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Seokjin lay on Minsoo's bed, the pup curled up asleep in his lap as he finished reading him The Little Prince. Just as he finished the story, he heard the front door opening, alerting him to the fact that his mate had arrived home. A few minutes later he could hear the shower starting. He sighed as he closed the book and carefully shifted Minsoo onto his pillow so he could get up, traipsing out of the room and into the kitchen to get his nightly glass of wine. He had just settled onto his bed with the drink when Jihoon exited the bathroom, drying himself off. "Sorry, I got stuck in a meeting."

"It's okay." Seokjin assured him as he sipped at his wine. "Don't forget, mating festivities start on Wednesday, so no emergencies next week."

"I wouldn't dream of missing a second with your family and friends." Jihoon retorted sarcastically as he slipped a pair of underwear on.

Seokjin chuckled quietly. "It won't be all bad. Namjoon and his boyfriend will be there. You'll like him."

Jihoon hummed as he climbed onto their bed. "Because he's a commoner like me?"

"You know that's not what I meant." Seokjin shot him a look as he set his glass on the bedside table.

His mate was quiet for a few seconds before changing the subject. "You know...I thought I caught Hyorin trying to shove a pair of red bottoms behind the dryer." Seokjin stayed quiet, opting to curl up against his mate's chest and trail a few kisses along his shoulder. "I don't know why you keep trying to hide your shopping from me. You can buy whatever you want." He sighed. "Everyone knows you wear the money pants in this family."

"You know that's overrated." Seokjin whispered, moving so he was lying completely on his alpha, pressing a kiss to his mark. "I got you something too." He reached under the pillow and pulled out a brand-new Rolex. "To celebrate the launch of your startup." Jihoon stared at the present with wide eyes as Seokjin gently stroked his cheek. "I know you don't like expensive gifts, but you're not a captain in the army anymore. You're a CEO. You should look the part."

"I love it." Jihoon whispered, carefully setting it on the bedside table before wrapping his arms around the omega's waist. "Thank you." He pulled Seokjin down into a kiss, carefully rolling them over without parting from him.

Yoongi groaned as the alarm on Namjoon's phone went off. "What time is it?" He mumbled as Namjoon sat up to turn the noise off, soon returning to his previous position of spooning the omega.

"Good morning." Namjoon said without answering Yoongi's question. "It's time for me to do some groomsalpha duties.

The omega groaned again, eyes still closed. "Stay in bed."

"You can stay." Namjoon said, pressing a kiss to the back of Yoongi's neck. "I'll get you a breakfast tray." Yoongi giggled, finally opening his eyes and rolling over onto his back as Namjoon climbed out of bed.

Yoongi admired his alpha's shirtless form for a few seconds before sighing and sitting up. "I should get up too. I promised Hoseok I'd meet up with him."

"A little college reunion." Namjoon hummed as Yoongi continued to rake his gaze over Namjoon's body. "Don't forget, dinner at Halmeoni's tonight. My whole family's going to be there, and I can't wait to show you off." Yoongi nodded, but the way he was biting his lip let Namjoon know that meeting his family was the last thing on the omega's mind at the moment. Yoongi's gaze flickered up to his, and that's when Namjoon broke, chuckling as he climbed back on the bed. "How can I resist you?" Yoongi giggled as Namjoon climbed over him, happily wrapping his arms around the alpha's neck as their lips met.

Yoongi walked up to the house Hoseok had texted him the address of, fidgeting in the yellow shirt his mother had ended up convincing him to buy. He rang the doorbell, and it only took a few seconds before the familiar face of his college roommate to run out with a dog in his arms. "New York in the house!"

"Hobi!" Yoongi exclaimed, throwing his arms open for a hug as Hoseok set his dog down.

"What up, bitch?!"

"You look amazing!"

Hoseok pulled out of the hug and struck a pose. "Some things never change, right?"

Hoseok's mother then popped her head out. "Oh, Yoongi!" Yoongi waved to the older omega. "It's so hot out here! Come in and enjoy the air con!" She ushered him inside. "The whole family is waiting to meet you!"

Yoongi was led to a table full of food where Hoseok's family was sitting around, waiting to eat as Hoseok's mother announced his presence. "Your house is beautiful." Yoongi complimented.

As they settled down to eat, Hoseok's father turned to him. "Min Yoongi, we are so grateful for all the help you have given my Hoseok back in his college days. Without you, he would be a hot mess."

Hoseok rolled his eyes as Yoongi responded. "Actually, if it wasn't for him, I would be a big mess. He was a huge help to me."

"Appa, can we go play now?" Hoseok's younger twin sisters begged.

"You haven't finished your food yet." He scolded. "There are starving children in America! Just look at Yoongi!" Yoongi looked up with furrowed eyebrows. "Look how skinny he is! Do you wanna be like that?" They shook their heads. "Then eat your noodles."

Yoongi shook his head slightly as Hoseok's mother turned to him. "Yoongi, what do you do in America?"

"I'm a music producer."


Yoongi shrugged slightly. "I mean, I can live comfortably."

Hoseok's father hummed. "Very impressive." He turned to his son. "Let me get this straight, you went to the same school and someone made something of themselves while someone else lounges around on their computer all day." Hoseok shot his father a flat look, but the alpha had moved on to Hoseok's older alpha brother, nudging the alpha. "Taeran, this is the kind of omega you should date." He said, gesturing to Yoongi who awkwardly sipped at his water. "This is gold standard. Don't be shy, just talk to her."

Taeran blinked as he turned to Yoongi and whispered, "I love you."

"No, no, don't do that." His father scolded as Yoongi tried not to let his discomfort show too much.

"Appa," Hoseok spoke up to save him, "He's here with his boyfriend. Can't you smell him on her."

Hoseok's father simply shrugged. "What's smell when there's no mark on him?"

"Hoseok's right." Yoongi said quietly, clearing his throat. "My boyfriend's from here and we came to visit for a bit and go to his best friend's mating ceremony."

"How sweet." Hoseok's mother smiled. "What's his name?"

"Eomma's in the middle of all the gossip in Seoul." Hoseok rolled his eyes.

Yoongi nodded slightly before answering. "His name is Kim Namjoon." Hoseok proceeded to choke on his food as everyone turned to Yoongi in shock. "What?"

Hoseok blinked at his best friend as he recovered from his near-death experience. "The Namjoon you're dating is Kim Namjoon?"

"You're invited to Jeon Jungkook's mating ceremony?!" Hoseok's mother practically screeched.

"Do you guys know them?" Yoongi asked in confusion.

Hoseok's father scoffed. "Who doesn't know who they are?" Hoseok's brother not so subtly pulled out his phone to take a picture of Yoongi, who stared at him in disbelief. "They're just the biggest developers in pretty much all of Korea.

"Jungkook and Jimin's mating ceremony is pretty much the event of the century." Hoseok explained. "And Kim Namjoon's family is pretty much royalty. Did you really not know?"

Yoongi shook his head slightly. "Tell me, what are they like?" Hoseok's mother practically begged as they all turned to him expectantly.

"I-I don't really know...I haven't met them yet." Yoongi shrank into his chair as much as he could under the weight of their gazes. "I'm gonna meet them tonight. I'm going to Namjoon's grandmother's house."

Hoseok gasped. "You're going to Namjoon's grandmother's house wearing that?"

Yoongi blinked. "I thought yellow was a lucky color..."

"Honey..." Hoseok shook his head and sighed. "You're gonna need some work before you meet his family."

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