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"I have been waiting to do this properly for so long." Hoseok squealed as he and Yoongi stood in front of the mirror in his room. I'm thinking eyelash extensions, a little bleaching of the hair, maybe some eyelid tape..." He turned to the other end of the room. "What do you think?"

"All of it!" Taehyung exclaimed, snapping at his assistants who had accompanied him. "And I would throw in a snail face mask." He sighed, shaking his head as he approached Yoongi. "Honey, your skin is so dry, it's hurting my face." He took Yoongi's hands in his and smiled. "It's about time somebody stood up to Aunt Eunjeong...you, not me. She can't ever know I was here." Yoongi assured him his secret was safe. "Good. Let's get to work." He clapped his hands together.

After an entire day of bleaching his hair, testing out different make up looks, and trying on hundreds of outfits, Yoongi was finally stepping out onto the red carpet leading into the cathedral Jimin and Jungkook's ceremony was taking place in. They had settled on a sheer light purple, flowy shirt underneath a sparkly silver jacket and paired with leather pants, along with a smoky eye and lip tint that added a pop of red to his face. His hands were shaking as he made his way down the carpet, but it was obvious the many people who were clamoring to catch a glimpse of the ceremony guests, and possibly Jungkook and Jimin themselves, approved of his look as many of the reporters began snapping photos and yelling to get his attention.

His confidence grew the further along he went until he was posing right next to Bora, who had just realized the attention was no longer fully on her. "Hello, Bora." Yoongi greeted in a not so friendly way. "You're in my way." The female omega scoffed as Yoongi stepped past her to enter the cathedral.

"Our Japanese investors are getting nervous." Jihoon informed Seokjin on their way to the ceremony. "I have to fly to Tokyo on Monday to try and talk them down."

Seokjin cleared his throat, shifting in his seat. "That's Minsoo's birthday."

Jihoon sighed while typing on his phone. "I know." Seokjin turned to look at him. "I hate to miss it, but this is important."

"You'd think your pup's birthday is important." Seokjin scoffed. "Get someone else to handle it." When he noticed Jihoon wasn't going to respond, the alpha too glued to his phone, Seokjin decided it was as good a time as any to bring up what had been on his mind for so long. "Unless there's another reason you're out of town."

Jihoon put his phone down, glancing at Seokjin who was now facing forward, back straight as a pin. "What are you saying?"

Seokjin was deadly calm as he rolled up the divider between them and their driver. "I know you're having an affair." Jihoon sighed, running a hand over his face, not even trying to deny it. "Let's just get through the ceremony and we'll deal with it after. I don't want to make a scene."

The alpha turned to him in disbelief. "You found out I'm having an affair with another omega and you're worried about making a scene?"

"You'd rather I scream and carry on?" Seokjin scoffed out a laugh.

"Yes." Jihoon stated. "I wish you would. It would show you cared about more than what people thought of you and your family."

Seokjin turned to glare at his mate. "Don't you dare try and turn this on me. I'm not the one who fucked somebody else. I didn't screw things up."

"Of course, you didn't." Jihoon scoffed. "You're always the prettiest, richest, most perfect omega in the room." He spat out bitterly. "And I'm just the lucky bastard who will never measure up."

"Don't say that." Seokjin said quietly, tears threatening to spill over.

"I know what you're thinking, Seokjin." Jihoon stated. "That's why you hide your shoes, the jewelry you buy, as if every minute of my life I'm not reminded of it." Seokjin sniffled, holding his hand to his mouth as he tried not to cry. "I'm just tired. I'm tired of having nothing I do matter. Including having the affair."

Seokjin stared at his mate in disbelief. "Of course, what you do matters!" He exclaimed with a sob. "How can you say that?" Jihoon simply shook his head and asked the driver to pull over. Once the car came to a stop he climbed out and slammed the door behind him, leaving Seokjin crying into his hands.

Eunjeong and her friends made their way through the cathedral...or possibly a jungle, based on the number of plants being used to decorate the space. "Is this a church or a paddy field?" Eunjeong chuckled.

"They spent over 40 billion won on the wedding." One of her friends informed them.

Yeonwoo gasped at the outrageous amount of money. "That's too much! 20 billion should be the limit!"

There laughter was soon put to a stop as they spotted one Son Gyubong entering the cathedral. "I heard he demanded a whole row to himself so he wouldn't be bothered by anyone."

"Really?" Yeonwoo hummed, continuing to look around until she spotted someone who only seemed slightly familiar. "Who is that?" Her eyes widened in realization and she quickly nudged Eunjeong, pointing out Yoongi making his way through the crowd.

Yoongi smiled politely as he approached the group of older omegas, greeting them. "Yoongi, how lovely to see you." Eunjeong greeted stiffly, looking him over to take in his new look.

"The pleasure is all mine." Yoongi replied, the corner of his lips quirking in a small smirk.

"But I must apologize, as our row is full." Eunjeong continued, obviously not all that sorry as she turned and walked off without another word, her friends following her.

Yoongi felt the urge to cry at the treatment, but instead took a deep breath and whispered, "Bak-bak."

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