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My face warmed up as Aone turned to walk away. I knew asking if he wanted to join us would be weird but it felt wrong to just let him leave.

"Let's go, (y/n)! Everyone's waiting!"

Asahi had come to collect me, it would seem.

"(Y/n), are you blushing?"

"Shut up!"

"Oh my God! You are! When did this happen!"

I just rolled my eyes and walked off to join the group.

"Oh! By the way, I'm spending the night with you!"


"And I expect gossip! I've missed a whole two days of team drama!"

"Well, that will cost you."

"What exactly?"


"Fine. But they aren't nearly as interesting as you're hoping."

"I'll be the judge of that."

Coach Ukai and Takeda Sensei let me ride the bus back with them. Everyone was apparently really tired because most of them fell asleep.

Once we got back to Karasuno the boys huddled for meeting and I chatted with Kiyiko. Most of the boys decided to forgo the already planned ice cream trip in favor of rest. So it ended up just being me, Kiyoko, Asahi, Noya, Tanaka, Hinata, and Kageyama. Tadashi would have tagged along but Tsukki "tch"ed so he walked him home. We all pretended not to know they were more than friends but they made it so hard sometimes.

When they found out that I was staying with Asahi, Noya and Tanaka tried to join us. We told them no under the pretense of trying to make sure they got enough sleep. Really it was so we could talk about Noya and Asahi!

Asahi refused to believe that Noya saw him as more than a friend! I have been telling him for ages to ask him out but he's too much of a chicken. I am going to try to set them up sometime I just haven't found the right time. Plus, I'm really bad at this kind of thing!

Asahi and I gossiped until 1 when I realized what time it was. I knew Daichi would kill me if Asahi was off his game tomorrow so we went to bed.

The next day was tough. Aoba Josai was a really good team. The boys played three sets against them. Unfortunately, they only won one. I didn't even know how to comfort them so I just hugged them all individually. Some hugs lasted longer than others. I hugged Tadashi for a full three minutes until a slightly peeved Tsukki made him let go. I wouldn't have minded holding on longer. I was closest with Tadashi of all of the first years, so seeing him disappointed in himself broke my heart.

"You'll get it next time! I'm sure of it!"

He grinned at me a little. He knew I meant every word of what I said, and I knew he needed to hear it!

Since the team had to go to classes the next day instead of the tournament I decided I would be a good student and go to my classes too. Asahi was sad that I was leaving sooner than planned but still walked me to the train station.

"I think you should try to hang out with him outside of school again. This time without schoolwork!"

He had been trying to convince me to get closer to Aone all night the night before and squeezed it in every chance he got today too!

"Fine! But only if you ask Noya to hang out too! Alone!"


"Wait, what?"

I may have just cornered myself.

Aone's POV

(Y/n) wasn't at school today, so things went back to how they were before the beginning of this week. I sat by myself during class and no one talked to me. They avoided me.

The team wasn't supposed to have practice but I knew that I wouldn't be able to focus on any homework so I went to the gym after school. Turns out I'm not the only one. All of the first years were already there along with Futakuchi and the captain. Well, I guess former captain since the third years were stepping down and Futakuchi would be taking over as captain.

While we were warming up the other third years and second years showed up.

"Sorry we're late."

"Technically you're not since this isn't an official practice."

We practiced as if we didn't loose yesterday. We funneled all of our frustration into spikes, recieves, and blocks. I could tell everyone was disappointed that this was just practice and we hadn't made it to the second day but we would get farther next time. We would go to nationals and prove the iron wall was the strongest.

"Anyone up for meat buns? Captain's treat."

I wondered if they meant Moniwa or Futakuchi. I just shrugged and followed the team out. We went to a convenience store not far from the school. That way those who walked to school or rode the train weren't too far out on their normal walk.

I was glad we got to have this time with each other. I'm glad the team didn't avoid me like other classmates.

"Karasuno lost to Aoba Josai."

My head snapped up to the conversation taking place around me. Karasuno lost? Did that mean (y/n) would come back to school tomorrow?

"Hey, Aone. You never told us why (l/n) was so chummy with Karasuno instead of you yesterday."

They had to bring that up now?

"Friends, I guess."

They looked bored with my answer. But that's really all I knew anyway so they'd get out of me. I didn't feel like talking about the fact that she was dating their ace.

"You should offer to show her around the area some more. Maybe show her some of the cafes around here?"

Hmm. Maybe I could. But she'd probably rather spend the weekend with her boyfriend. I guess it doesn't hurt to ask though.

But just a cafe would be too quick. I need to think of more places to show her so we can spend more time together. Maybe a movie or the museum. I don't know enough about her to know where she would want to go.

She'd probably say no, but I had said I wanted to be her friend. There is no point in backing out of that just because she has a boyfriend.

She was worth it anyway.

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