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Four Years Later

The sound of retching echoed through the restroom, concerning all of the omegas present until one was brave enough to lightly knock on the door of the stall on the furthest end. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine~" Yoongi choked out during a break between throwing up. "Thank you." He waited until he heard their footsteps walking away before groaning quietly, lowering his head. He stayed hunched over the toilet, one hand on his churning stomach until he was sure he was done. Then he wiped his mouth with some toilet paper before flushing the toilet and climbing unsteadily to his feet.

By the time he exited the stall, the only other person in there was an elderly female omega washing her hands at the sink. Yoongi offered her a polite smile before using water from the sink to rinse out his mouth and wash his hands. He had just pulled a mint out of his bag to pop into his mouth when he realized that she was staring at him with a look he'd only seen twice before--once at the pharmacy five weeks ago, and once from his doctor two weeks after that. "Congratulations." The older omega gushed, and Yoongi forced another polite smile on his face as he quietly thanked her. "Bringing a new life to the world is what makes all of our other hardships worth it. You must be so excited."

"Yeah...so excited." Yoongi responded as she left. "Fuck!" He rummaged through his bag for the bottle of scent blocker spray he'd started carrying around after Namjoon commented on how his scent had grown sweeter and warmer. Once located it, he sprayed some onto either side of his neck before rubbing it in with his wrists. When he felt the slight tingle in his glands that let him know it was working, he finally left to rejoin his friends for brunch. "You would not believe the line in the omega's room." He played off why he was gone so long as he sat back down.

"Believe me, I can." Jimin groaned. "It's torture trying to get in to change Yejun. One time I had to wait 20 minutes to change a blowout." He shook his head slightly before glancing at the 15-month-old sitting in the highchair next to him. "Can we start potty training? Like, today?"

"No." Yejun's response--although probably not actually having anything to do with Jimin's question and more to do with the fact that it had been his favorite word for the past month--had everyone bursting into laughter.

Jimin shook his head again, although his own eyes were lit with amusement. "Whatever you do, Yoongi, do not have pups." It was obvious he wasn't serious, as he immediately pressed a kiss to his youngest pup's forehead.

Yoongi bit his lip at the statement and was thankful when Hoseok changed the subject to his failed date from the night before. Even still, he couldn't stop thinking about pups, watching Jimin's three-year-old attempting to converse with her younger brother and wondering if his future pup would end up like one of them. Would they be super outgoing and friendly to everyone they pass on the street? Or would they be more like him and Namjoon, on the quiet side and more observational than interactional?

A sudden lurch in his stomach brought on by a passing plate of food broke through his thoughts, and he quickly grabbed his glass to sip at his water as he remembered that he would be figuring out the answer to that question much sooner than he would like.

Not that he wasn't happy to be pregnant. Despite his lacking response to the omega in the restroom, he couldn't be happier that he was carrying Namjoon's pup and was looking forward to the day he got to meet them and hold them in his arms. However, there were certain reasons leading to him using scent blockers to mask the pregnancy in his scent and preventing him from sharing the news with anyone--including Namjoon--just yet...or more specifically, certain persons.

Seokjin's phone dinged at that moment, and the older omega pulled it out to check. "Auntie Eunjeong is finalizing the dinner party this Saturday." He glanced at Yoongi. "You're coming, right?"

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