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Seriously? Already!!

This teacher seems to be more observant than my previous teachers. I mean I wasn't even staring off in to space this time; I was trying to look like I was taking notes.

I saw Aone cover his mouth with his hand beside me.

Is he laughing at me?

I shoot a glare his way only to end up looking directly into his dark eyes! My chest tightened and I could feel my cheeks start to heat up. If I didn't know better I would say his eyes were shining with amusement even if his expression showed none as he looked back at me. I quickly turned back to the front.

What was that about? He's too much like Asahi for me to be scared! Plus, this feels different from every other time I've been nervous.

I mull over this new feeling as I attempt to take actual notes this time. Finally, the bell rings and there is a short break between classes. Literally like five minutes, but I think that's just enough time for me to grab a juice from the vending machine.

I guess since he saw me I'll get him something as both a thank you and an apology for being weird!

I wonder what he likes. Deciding that there is no way I would actually be able to guess, I press the button for strawberry milk. If he doesn't like it he could always give it away I guess.

Once I make it back to the classroom I notice that he's not in his seat. I set the milk by his things and start to pull out the workbooks for the next class.

"So, you're stuck sitting by him huh?" A girl with long black hair perches on the corner of my desk. Her face is twisted like she smells some really bad shoes. "I guess it works though, you seem to be just as much of a freak!"

"Say what now?" I don't mind the fact that she calls me a freak. I get that all the time. But she just insinuated that Aone was one too! He has been nothing but kind to me so far. Well, apart from laughing at me for getting extra work in my first class.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess no one ever told you that you're a freak. And obviously the brute can't be trusted around normal people."

I stood up quickly, planning to give her a piece of my mind only to be stopped by a warm hand on my shoulder. A very large warm hand.

My new friend quickly stands and walks back across the room. I turn to see Aone standing behind me, his face is stone cold and doesn't give away anything that he's thinking.

Does he think I was talking about him like she was? God, I hope not. I'm really hoping we'll be friends....eventually.

Aone's POV

I come back maybe a minute before the late bell. Akari is sitting on the edge of (l/n)'s desk. I hang back trying to give her a chance to make friends; if I walk up there now she'll just run off. But then I look at her face. I know that look. She's not interested in being friends. I don't see why not though, (l/n) is perfectly friendly. Moving forward to maybe end the bullying before it gets started I hear her say something about "the brute." Ah yes, the wonderful nickname of mine. I expect to hear a worried gasp escape my new neighbor, what I don't expect is for her to shoot out of her chair with an aura that screams protective violence.

I reach out to make sure she doesn't do anything that she'll regret as the teacher walks through the door. I mean she already has extra homework, why add detention to it?

(L/n) looks back at me and I can see she's worried. Maybe she did take what Akari said to heart. I release her shoulder and take my seat. After roll call the teacher announces that this period will be used for self study.

Great! Maybe I can make sure (l/n) is still comfortable next to me.

She's the first person not to flinch away from me I don't want to loose her yet. I think we could be friends.

Reaching for my pen to write a quick note to her I notice a box of milk that wasn't there before. I pick it up and (l/n) slides a piece of paper over to me.

For letting me follow you to school today!

I feel a small smile creep up my face, of course no one else would have noticed it.

I appreciate it but you really didn't have to get me this.

Well I had go do something! I practically stalked you!

My shoulders shake slightly as I chuckle.

I'm sorry I didn't realize Akari's motive sooner. I could have scared her off sooner.

It's ok. I'm used to it. But I am 100% not ok with her calling you a brute!

Might want to get used to that too, she's not the only one.

I don't get it. You are only intimidating if no one pays attention to your body language.

We pass notes back and forth through the rest of this class and the next. Only stopping when the bell for lunch rings.

Should I ask her to eat lunch with me?

Just before I open my mouth I remember we are practicing during lunch this week. Not official practice but it is the week of the inter-high tournament. We want to be prepared.

"Umm, you can eat lunch in the gym while we practice if you want." 

I didn't even realize I had said it out loud until she smiled at me.

"Thanks, but I think I'll stay here and see if I can get some of my extra homework out of the way."

I barely heard her response. Everything had slowed down around me. The way she tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes as she smiled the brightest smile I have ever seen bringing my entire focus to her. I couldn't trust myself to say anything so I turned around and made my way to the gym.

"Everything okay, Aone. You're really red! Do you need to sit out this practice?"

Red? Since when do I turn red? Of course my teammates had to notice. I just shook my head and started doing some quick warm-ups.

Maybe friends wasn't quite what I wanted to keep (l/n) as.

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