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Yoongi sighed as he curled up under his blanket in his pleasantly roomy seat, turning towards Namjoon. "So, if you have all this family there, why are we staying at a hotel? Aren't good Korean pups supposed to stay with their parents?"

Namjoon chuckled, rolling over to face Yoongi and stretching his arm over the armrest between them in order to curl it around his waist. "First of all, I'm not that good a pup." Yoongi snorted, rolling his eyes slightly as Namjoon slipped his hand under the blanket in order to rub the stretch of skin where his pajama shirt had ridden up. "Plus, I just want you all to myself." Yoongi's face softened at the confession, a smile appearing. "Is that okay?"

The omega nodded, leaning over to bump his nose against Namjoon's. "Okay." He agreed, making Namjoon smile as he surged forward to press their lips together. It didn't take long for the blanket to be completely discarded as the alpha climbed into Yoongi's seat with him, the omega pulling Namjoon on top of him. "I never thought I'd get to join the mile-high club." Yoongi joked as Namjoon trailed kisses along his neck, sucking lightly at his scent gland, making melted chocolate permeate through the space.

"You're such a dork." Namjoon mumbled into his skin, chuckling as he returned to the omega's lips.

They walked through Incheon airport and were soon met with excited squeals. "Namjoon! Hyung!" The screams were followed by of a sugary, buttery scent that reminded Yoongi of his favorite cookies from his favorite bakery, and soon ended with a male omega just slightly shorter than Yoongi throwing himself in the alpha's arms.

"Jimin!" Namjoon hugged him back just as excitedly while Yoongi stood to the side a bit awkwardly, not sure if he should introduce himself or just wait for Namjoon to do it.

"I've missed you!" Jimin pouted as he released Namjoon, another alpha coming up to join them.

As Jungkook, as Yoongi assumed, took his turn to hug Namjoon, Jimin turned to Yoongi and pulled him into an equally excited hug. "You must be Yoongi! It's so nice to finally meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too." Yoongi smiled politely as he pulled back from the hug.

"You guys didn't have to pick us up." Namjoon said.

Jimin gasped dramatically. "Of course, we did!"

Jungkook nodded in agreement. "I had to welcome my best alpha properly." He then turned to Yoongi and pulled the omega into a hug. "Nice to finally meet you."

"You too." Yoongi said, nose twitching as he held back a sneeze from the alpha's strong cinnamon scent. His inner omega had never been fond of spicy alpha scents.

"Are you hungry?" Jimin asked Yoongi as Jungkook moved to grab his luggage for him.


Jimin smiled, wrapping his arm around Yoongi's. "Then let's go eat everything we can."

The group led Yoongi around one of the most popular street food markets in the city, encouraging him to try at least one bite of everything offered before finally settling down at a table under a tent with their multitude of dishes. "I need your help tomorrow." Jungkook informed Namjoon. "I have some prep stuff to do and I don't want to do it alone with Ryo Yeonghwan."

Namjoon snorted. "I still cannot believe that you got that guy to be your groomsalpha."

Jimin made a noise, quickly swallowing his noodles. "Thank you! I rest my case!"

"It wasn't up to me!" Jungkook defended himself while Yoongi just watched everything in front of him. "It wasn't my choice!" Jungkook rolled his eyes before turning to Yoongi. "Yeonghwan is the douche canoe who used to steal my lunch money when we were pups. Until Namjoon here beat him up."

Jimin snorted as Yoongi turned to his boyfriend with a raised eyebrow. "I threw a single punch, fell on the floor, and he sat on me." Yoongi burst into laughter while Namjoon blushed.

Jungkook raised his glass. "A toast!" Everyone picked up their own glasses. "To my best alpha, Kim Namjoon, who can't fight for shit, but he'll always have your back."

"A toast!" Jimin added one, "To mated life?"

"Not yet!" Jungkook feigned disgust, causing his soon to be mate to laugh while staring at him in admiration. "Way too early."

"Yeah, gotta get over the bachelor and bachelorette parties first." Namjoon said as they clinked their glasses together.

After practically chugging half his beer, Jimin scooted closer to Yoongi, taking his hand in his. "Speaking of which, I know we literally just met, but I would love for you to come to my bachelorette party this weekend."

"I'd love to." Yoongi agreed, making Jimin squeal and clap excitedly.

The omegas glanced over to their alphas, who were having a mini food fight with each other. "Also..." Jimin leaned closer to Yoongi, "I can't remember the last time I saw Namjoon like this."

Yoongi smiled as he continued to watch his boyfriend have fun. "He's just happy to be home."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, he's just happy to be home..." He nudged Yoongi and gave him a pointed look. "With you." Yoongi bit his lip slightly at that, feeling his heart race as it always did when Namjoon turned to smile at him.

Seokjin entered his penthouse with his most recent shopping bags and was greeted by the maid. "Is Jihoon home?" He inquired after greeting her warmly.

"Not yet." The beta informed him. "But your son has woken, and he wants to see you."

"Of course." Before he headed into his pup's room, he held his shopping bags out to her. "You know what to do. And quickly." The beta nodded and took the bags before rushing off to hide them around the apartment in places that Jihoon would never look. On his way to see his pup, he stopped off in the bathroom to remove his pearl drop earrings, his final purchase that he had fallen completely in love with upon seeing them, gently placing them back in their box and slipping it on the very top of his vanity mirror.

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