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I was a little nervous getting on the train this morning. I had promised Asahi I would ask Aone to hang out this weekend.

Of course, he had promised to ask Noya out too and I had my doubts. But if he managed it and I didn't I would never hear the end of. So by the end of classes today I will have asked Aone out! Well, not out out, but to hang out!

I took a deep breath and stepped forward onto the train. Looking around I was disappointed not to see a mess of white hair anywhere. I checked my watch to see if I was earlier or later than normal. Nope. Right on time. Hmm maybe he's running late.

Before I can walk further onto the train someone grabs the back of my shirt and yanks me off the train. I panic. And being the oh so brave individual that I am....I freeze. Wonderful.

I look up to see who has decided that I didn't need to be on that train and look into dark, kind eyes.


"Are you okay? You got on the wrong train. If you were planning on skipping school I'm sorry to ruin your plan. You can catch the next one but I just had to be sure."

My face was probably the same color a tomato. Maybe redder.

"N-no. I-I guess I was just d-di-distracted. Th-thanks, Aone."

"The train station may not be the best place to be distracted."

The gleam in his eye told me he was laughing at me. Or that he wanted to at least.

"So what's so distracting?"

"O-oh. Nothing important!"

Crap. That was my chance! Why didn't I just ask him then!

"Heh! Ok!"

"Sorry I made you miss the actual train."

"It's fine. It's not like we'll actually be late for school. I'll just text Futakuchi that I won't be at morning practice."

We waited for the next train. Silence filling the space between us. He was standing there calm and collected while I fidgeted and fussed trying to think of something to say.



We started talking at the same time.

"Go ahead, Aone. I really didn't know what I was going to say anyway! I was just trying to talk!"

"Ha ha! Ok! I was just thinking since you are still new to the area, umm if you wanted I could umm show you around this weekend?"

Wait, what! Does this count! I mean technically not since he asked me and not the other way around but Asahi never has to know that!

"Oh, and if you want you can bring your boyfriend too."

My what now?

Aone's POV

(Y/n) stood there staring at me like I had grown a second head. Was hanging out with me really that bad?

"My what now?"

Oh, I guess she was confused that I would invite her boyfriend too. Makes sense I suppose.

"Your boyfriend. That ace guy."

She busted out laughing! Loudly. She laughed for a solid three minutes, bending over trying to bring in air!

"You thought Asahi......was my........boyfriend?!?!?! AHA HA HA!"

I was confused now. Was he not?

"Is he not?"

"God no! He's gay for Noya! He's just my best friend. We grew up next door to each other!"

Wait, what?! She doesn't have a boyfriend? Or just not that ace guy?

"But he said he loves you!"

"He does! And I love him! But not like that!"


I felt really stupid. (Y/n) started giggling.

"You're so cute when you blush!"

She thinks I'm cute?!?!?!

She seems to have realized what she said because she started blushing really really deeply.

So cute!

"Umm, so are you dating anyone else?"

I somehow managed not to stutter, thankfully!

(Y/n) was apparently going to blush the entire way to school! I of course was not going to complain.

"Heh! No! B-but I may be starting to like this guy. Of course I don't really know because I've never really done the whole dating thing. I only ever actually had friends because Asahi dragged me along behind him."

"Oh! Who?"


"So I know him?"


It must be Futakuchi. She met him during practice the other day, he always has been really popular.

"Is it Futakuchi?"

"Who is that?"

"The guy in my volleyball team. With the brown hair that swoops like swiosh."

I made a swooshing movement with my hand.

"Now you sound like Hinata! And no! I barely know that guy. I mean to be fair I barely know yo-I mean the other guy too! And he's probably just being nice and I'm hoping for too much."

"Well, I think you should tell him. And if he says he doesn't want to get to know you better then he's stupid and I'll be sure to glare at him to scare him really good!"

"Ha ha ha!!"

(Y/n) doubled over in laughter again!

"That would certainly be a sight! But i guess I'll think about it."

I love her laugh. I want to keep making her laugh. I wanted to keep her.

A small part of me wanted this guy she liked to say no so that I could swoop in and steal her heart with kindness. But that was awful so I pushed that thought away!

Besides who in their right mind would say no!

As the train arrived at our stop and we piled off I made sure to stay next to (y/n) and keep the conversation going. Finding out that she didn't have a boyfriend and that there was a sliver of a chance for me put a little more pep in my step than was normally there and I caught myself walking a little further ahead of (y/n) than I meant to.

"By the way, you haven't actually given me an answer about this weekend."

"Oh! Yes! I'd love too! Umm but is it OK if it's just you and me? We can always hang out with Asahi another day if you really want to meet him!"

"Yeah, I think I'd prefer it to just be us too!"

This is perfect! Is there any chance I could count this as an actual date? Maybe I'll ask her while we're out tomorrow!

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