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Yoongi walked around, trying to find an empty seat, when he spotted someone he'd never thought he'd ever get to meet sitting by himself. "Son Gyubong?" The male omega looked up. "I'm Min Yoongi. You were, like, one of the first big omega producers!" He sat down next to him, eyes wide with awe as Gyubong faced forward again. "I'm a huge fan of your work!"

"You say 'big', but I'm still relatively unknown." Gyubong responded without looking back at Yoongi. "And those that do know me then to think my music is, as they say, 'trash'."

"That's because most music critics are alphas who don't even know the first thing about music theory." Yoongi scoffed. "They always praise the alpha producers who put out variations of the same three songs just to make money and ignore us omegas out here who are making actual music to move and inspire people."

Gyubong's lips quirked up in a smile as he turned back to the younger omega. "What was your name again?"

Yoongi smiled widely. "Min Yoongi."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." A few rows back, Eunjeong and her friends watched on in shock. "Now what brings you here."

"Now don't judge me, but I followed an alpha..."

As they conversed, Seokjin arrived for the wedding, escorting Halmeoni down the aisle while trying to act like his heart wasn't aching. Yeonwoo glanced over her shoulder and gasped at the sight. "Halmeoni is here." She nudged Eunjeong, who turned to see for herself. "She never comes to these things!"

"Thank you, Halmeoni." Seokjin whispered, squeezing his grandmother's hand as everyone in the room stood to show their respect to the elderly omega.

"Family never says thank you." Halmeoni reminded him with a soft smile. They sat down with the rest of the Kim family, Seokjin waving at Yoongi who gave him a sympathetic smile as if he knew what had just happened.

Namjoon walked up to Jungkook and patted him on the back. "How are you feeling?"

Jungkook took a deep breath and nodded. "Good."

"Don't be nervous." Namjoon said.

"I'm not nervous."

"You look great."

Jungkook thanked him as he peeked out at the crowd again. "Yoongi's not sitting with your family."

Namjoon let out a sad chuckle. "I don't blame him. Eomma hasn't exactly been the most welcoming. But I'm sure he's be somewhere in the back laying low."

"Nope." Jungkook shook his head. "He's sitting in the front." He pulled Namjoon forward to see for himself. The alpha looked to see his boyfriend laughing and conversing with Son Gyubong, and Yoongi looked like he was genuinely enjoying himself. That alone was enough to make Namjoon smile, plus the way Yoongi looked...Namjoon was sure he was falling in love all over again. "I think you've got a fighter." Jungkook stated, clapping him on the shoulder.

Another groomsalpha informed them that it was time for the ceremony to start and they moved to take their positions. But Yeonghwan stopped Jungkook. "Make sure he doesn't take your knot." He teased before punching Jungkook in the dick. "Joking, joking." He laughed brightly, ignoring the way the groom was bent over in pain. Once Jungkook composed himself, they walked out in a row to stand at the front of the room to begin the ceremony.

Yoongi knew this day was about Jungkook and Jimin, but that still didn't prevent him from staring at Namjoon the whole time, the alpha holding his gaze for the entirety of the ceremony with a smile. Even when Jimin came out, Yoongi only took a second to admire the omega in his traditional robes before his gaze returned to his alpha. As the couple exchanged their vows, Jungkook barely holding it together enough to get his words out, Yoongi also couldn't help but tear up at the words, mouthing 'I love you' to Namjoon just as Jimin and Jungkook shared their first kiss as a legally mated couple.

"You look spectacular." Namjoon whispered to Yoongi from behind, arms wrapped tightly around the omega's waist.

"I'm glad you like it, because I can barely feel my legs in these pants."

Namjoon chuckled before shaking his head. "I'm not talking about the clothes. He turned Yoongi around in his arms. "It's just you."

Yoongi smiled and leaned in to press his lips to Namjoon's, but was interrupted by a hyper, most likely tipsy Jimin. "Come on! This party isn't gonna dance itself!" Jimin practically dragged them out onto the dance floor before rejoining his mate.

"I guess we're dancing." Yoongi giggled as Namjoon took his hands, the two of them dancing happily to the upbeat song playing.

Eunjeong grimaced at the sight of Hyunwoo and Jinhee practically having sex on the dance floor as she walked around the reception until she spotted her nephew. "Taehyung?" The alpha hummed as he turned to his aunt. "Please take care of that."

"As you wish..."

Yoongi and Namjoon held each other closely, their foreheads resting against each other as a slow song rang out across the reception. "You should wear a tux more often." Yoongi whispered.

"By more often, I'm assuming you mean all the time?"

"Oh, yeah, totally." Yoongi nodded. "Like when you're playing basketball at the y...shaving...brushing your teeth..." Namjoon chuckled as Yoongi bit his lip, soon leaning in to capture his alpha's lips in a kiss.

"Hyunwoo!" Taehyung called out, tapping his cousin on the shoulder. "Your father's looking for you." Hyunwoo rolled his eyes, turning back to make out with Jinhee some more. "Something about an overdrawn discretionary account."

Hyunwoo's eyes widened in fear before he took off running. "Baby?!" Jinhee called after him in confusion until Taehyung pulled her into his arms to dance. "Oh, hello there."

"So how do you like the ceremony?" Taehyung asked nonchalantly.

Jinhee sighed dreamily. "It's so glamorous!" She then gasped. "When it's mine and Hyunwoo's ceremony, I want it just like this!" Taehyung chuckled. "No, I want it bigger and better!"

"Oh sweetie..." Taehyung shook his head. "You'll be lucky if Hyunwoo's parents give you a tea ceremony." Jinhee made a small noise at that. "You know Hyunwoo's only the fourth alpha of a penny-pinching family, don't you? I mean, he'll get next to nothing." Jinhee's eyes widened at that. "You want a ceremony like this, you should have fallen in love with an only pup. Someone like..." Taehyung shrugged before turning Jinhee until she was facing a very different alpha. "Ryo Yeonghwan."

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