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Namjoon was looking through the shirts hanging up in his old wardrobe when his mother entered the room. "Halmeoni insists all your clothes be washed and pressed every two weeks." She took the shirt he was holding out of his hands and hung it back up, replacing it with a powder blue shirt. "This one."

"Everything is exactly as I left it." Namjoon sighed as he walked around his room, soon heading to his desk to dig through one of the drawers.

"I had your cigars thrown out years ago." His mother stated, knowing exactly what he was looking for.

"I never can get anything past you, can I?" Namjoon chuckled as he closed the drawer, finally taking off his stained shirt.

"I keep telling Halmeoni to put your things away." She stated. "But she says this room makes her feel like you're still here. I got an earful when you didn't move back last year." Namjoon sighed turning away from her after taking the blue shirt. "Your father and I were really looking forward to having you home." Namjoon stayed silent, letting his mother get everything off her mind. "He's not getting any younger. With you on board, maybe he'll take a day off once in a while."

"I know, Eomma." Namjoon sighed. "I'm just not ready yet. There's things in New York that I want to see through."

His mother gave him a tight-lipped smile. "Well, I'm happy I finally met Yoongi. He is very impressive."

"I think so too." Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "I thought you might be excited that the first omega that I bring home is a successful Korean." He chuckled as he turned to leave.

"Korean-American." His mother corrected making him stop and roll his eyes slightly. "Bringing him home, introducing him at a large family gathering, some people may say-"

"When there's something to say about me and Yoongi," Namjoon cut his mother off, giving her a look, "you'll be the first to hear it. Some things I need to figure out on my own."

Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi all strolled arm and arm across the yard, the alpha groaning and rolling his eyes. "Moon Jinhee," he stated with disgust, nodding towards the female omega perched on an alpha's lap. "Cousin Hyunwoo's latest fling. An actress. Rumor is she started off in adult films, most notably Two Omegas One Cup Noodle.

Hoseok gasped. "I always knew she looked familiar!"

Yoongi couldn't get into the conversation as easily as his anxiety was trying to convince him that every single pair of eyes was on him. "Is it just me or are people staring at me?"

"They're just jealous." Taehyung assured him. "You nabbed the crown prince. Namjoon is Halmeoni's favorite. In line to inherit everything. No surprise there when that's the competition." He nodded towards Pyongho and Hyunwoo, who were acting like complete knotheads. "Speaking of the devil." Taehyung dragged the two omegas near the exit of the house, where Eunjeong was escorting Halmeoni out to the party.

Yoongi slunk into a corner in an attempt to hide himself, but it didn't work as Namjoon immediately found him. "There you are. I've been looking all over for you. Are you ready to meet my grandmother?" Yoongi forced a smile on his face and nodded through the anxiety, allowing Namjoon to take his hand and pull him across the room to the elderly omega.

"Joonie, you're home!" His grandmother immediately greeted him. "Not coming to see your Halmeoni for so long, you're lucky I'm still alive!" Namjoon chuckled as she continued to fuss over him. "Did you eat yet? You've become too skinny."

"That's because I miss your cooking." Namjoon told her before gesturing for Yoongi to step forward. "Halmeoni, this is my boyfriend, Min Yoongi."

Yoongi bowed to her. "Thank you for inviting me to your home, Halmeoni. Namjoon always talks about you. He says no one in the world makes better dumplings."

Halmeoni chuckled, waving the compliment off. "It's nothing. I can show you how to make them too."

"I would be honored." Yoongi said with a smile.

"You must come back soon then," Halmeoni insisted, "when there are not so many craning necks around..." Yoongi laughed, feeling more relieved now that he knew Namjoon's grandmother at least liked him.

Off to the side, Eunjeong and Yeonwoo stood watching the interaction. "It's so nice having Namjoon back home." Yeonwoo mused. "But he seems...different."

Eunjeong sighed. "When pups are away from home too long, they forget who they are."

"Yoongi!" Jimin ran over to greet the omega as he and Namjoon arrived at the private hangar where both bachelor and bachelorette parties would be flying out to their destinations. "I'm so happy you're here!" He hugged Yoongi tightly before greeting Namjoon. "He's coming with me." He took Yoongi's hand and tried to drag him off, but Namjoon stopped them.

"Kiss before you go?" Namjoon asked, and Yoongi complied, gently pressing his lips to the alpha's before finally letting Jimin tug him off to the other party guests. "Bring him back in one piece!"

"Yeah, yeah!" He waved Namjoon off before redirecting his attention to Yoongi. "I'm gonna intro you to my posse. We're flying to my mom's resort on Jeju. He closed down the whole place just for us." He squealed. "We're gonna have so much fun! Now come meet the others!"

As the omegas mingled, Namjoon shook his head in disappointment at Yeonghwan already being drunk before the bachelor party even started. "You let Ryo Yeonghwan organize your bachelor party?"

Jungkook sighed. "Yeah..."

The alpha in question stumbled over to them, and they forced smiles on their faces as they greeted him. "This is for you, asshole." Yeonghwan stated before cheering loudly, missing the look Namjoon and Jungkook shared.

Back with the omegas, Jimin soon abandoned Yoongi as a couple more guests arrived, excusing himself to go greet them. Yoongi felt awkward as he didn't know anyone else, so he just stood at the edge of the crowd, watching Jimin hug the twin omegas. "It's easy to make a killer entrance when you come as a matching set." Yoongi turned to see another omega standing behind him. "We haven't met, I'm Lee Bora."

Yoongi smiled politely as he introduced himself. "Min Yoongi."

Bora blinked. "Oh, you're Kim Namjoon's friend." Yoongi nodded. "Word gets around fast here. You're a music producer in New York, right?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"I'm a lawyer." Bora shrugged as if it were no big deal. "General counsel at the Kim family corporation actually."

Yoongi hummed. "That's very impressive."

Bora shook her head slightly. "Just good old-fashioned nepotism. I grew up with Namjoon and Jungkook, we're family friends." She smiled at him. "It's nice to meet you, Min Yoongi."

At that moment, a cart with Jimin and the other omegas meant to drive them out to the private jet pulled up next to them. "Come on! Wheels up in five!" Jimin waved them over, and the two hurried to climb into the last two open seats.

Jungkook and Namjoon watched them go while also dreading their exit for their own party. "All I wanted was a weekend away with my friends..." Jungkook sighed while shaking his head. "And some beer."

"Don't worry." Namjoon patted him on the back. "It's gonna be great whatever happens."

Jungkook was almost about to believe him when Yeonghwan's laugh broke through the air. "Let's make some puppies!"

"Oh god."

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