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Yoongi and Namjoon strolled through the house hand in hand until a familiar omega rushed over to them. "Namjoon! Yoongi!" Seokjin hugged each of them tightly. "I'm so glad you could make it!" He told Yoongi sincerely.

"It's so good to see you in person and not over a screen!" Yoongi exclaimed.

Seokjin smiled before gesturing to the alpha behind him. "This is my mate, Jihoon."

Yoongi bowed politely in greeting. "Nice to meet you."

Jihoon returned the bow. "I've heard so much about you."

"Golden alpha is back!" An obnoxiously loud alpha appeared, pushing Yoongi out of the way as he clapped Namjoon on the shoulder. "Joon!" He then turned to Yoongi, who was rubbing his side. "You must be Yoongi. I'm Pyongho, and this is my mate." The omega opened her mouth to introduce herself but didn't get the chance to. "Her name is Sooyoung. I see you've already met Princess Seokjin and his little soldier toy, Jihoon. You know Jihoon's a big shot tech startup guy, so if you forget your password, he's your alpha." He laughed, failing to notice how no one joined in with him. "You're from the Flux Mins, right?"

As Yoongi shook his head, Namjoon stared at his cousin in disdain. "Can I punch him in the face?" Jihoon whispered to him. "Just once?"

"Take a number." Namjoon muttered back.

Jihoon sighed. "I'll be in my usual corner." He turned to Seokjin and asked if he wanted a drink before walking off.

Seokjin walked over to Namjoon once his mate was gone. "Have you prepped Yoongi to face the wolves?"

Namjoon chuckled. "Yoongi is a New Yorker. He has to deal with Boomers in his company all the time. I think he can manage our family."

Seokjin sighed, shaking his head slightly. "You've been away too long."

"Okay, I'm sorry, wait," they turned to see Pyongho staring at Yoongi in confusion. "So, you're not from the Flux Mins?" Yoongi shook his head, keeping his smile. "Angel Entertainment Mins?" Yoongi's smile faltered the tiniest bit as he shook his head again. "Glacier Systems Mins?"

Yoongi's smile dropped fully as Namjoon rushed over to save him. "I'm sorry, I have to cut in because I'm going to take him on the rounds. We'll be back."

"Antler Acoustics Mins?! Yoongi?! Who are you?!"

Seokjin finally found his mate in a, surprisingly, empty room talking on the phone. "Look, we need all hands on deck right now. Please just do me this favor...thank you, goodbye."

"They started clearing away dinner." Seokjin informed his mate as he tossed his phone onto the couch, holding out the plate he had saved for him. "I made sure to snag your favorites."

"Thank you." Jihoon sweetly kissed Seokjin on the cheek before sitting down, the omega joining him on the couch.

Seokjin was quiet for a few seconds before saying, "You know, if you need help at the office, I could always come in and help out."

Jihoon turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "The glamorous Kim Seokjin working as an assistant?" Seokjin nodded. "Isn't Jimin's bachelorette party tomorrow?"

"And this would be the perfect excuse to get out of it."

"Thank you." Jihoon said before shaking his head. "But I've got everything covered."

Seokjin smiled and nodded as his husband took a drink. "I forgot to get you some chopsticks." He moved to stand up, only for Jihoon to force him to stay on the couch.

"You stay, I'll go get them."

As the alpha left the room, his phone began to buzz on the couch next to Seokjin. "Baby, I think it's the office calling you back!" Jihoon was too far away to hear him, so Seokjin figured he could just let him know when he returned. The buzzing died down as he turned back around. He was about to toss the phone to the side again when a text notification caught his attention.

The bed feels empty without

Seokjin felt his heart sank, his inner omega turning circles in his mind as he blinked back the tears that instantly sprang forward at the words.

"I can't believe I mistook your nanny for your grandmother!" Yoongi exclaimed, chugging half of his wine down.

"Don't worry, nobody even noticed."

Yoongi groaned. "Yeah, but I probably just freaked out your nanny-" Yoongi stumbled over a chair that was stuck out too far, spilling his wine on Namjoon's crisp white shirt. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

"Hey, it's fine." Namjoon encased Yoongi's face in his hands. "I promise, it's fine. Don't worry about it."

Another alpha appeared, offering Namjoon a napkin. "Just go get changed, Namjoon. I'll keep Yoongi company."

"Thanks, Tae." Namjoon dabbed at the stain with the napkin his cousin provided before turning to his boyfriend. "You are in good hands. Give me two minutes."

Yoongi apologized once more as Namjoon headed out of the room before turning to the new alpha. "Hi, I'm Yoongi."

"Oh, I know." Namjoon's cousin smiled at him, looking him over. He opened his mouth to speak more, but then Hoseok appeared out of nowhere, staring at Yoongi in horror.

"Did you really think Halmeoni was the cook?!"

"N-no, t-that's not..." Yoongi stopped and buried his face in his hands, groaning loudly.

Taehyung shrugged. "On the bright side, you're the talk of the party. People are especially talking about your outfit."

Hoseok turned to the alpha with a smile. "I did that."

"Oh, just beautiful job!" Taehyung sighed dreamily while Yoongi just smiled, happy that at least one thing was going right.

Yoongi watched them go back and forth, complimenting each other's outfits and introducing themselves for a few minutes before speaking up. "So, Taehyung, are you a cousin too?"

Taehyung nodded. "One of the poorer relations. The rainbow sheep of the family." Yoongi and Hoseok giggled at the euphemism. "But I make myself useful. Whatever the Kims want, I procure. Golden Koi fish, antique furniture, a rare Cambodian gong..."

Yoongi laughed in disbelief. "Why would they want to buy a rare Cambodian gong?" As if on cue, one of Namjoon's aunts proudly banged on said gong for seemingly no reason.

"Because they can." Taehyung deadpanned, taking a sip of his cocktail.

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