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I'm not entirely sure what I just witnessed. I was just catching up with the boys after dashing into a restroom to change. Both Date Tech and Karasuno were standing in the hall.

Oh my God! How could I forget that Aone is on the volleyball team!

Aone and Asahi were apparently having an argument of some sort. I wasn't close enough to hear what, if anything, was said.

Before I could get much closer Date Tech turned and walked off.

"How are you such a badass on the court but such a wimp everywhere else?"

"Ha ha ha! Good point, Noya!"

The whole team froze for a millisecond before turning and tackling me in the loudest hug ever.

"We missed you!"

"Good to see you, (y/n)!"





"Tsukki, be nice. (Y/n) came to support us!"

Everyone was talking at once. Asahi had latched on to my shoulders and wasn't letting go. I could tell he was nervous. I can't really blame him after seeing him face off with Aone.

"You okay?"

"That was intense."

"Ha ha ha! You're just being silly."

"Well, it's time to warm up! Asahi, let go of (y/n)."

Daichi was trying to pry Asahi off of me, but he refused to let go. So I did the only logical thing. I started tickling Asahi.


I couldn't help but laugh along with the rest or the team as he let go and tried to catch his breath.

"Well, I better go find a seat! I'll be cheering for you boys! Don't let me down!"


They made their way into the gym and I walked off to find the stairs. I made sure to find a seat as close to the rail as I could right behind the court. Everyone in this gym would know who I was rooting for!

I took a moment to look over the other teams warming up. Across the gym there was a team in white and green uniforms. They truly are an intimidating sight!

Luckily, Karasuno isn't up against them. Well, yet anyway! If they do go head-to-head I'm still going to cheer for my boys!

But isn't Aone one of my boys now? I mean I do have a cru-wait what am I saying! I have only known him for two days!

I don't have to worry about that yet! It's important to focus on the opponent right in front of you! So that's what I'm going to do! I may not be on the court but my energy helps the boys get into the game! And I refuse to give them mixed signals!

Aone's POV

Warm-ups went smoothly, and our game progressed quickly. We took the first set easily! Our opponents were trying everything they could think of to break through our wall. Unsuccessfully, I might add.

After taking the second set, we made our way off the court to do some cool-down stretches. I had been able to push (y/n) and that big ace out of my head for the majority of the game. Luckily, she only snuck back into my thoughts momentarily while I was switched out with our libero, so it didn't effect the game.

Making our way through the halls to find a spot to wait for our next game, we went to check the outcomes of the other matches and see who we would be facing next.


Good. We'll crush them again and (y/n) wi- I mean and we'll go all the way this time!

I seriously doubt beating her boyfriend will earn me any points! It's not like she'd see I'm so much stronger than him. She would get to comfort him and they'd just grow closer!

Ugh! This is just frustrating!

I decided to take a walk and clear my head. Turns out, that wasn't really the best idea. As I walked I saw (y/n) with the Karasuno team. She was interacting with everyone but sitting beside him. Her smile was so bright and she looked so happy. I guess she had been friends with the whole team before she moved to Date Tech. Maybe this was why her room was still packed. She didn't have any friends in our area. All her friends were in Karasuno. She wasn't exactly social either. She had mentioned her "social battery" yesterday.

I resolved to make sure that her time at Date Tech was just as good as Karasuno. I may not be Asahi, but I could still make sure that that smile stayed bright and true! After all, Asahi wasn't going to be around her as much as I would since she had moved.

I'm not going to try to steal her away from him because he obviously makes her happy, but I'm not letting her go either.

Time moved a lot faster than I had expected and before I knew it the next match was about to start!

I saw (y/n) giving everyone on the team hugs or high-fives before she went to get a seat. I'm not gonna lie I was a little jealous. Especially when she ruffled the hair of that little number 10.

Apparently, everyone had noticed that (y/n) was here and supporting the other team.

"Did you do something to her last night? I mean she is literally cheering for the other team even though she goes to Date Tech."

I glared at Futakuchi and he backed off with his hands up in surrender. Great. Now they think I've made her mad.

(Y/n) walked over to us too. Although, we didn't get quite as much enthusiasm as the other guys.

"H-hi guys! Do your best out there!"

She seemed to strengthen her resolve on something and continued.

"But my boys are still gonna break through your iron wall!"

Her whole face turned bright red and she turned to leave. I reached out before I even had a chance to think and grabbed her hand.

"I'm glad you're here."

My voice was low and quiet, but I know she heard my words. She managed to turn an even cuter shade of red and grinned at me.

"Me too! But I'm sorry I can't cheer for you just now. My boys need me. And I will never turn my back on them!"

I couldn't help but fall for her just a little more as I realized just how much she cared. Not only for her boyfriend, but for his teammates and her friends as well.

She really is something!

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