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"I thought I was here to meet your family, go to your best friend's wedding, eat some good food..." Yoongi said from where he was lying on the couch in his and Namjoon's suite the second the alpha entered the room after returning from Jungkook's bachelor party. "Instead, I feel like I'm a villain in some Kdrama who's plotting to steal your family fortune." He crossed his arms with a pout.

Namjoon sighed as he tossed his bag to the side, sitting next to his omega. "What happened?"

"I met Bora." Yoongi stated bluntly, turning to Namjoon with a look that showed he wasn't happy about the unexpected run in with the alpha's ex. "She informed me that everyone here thinks that I'm the evil person that prevented you from moving back to Korea last year when I didn't even know you were supposed to come home!"

The alpha gently placed his hand on Yoongi's thigh, rubbing it comfortingly. "You have every reason to be upset."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend. "I'm not done yet. There was also a gutted, bloody fish that Jimin's friends left for me in my hotel room on my bed next to the words, 'Catch this, you gold digging bitch'." He crossed his arms again. "Written in big, fat, serial killer letters.

"Is that all that happened?" Yoongi stared at him in disbelief. "By that, I mean please tell me that's all that happened."

"You know what." Yoongi smacked his hands on his thighs before shifting onto his knees, turning to face his alpha with his feet tucked under him. "I don't care about those stupid omegas with their stupid little designer handbags and sunglasses. I don't care about that. I don't care that your ex-girlfriend told me all this shit. What I care about is that you didn't tell me any of it!"

Namjoon bit his lip, eyes flashing with guilt. "I fucked up."

"Why?" Yoongi exclaimed.

"I really fucked up."

"Were you trying to test me? Why would you do that?"

"I made a mistake!" Namjoon took Yoongi's hand in his. "When we first me, you had no idea who I was or who my family was. You didn't care."

Yoongi nodded, rolling his eyes slightly as he shifted on the couch again. "Yeah, I don't care about that stupid stuff."

"Exactly!" Namjoon exclaimed as Yoongi pouted down at his lap. "You are so different from all the omegas I grew up with." Yoongi glanced up at him, obviously still upset. "And I love who I am around you." At that declaration, Yoongi couldn't help the quirk at the corners of his lips as a smile tried to break through. "I don't want that to change. And that's selfish, I know that." He squeezed Yoongi's hand. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that on your own. But I am here now. Whatever happens, we'll get through it together. Dead fish and all." Yoongi snorted out a laugh at that. "Alright?"

The omega then grimaced at the memory of his 'surprise'. "It was so gross. But I buried it."

Namjoon smiled softly at him. "You dealt with it." Yoongi finally smiled, chuckling as his alpha pulled him into his arms.

After a few seconds of just cuddling, Yoongi looked up at Namjoon. "We need to do something tonight. Something that's just you and me. Okay?"

"100% agree." Namjoon nodded, leaving Yoongi satisfied as he relaxed in his alpha's hold. "But we do have to go make some dumplings first." He pressed a kiss to the top of the omega's head. "Okay?"

"...can we eat them?"

"We can eat as many as you like."

"Okay, fine."

The Kim family laughed around the table as they worked to create enough dumplings to feed every expected guest. "This is too much!" Namjoon's aunt exclaimed. "We're hosting a rehearsal dinner, not feeding an army."

Seokjin was showing his pup how to mold the extra dough into funny creatures as Namjoon's mother responded. "Better too many than have people say we're stingy."

"Alright," Namjoon held out his dough and filling to show Yoongi the proper way to make dumplings. "You put the pup in bed. You tuck, tuck, tuck. Same on the other side. And you give him a kiss goodnight."

Yoongi giggled as Namjoon presented the completed dumpling. "That's cute...and then you eat the pup."

Namjoon laughed as he nodded. "Then you eat the pup after he's cooked."

"Oh, yeah, you gotta make sure he's cooked." Yoongi agreed. "Did your halmeoni teach you that?"

As Namjoon nodded, Taehyung chimed in. "On the other hand, I was taught by Great Aunt Misook. You put the Botox in the face, and then you pinch, pinch, pinch."

Yoongi burst into laughter at that, grabbing his own set of dough and filling to start working on his dumplings. "Did you guys all learn when you were pups?"

"We didn't have a choice." Seokjin informed him.

Seokjin's mother shook her head, playfully hitting him. "We taught you, so you'd know the blood, sweat, and tears it took to raise and feed you monkeys."

Taehyung's mother nodded in agreement. "Not like the oekukin, just microwaving macaroni and cheese for their pups." She shook her head in disappointment. "No wonder they put their parents in the old folks' home when they all grow up."

"Halmeoni says if we don't pass traditions down like this, they'll disappear." Eunjeong said calmly.

"God forbid we lose the ancient Korean tradition of guilting your pups." Seokjin shot his aunt a look as his cousins chuckled.

"It's worth it." Namjoon stated. "Eomma used to wait for me after school with a nice basket of these."

Seokjin turned to his mother with an offended look. "I never got after school dumplings."

"That's because Aunt Yeonwoo was doing after school microdermabrasion."

Yeonwoo glared playfully at her nephew. "If your grandfather was alive, he'd kick you into next week." She tossed some unused dough at him.

"This is Gucci!" Taehyung huffed as he brushed his shirt off.

Yoongi sighed in content as he looked around the family. "It's nice to see you all like this. When I was growing up, it was just me and my mom, which I loved...but we didn't really have a big family like this. It's really nice." He noticed Namjoon's mother watching him with an unreadable expression as she placed another finished dumpling in the container, her amethyst ring glinting in the sunlight streaming in from the windows. "That's a beautiful ring, Eunjeong." The table fell silent at Yoongi's words. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Namjoon's father had it made when he proposed to me." Eunjeong informed him.

"That's very romantic." Yoongi smiled, unaware of the tension settling over the older omegas. "How did you guys meet?"

"They met at Yale." Namjoon stated. "They were both studying law together."

Yoongi's eyes widened a bit as he turned back to Namjoon's mother. "I didn't know you were a lawyer."

"I wasn't." Eunjeong deadpanned. "I withdrew from university when we mated. I chose to help my mate run a business and to raise a family. For me, it was a privilege. But for you, you make think it's old fashioned." Yoongi's smile fell at that. "It's nice you appreciate this house and us being here together wrapping dumplings. But all this doesn't just happen. It's because we know to put family first instead of...chasing one's passion."

Yoongi bit his lip as Namjoon's grandmother appeared in the room. "Everyone's here!" Everyone stood up to greet her, the elderly omega's eyes lighting up as she spotted Yoongi. "Namjoon, you brought Yoongi! Good!" She smiled at Yoongi. "I can see you better in the day. The shape of your nose is auspicious. Let me have a closer look..." Yoongi obediently stepped forward, letting the omega cup his face as she inspected him. "Very nice looking...Everyone sit." Yoongi's gaze once again fell on Eunjeong as everyone returned to their seats, her face pinched as if displeased by something. "Did you make those dumplings?" Halmeoni gestured to Eunjeong's efforts. "They don't look very good. You lost your touch."

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