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"Any asshole can plan a normal bachelor party." Yeonghwan informed them as the helicopter flew them to the mystery location of the party. "Hookers, drugs, dog fighting...that's minor league shit. To organize a party this massive-"

"Takes a massive asshole." Namjoon whispered to Jungkook, making him laugh.

"-takes a goddamn mastermind." Yeonghwan finished, oblivious to Namjoon's comment.

Jungkook didn't bother to hold back his eyeroll. "Where exactly is this party?"

Yeonghwan smiled and pointed out the window. "It's right there."

They looked out the window to see a giant cruise ship with a large banner saying 'Jungkook's Bachelor Party'. "Fucking hell."

The helicopters landed at the top of the ship, and Yeonghwan dragged them down to the main deck, where they were immediately greeted by loud cheers from the 100s of occupants and a few confetti cannons.

The party raged well into the night, the majority of the guests getting drunker with each minute that passed. Namjoon, however, stayed sober as he sat with his cousins and best friend. "What are you so worried about, Namjoon?" Pyongho asked him. "You don't have to keep Yoongi happy. He's lucky to be here."

Jungkook scoffed on behalf of his best friend. "Real nice, Pyongho."

"What, do we pretend that's not the truth?" Pyongho retorted. "Are we in some kind of fairy tale story that I don't know about?" He turned to Namjoon. "Did you find a shoe at midnight and jump in a pumpkin? I got so much shit about marrying Sooyoung, and her parents own the biggest shipping company in Busan." He set his gaze on Jungkook next. "And Jimin's adorable, but you think your dad would be spending millions on this ceremony if his parents didn't own a billion-dollar resort chain?" He looked back at his cousin. "What's Yoongi bringing to the table?"

"A tiny ass?" Hyunwoo offered, making everyone but Namjoon and Jungkook laugh. In fact, Namjoon growled and stood up, only for Jungkook to hold him back.

"It's not worth it, man." Jungkook told him, rubbing his shoulder to calm him down. "They're drunk."

"Hey, guys!" They turned to see Yeonghwan standing up on a stage with models from all around the world, who looked as if they were in the middle of a swimsuit competition. "This is boring! Massage time!" He then pointed directly at Jungook. "You, Mr. Bachelor, will be getting one before this weekend is over, or we're gonna tie you up and shave your cock!"

Jungkook groaned in exasperation as everyone started chanting his name and turned to Namjoon. "We have to get off this ship."

Jimin's bachelorette was much calmer, the group of omegas standing on the white sand beach on his family's resort as he stood in front of them. "Welcome to paradise! This weekend is about bonding and connecting with the divine in all of us. I hope you'll all find your bliss starting with..." He paused for dramatic effect. "An all-paid shopping spree at the fashion boutique!" All of the omegas started squealing in excitement, except for Yoongi and Bora who laughed as they watched everyone else rush to the boutique. "Come on!" Jimin ran up to them and took Yoongi's hand, dragging him along to the shopping spree.

The omegas were going rabid, fighting over dresses and purses while Jimin walked around with a timer, encouraging them to grab as much as they could before time ran out. Amidst the chaos, Yoongi had found a quiet corner of the boutique to try on a loose tank top he had taken a liking to, Bora standing a few feet away to check out a necklace. "No one loves free stuff more than rich people." Bora sighed as she turned to Yoongi. "Just the one shirt for you?"

Yoongi nodded, watching the battle raging in front of him. "I don't want to lose an arm."

Bora chuckled before grabbing a pair of earrings from the jewelry display. "In that case." She held them out to Yoongi, encouraging him to exchange them for the simple studs in his ears. "Just to top it off."

"Time!" Jimin announced, and everyone froze. "Next stop...spa!!!" The omegas started cheering again as Jimin led them off to a, hopefully for Yoongi, quieter experience.

Jungkook sighed at the peacefulness, as Namjoon had managed to get one of the pilots to help them sneak away from the party and fly them to one of the private islands his family owned not much further away. "You're a genius."

Namjoon shrugged, offering Jungkook a beer. "What's a best alpha for?"

"I think this is the best beer I've ever had." Jungkook exclaimed after drinking half of it.

"I have to agree with you on that." Namjoon chuckled as he settled down into the beach chair next to his best friend.

"If it wasn't for Jimin," he tipped his bottle towards Namjoon, "I'd ask you to mate me."

Namjoon chuckled as he set down his beer in order to dig through his bag. "There might be something else getting in the way of that..." He pulled out a velvet box and opened it to reveal a gleaming two carat oval shaped diamond ring.

Jungkook's eyes widened and he nearly choked on his beer. "Oh my god, is that real?" He sat up to take a closer look.


"Oh my god." Jungkook laughed in disbelief and excitement for his best friend. "Congratulations! That is fucking amazing!"

Namjoon shrugged a bit. "I'm ready."

"You're ready! You're doing it!" Jungkook laughed again. "Namjoon, I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks, Jungkook." Namjoon smiled at him and let him admire the ring he'd picked out for a few more seconds before tucking it safely back into his bag.

Yoongi let out a moan as his masseuse worked out a particularly tense area in his back. "I think my masseuse just got me pregnant." He mumbled, making Bora chuckle.

"I can see why Namjoon put off coming back to Korea."

If he weren't so relaxed, Yoongi would have furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"He was supposed to come back last year," Bora explained, "take over the family business. His parents freaked out when he didn't." She sighed. "But now that he's back, I'm sure all is forgiven."

"He's not back for good." Yoongi informed her. "We're just here for a mating ceremony." Bora took a deep breath but didn't respond otherwise.

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