Eridan X Feferi (Sadstuck)

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I am always reminded of the day that I culled Feferi. That was a terrible day for myself personally. It had Sollux blinded, which I didn't mind, and Feferi dead. I would always be haunted of those bad memories. She seemed to care aout me a lot, but never really 'loved' me I guess. It was a shame but what was I supposed to do about it. Her dreamself had been destroyed, so she could never return anyways. At the time I thought there was hope, but as usual, being the Prince of Hope destroyed all hope in everything.
I had just challenged Sollux to fight him and he accepted it. I shot my science at his face and his psionics helped him hold up for a little bit. But then, I had won. I had completely blinded my old friend. At the time it seemed hard to comprehend him as a friend, but he was there through some of my meltdowns. "2hiit ED....." Sollux managed to choke out. "ii cant even fuckiing 2ee....." He said. I was speechless and ran off at the time. "Eridan Ampora. What The Living Human Hell Happened?" Kanaya said. "None of your business Kan." I said. She looked at her phone and started to head to where the fight happened. "Im sorry Sol...." I said and remembered sitting down at the beach for a little while. That was the place I managed to get away from reality. It only happened there. "Well isn't someone finaaaaaaaally 8ecoming a 8ig 8ad high8lood." Vriska Serket remarked. "Vvris, not the time to be jokin around wwith me..." I said. "Oh 8ut you are the only thing for the past 8 mintues anyone can talk a8out." She said. "Look. It seems like I lost part of my reality inside of me wwhile I had killed Fef and blinded Sol." I said and sighed. "Hahahaha, you make me laugh Ampora." She said, and started to laugh. I slowly walked away and headed home to my own hive to work on some science. "So I Heard You Murdered Feferi Peixes Eridan." Kanaya said. "You wwouldn't understand Kan. Nobody wwould unless they felt how I felt at the time." I said, and slammed the door on her. "ERIDAN AMPORA! OPEN UP THIS INSTANT!!!!!" Karkat shouted. "Oh great. More trolls asking dumb ass questions to wwhy I murdered Fef." I thought to myself. Karkat and Kanaya storm in like maniacs. "WHAT THE LIVING HUMAN HELL DO YOU THINK YOUWERE DOING BY BLINDING MY MOIRAIL AND KILLING A GOOD FIRNED OF MINE ERIDAN?" Karkat shouts. "Wwell here's the thing Kar." I said before being rudely interrupted by Karkat. "NOBODY IS GONNA WANT YOU AROUND IF ALL YOUR ARE GONNA DO IS KILL TROLLS OR DISABLE THEM SOMEHOW ASSHOLE." He said. "I didn't mean to Kar, honestly. It just that somethin overcame me and I murdered her..." I said, trying to hide the fact that it didn't seem like I actually murdered her. "YEAH RIGHT AMPORA. STOP IT WITH YOUR BULLSHIT EXCUSES AND TELL ME WHY THE FUCK IT WAS OKAY TO CULL FEFERI AND BLIND SOLLUX." Karkat shouted, yet again. "Do you really think I'm lyin here Kar? Because I'm not actually and you need to actually listen to the wwords that come out of my mouth. I. Did. Not. Intentionally. Kill. Her," I said, and sighed. The more questions he asks makes me feel like I really am insane and actually killed her. "Karkat, Maybe It Would Do You A Favor If You Listened To Him, As Crazy As That Is." Kanaya said. "OKAY BUT HE JUST MADE ONE TROLL BLIND AND CULLED ONE." Karkat said. I walk out of my hive, upset and head for the trees. I really didn't wanna go deal with people who manage to mental break me. Those are the people that aren't meant to be my friend.

I managed to fall asleep and had the strangest dream. It went something like this: "---Eridan Ampora...." Feferi said, calling out my name. "Come back to my body.... I )(av-e som-ething to give you...." She said again. "You know you would come back h-er-e for lov-e..." She said again. "I r-eely miss you -Eridan..." She said, right before I woke up in sweat. I rushed back to her lifeless body and there was a note left there. It read: -Eridan Ampora, my clos-e fri-end. I am no long-er on Alt-ernia, but )(op-e you can forgiv-e yours-elf for culling me. I know it was an accid-ent and I forgiv-e you.
She actually forgave me. Since when does that ever happen? I took the note from her lifeless body and rushed to the beach. Soon enough I saw Gamzee just staring into the water. "G-Gam wwhat are you doin there?" I asked. "Oh NoThInG mUcH bRo. So Is It TrUe ThAt YoU cUlLeD fEfErI?" He asked. "Yeah I did.... Not like I wanted to or anythin, but somethin snapped and I blinded Sol as wwell in the process..." I said, finally tearing up. "I uNdErStAnD bRo... My WhOlE fAmIlY sNaPpEd AnD I wIlL sOoN..." He said, starting to tear up himself. "Promise me you wwon't kill me anytime soon Gam." I said, hugging the Makara. "I pRoMiSe BrO..." He said, and hugged me back, tearing up more as the sun was setting.

I thought that it probably could have went down sooner than that but there were two mentally snapped trolls left on Alternia to murder others. As soon as night fallen, I got up into the water and planned to sit underwater. I entered the water for the first time in forever, and sat underwater. I felt like I could barely breathe. That's because I really couldn't. "Help!!!" I shouted, seeing if Gamzee would save me. "HELP!!!!" I shouted again, swimming towards the surface of the water as fast as I could swim. I was deep underwater though. Nobody was around except for Gamzee. "H-h-help..." I said, finally giving up and excepting the fact I was going to die. I left a sorrow for my family, and a regret of even being born. Dualscar would not be proud of me ever... There was no point in even daring to survive. Kanaya would probably get everyone to kill me anyways. I wrote in the sand "I wwill nevver miss this place." I laid in the freezing water for hours on end dead, and died by having my lungs filled up with water.

It really was a shame to be honest, but I would never really understand Dualscar's reaction when I saw him. "Eridan!" He shouted, and hugged me. "Wwhat wwas that for Dad?" I ask. "You gavve evverythin your best shot and I'm proud of you son." He says, and start to cry. "Eridan's home guys! He finally arrivved here with us!!!" He shouts, and gathers all the ancestors and dancestors around. "Wvoah he is here Dad..."Cronus says, hugging me. "Wwheres Fef?" I ask. "Oh......" Dualscar says. "She isn't here wwith us..." He continues.

I probably went through a million dream bubbles and never found her once. Not at all. Never did I actually find her....

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