Eridan X Sollux

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I found myself with nothing better to do with my time, so I called up Karkat. He was "humoring" Nepeta today, so I went to town where all the lusii hang out and go grocery shopping. I went to the bar for a little while, and somehow ran into Eridan there. "2o why are you even here ED?" I ask, trying to humor him. "Another rejection, another vvoid of depression." He says, about to cry. "Well iit cant bee that bad-" I say before he cuts me off. "Youvve nevver been rejected once sol. Howw wwould you evven knoww howw it feels to be rejected by the one troll you really are flushed for?" He says, punching me in the arm. "Okay, okay ED. iif iit make2 iit any better, AA once rejected me. ii u2ed two have feeliing2 for her, but gave iit up a whiile ago." I say, telling the truth. "you 2hould try two do the 2ame. iit wiill help a lot." I say. "And howw do you evven knoww sol?" He asks, seeming touchy om the subject. "becau2e ED, that'2 how ii dealt wiith my rejectiion..." I say, feeling that everythings going downhill so far. I get up and go back to my hive, pretending it never happened and suddenly ED appears beside me again. "ED, leave already." I say, getting mad fast. "Wwhy should I sol? Not liike you are gonna do anythin anywways prick." He says. "Oh really ED. ii wiill hack you 2o fuckiing hard that you wont be able to 2hit for the next sweep." I say, using my psionics to hold him still. "Let me dowwn from here!!" He pleaded. "not gonna happen ED," I say, and walk into my hive with him as my prisoner. I literally head to my husktop and code for hours on end with "can you let me go noww sol?" from Eridan. I eventually lock Eridan in a spare bedroom and fall asleep in my room. Later that evening it started to pour and thunder slowly followed. "Ahh!" Eridan shouts. I suddenly awaken with him screaming. "are you 2eriiou2ly affraiid of liightniing ED?" I shout. *Bang* goes another thunder clap. "I-im scared sol...." Eridan says, and starts to cry. "I dont wwanna be here locked up wwith nowwhere to go durin this thunderstorm and nobody to keep me safe!!!" He shouts, blasting down the door with his science. I rush out to his side and hug him. "Fiine. you can 2tay iin my room for the niight only ED. but only becau2e you are 2cared of thunder and liightniing." I say, and go lie back down in my bed. At that point, I knew it was a mistake when he started to cuddle with me.
I was literally scared of lightning after the fact being struck by lightning, thanks to Cronus' "Great grub sitting" skills. I only whimpered slightly at the roar of the thunder over head, and Sollux seemed pretty mad at me anyways. He was the one who kept me as his prisoner though, so it was his fault in all reality. "would you plea2e 2hut up ED?" Sollux asked. "Cant really Sol. Expectin me to get ovver my fear of thunder storms after wwhat Cro did. Wwhat a ridiculous thing to say realistically." I say, smiling beside him. "2omethiing tell2 me you arent 2cared ED 2o iim puttiing you out2iide." He says jokingly. I think to myself: Land dwellers are harder to live with, especially the Captors. "Wweh!!!" I shout, and punch Sol in the face. "Look ED. ii am liiterally confu2ed why you even fiightiing me but iif you have 2omethiing to 2ay, 2ay iit." Sollux says, getting very frustrated. "Fine then. I. Lovve. You. Sol." I say, and hug him. "Well maybe you arent 2cared at all. Maybe iit wa2 ju2t love." He says, and hugs me tight.

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