head back and harshly closing her eyes to silence those tears which were about to escape.
But by doing so she trapped them, and Nathalie's precious tears never ever showed.

To be continued-

Godddd this was soooo baddd. I hate this chapter but I can't fix it, so sorry!!

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