The Argument

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About an hour passed, and Scott spent that hour trying to fill his mind with happy thoughts. Like getting to see Cassie again. Not thoughts like Hope dying from her attack or the fact that he might never see her again. But those thoughts still came and went as well as the happy ones. 

He couldn't believe he'd been so blind to what had been so obvious. It all added up, yet he didn't want to believe that her attacks were all his fault. But they were, and he couldn't change that. 

And just like that, another hour had gone by. He wondered if Hope blamed him for everything. Was she better off without him? He started considering that when Hope started to wake up. 

"Scott?" She said wearily. 

"Oh, Hope, thank God." She was awake, and his prayers were answered. He was already standing next to the bed, so he didn't have to walk over. He lifted the mask off her face so that she could breathe normally. 

The last thing she could remember was feeling like she couldn't breathe and then collapsing. "How long was I out for?" She asked. "About two and a half hours." He answered. "Is everything-I mean, am I okay?" She asked. 

Scott knew what she meant. They both thought that this attack could've killed her. But thankfully, Tony prevented that. "Yes, thanks to Tony." He said. "I know you didn't want him knowing, but I had to tell him." 

"Well, seeing as I'm alive, I kinda can't be mad at you, can I?" She said smiling. He always did everything he could to make her happy, even follow a ridiculous rule that she made up weeks before. And she loved him for it. 

"He um... he found out what triggers the attacks," Scott said. 

"Wait, really?" She said excitedly. He nodded. "Well, what is it?"  

If she knew what triggered the attacks, she could take that trigger out of her life for good. And never have an attack again. 

"Your attacks are triggered by your greatest fear, and after doing some research on your attacks, we found one thing that each attack had in common. Before you had an attack, something always happened to me." He said. 

"What are you saying?" She asked, sitting up and facing him. 

"Before you had your first attack, I was taken. Second attack, you thought I was dead." He started. But then she started to catch on. 

"Third attack was when I found your name on the memorial. Fourth attack, on the anniversary of the Snap. Fifth attack, when we were finally reunited." She finished. 

"Each time something happened to me. I was either kidnapped, "killed", or coming back after two years." He said. 

"So my greatest fear is..." She started. "Losing me." He finished. 

"I'm not sure how this information helps then." She said. "What are you talking about? Now, we can stop the attacks before they happen."  

"The only way to stop the attacks is to get rid of the trigger. But Scott, how am I supposed to get rid of it, if that trigger is you? I went through two years without you, and I'm not about to lose you over some stupid sickness." She said, knowing what he was about to say. 

"Hope, that might have to happen. I know that's not what you want, and it sure as hell isn't what I want. But considering how severe the attacks are getting, I don't think we don't have much of a choice." 

He only ever wanted what was best for her. And if that meant leaving her so that her life would be spared, that's what he was gonna do. "Scott, you can't be serious." She said with tears in her eyes. 

Then Scott heard something over the radio. "Scott, we're doing it now. Don't leave the med-bay." It was Tony's voice. Scott immediately knew what he meant, and a second later, his vision went black and his ears started ringing. 

When he could see again, he saw Hope kneeling next to him on the floor. The snap must've knocked them both over. Despite what had happened seconds before, Scott helped her up and they both walked to the window. 

"I think it worked!" He said excitedly. Not even a second later, the whole world seemed to be in slow motion as the windows in front of them exploded. Hope watched as they were both blown back, that Scott stepped in front of her, and took the explosion impact. Then everything went dark.

                                                                           Author's Note            

FINALLY!!! We have gotten to the Endgame Battle people!!! If you've made it this far without losing interest, I salute you! But the good stuff is finally here and I am so excited to write these next few chapters!

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