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"Namjoon's family is rich." Hoseok informed Yoongi as he dug through his closet to find something better for Yoongi to wear. "Crazy rich. I'm talking old money rich. They practically own half of Korea. These people are so posh and snobby...they're snoshy!"

Yoongi scoffed. "Namjoon's not like that."

Hoseok sighed. "Even if he isn't, I guarantee you, the family is. Which is why tonight, you need to not look like...that." Yoongi tried to ask what exactly was wrong with his outfit but went ignored as Hoseok turned him into his personal Barbie doll.

Yoongi sat nervously in the passenger seat of Hoseok's car on the way to Namjoon's grandmothers house, fingering at his new sparkly gold shirt and expensive dress slacks. "Thanks for driving me."

"Of course." Hoseok responded. "This is my one chance to see their mansion." Yoongi hummed as Hoseok turned off the main road and down a private road. After a few more minutes of driving, the GPS started screaming at them to turn around. "Are you sure you had the right address? The GPS says there is literally nothing here."

"Yes, I put in the right address." Yoongi said as Hoseok pulled to the side of the road to figure things out. "I literally copy and pasted it from Namjoon's text."

"Really?" Hoseok asked. "Are you sure you didn't copy and paste 'jungle' because-holy shit!" Hoseok flailed in his seat as someone's face appeared at his window. He took a deep breath to compose himself as he rolled down the window. "Hello, sir. How are you?" The male beta didn't respond. "We're here for the party and...we come in peace."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and leaned over to speak to the man. "Do you know where the Kim family house is? Like Kim Namjoon? I'm Min Yoongi, I'm here to go to his family dinner." The beta straightened up and began speaking into a walkie talkie.

"Okay, he's on the phone." Hoseok repeated multiple times, obviously struggling to stay calm. "Does he have a gun? That looks like a gun." The beta lowered the walkie talkie and waved for them to come on through before turning to open the gate a few feet away. "Please don't shoot us." Hoseok begged as he slowly drove forward, only having to drive for a few more minutes before finally arriving at the mansion.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful." Yoongi sighed.

Hoseok scoffed. "Beautiful? It's 200 billion won worth of real estate! It's spectacular!" As he brought the car to a stop, Namjoon exited the house and hurried down to them to help Yoongi out. "Damn, Yoongi, he's like the Korean bachelor."

Namjoon opened Yoongi's door. "Hello, gorgeous." He greeted, helping Yoongi out of the car. "I think I've fallen in love with you all over again." Yoongi smiled as Namjoon softly pressed his lips to his.

The omega was forced to pull away when Hoseok aggressively cleared his throat. "This is my friend, Hoseok.

"Howdy!" Hoseok greeted as Namjoon leaned down to smile at him.

"Thank you for bringing Yoongi. Would you like to stay a while and have some dinner?"

Hoseok feigned turning down the offer. "No, I couldn't impose."

"It's not a problem."

"I had some plans."

"We've got a lot-"

"Yeah, I'll fucking come to dinner!" Hoseok practically flew out of the car and ran to his trunk to pull out a clothing bag.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "You keep fancy clothes in your trunk?"

"I'm not an animal, Yoongi"

Namjoon chuckled before leading the two inside, Yoongi growing increasingly more anxious at the sheer amount of people he could see. "I thought this was a family thing."

"Halmeoni's invited some of her friends over." Namjoon explained, squeezing Yoongi's hand comfortingly. "The cherry blossoms are blooming. It's a whole thing. Are you ready for this?"

Yoongi simply smiled nervously in response as they entered the mansion where even more people than Yoongi originally saw were milling about. "Damn, Namjoon!" Hoseok exclaimed as he looked around. "This is a party!"

"The good bathrooms are up the stairs and you can get changed in there." Namjoon informed him. Hoseok nodded and rushed up the stairs, pausing to take a few selfies on his way.

"You know when you said you grew up in your grandma's house?" Yoongi asked, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's as a way of getting closer to ease his nerves. "This is nowhere near what I was expecting." A beta server appeared, offering Yoongi a bowl of some kind of liquid. "Oh, thank you."

Namjoon quickly stopped him before he could take a drink. "It's for your fingers." Namjoon set the bowl back down and sent the server on. "I know, it's a little bit much."

"It's gorgeous." Yoongi added on. "But the armed guards are a little..." He trailed off as he noticed something across the room. "A giant tiger?"

"My great-great-grandfather shot him when he ran into him on a mountain once." Namjoon explained. "Seokjin and I used to hide cigarettes in his paws." Yoongi hummed at the story before turning back to Namjoon. "Before we go in, I want you to meet my mom first."

Yoongi nodded. "Okay." Namjoon smiled and squeezed his hand once more before pulling him through the house.

Namjoon led Yoongi into the kitchen where multiple chefs were working to create plenty of dishes for the hundreds of guests currently at the mansion. Among the chefs was an elegantly dressed female omega, who Namjoon immediately greeted with a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Hi, Eomma."

"You need a haircut." She immediately scolded. "And you look tired from your trip. I'm going to ask the cook to make you some herbal soup and have it sent to the hotel later." She then turned her gaze on Yoongi, who smiled politely and waited for Namjoon to officially introduce them.

"Eomma, this is Min Yoongi."

Yoongi moved forward to pull her into a hug, the female omega remaining stiff. "I'm so happy to meet you."

Eunjeong cleared her throat as Yoongi stepped back. "I'm very glad to finally meet you too. And I'm sorry Namjoon's father couldn't be here. He was called to business in Hong Kong."

"I told Yoongi that when duty calls, Appa answers." Namjoon chuckled.

"As it should be." Eunjeong replied before turning back to Yoongi. "Namjoon tells me you're a music producer?"

Yoongi nodded with a smile as Namjoon praised him. "And he's brilliant. One of the top producers in his company and has created many top selling hits."

Eunjeong hummed, not seeming all that impressed. "Do you come from a family of musicians?"

"Oh, uh, no." Yoongi shook his head slightly. "Actually, my dad died before I was born, and my mom hardly spoke any English when she moved to the United States. She studied really hard and worked as a waitress while earning money to support us until she earned enough to open her own café."

"A self-made omega." Eunjeong hummed again. "She must be so proud of you."

Yoongi smiled again. "She knows that I'm passionate about and love what I do, and she's always wanted that for me."

Eunjeong raised an eyebrow. "Pursuing one's passions...how American. Your mother's very open minded. Not like here, where parents are obsessed with shaping the lives of their pups." She gave Namjoon a pointed look as a bell rang through the house.
"And that's dinner." Namjoon informed Yoongi, taking his hand once more.

"I'll be out in a minute." Eunjeong informed them as Namjoon began to lead his boyfriend out of the kitchen. "Yoongi, it was lovely meeting you."

"You too." Yoongi smiled politely, his smile dropping the second he turned around. "She hates me."

Namjoon chuckled. "It just takes a little bit to warm her up. You'll win her over."

"Sure." Yoongi said, giggling as Namjoon poked him in the side to cheer him up.

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