Aradia X Sollux (Sadstuck, requested)

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You have been waiting for prom to come up for ages now, considering it was your senior year, and hopefully you were going to go with your boyfriend. You really loved him more than anything else in this world, and would never wanna let him go free. Hopefully he felt the same way towards you, but you were never really sure with him.

"Hey AA, could we plea2e watch 2omethiing iintere2tiing for once?" He asks. "But d0n't y0u like this m0vie?" You ask him, glancing over at him. He currently had his arms crossed and was about to fall asleep when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it S0llux." You say, before rushing to the door to answer it. And you thought something was odd about the door ringing at 9 o'clock at night, and there definitely was. There stood a huge pile of black roses with a card in them addressed to you. Now who it was from, is a different story.

"Uhh..." You open the card and see it's from Equius. You blush at his cheezy card he made for you, and literally just faint.

<Sollux's POV>

You notice that Aradia was passed out on her doorstep and yor heart shatters at the sight. Who would have ever done these nice things for her if everyone already knew that she was taken. Ampora.

You pull out your phone and start to pester your best friend's boyfriend.

"Ampora, you have alot of explaniing two do. Are you not 2atii2fiied wiith Karkat? And why the hell would you 2end AA flower2?" You text him.

He replies instantly with "Dude, wwhat the hell evven? I did no such thin' and I lovve Kar more than I evver lovved you. Check Eq bro, he does like her alot actually."

"Okay, you better not bee telliing me liie2 here or 2o help me your head wiill bee on my wall." You reply with, and read the card.

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I don't got anything new, but you."
-Equius Zahhak

Oh, he is sooo going to die.

You thought of getting Zahhak over here to explain himself before you try and possibly murder him.

You call him. *Ring Ring*

"Hello." He answers.
"Come over now Zahhak before you die." You say and hang up.

Twenty minutes pass and he finally shows up at the door. You had moved Aradia onto the couch, and waited for his presence.

"2peak now or you wiill diie. What the actual fuck ii2 wiith the ro2e2 you got AA?" You ask him, pointing a knife at his throat.

He manages to get the knife out of your hands and points it at you. But Aradia had woken up and seen this.

"Guys, please st0p fighting 0ver me! It's n0t w0rth it anym0re. Sure, Equius can have a few feelings for me, but S0llux sh0uldn't be t00 0verpr0tective." She manages to say before Equius stabbed the wall with the knife.

Aradia starts to full-on cry at that moment in time. She actually sobs with all the agony filled in her heart, and she rushes out into the street.

<Aradia's POV>

You run out of the house in tears, and try to cross the street. Just then, you see headlights of a car and only then see blackness.

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