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Aone POV

I just shrugged as I walked past them into the club room to put my bag away. It didn't really matter what I said they had already seen me wave at her. So we might as well get on with practice.

"Is she why you were blushing yesterday at lunch?"

Obviously my teammates had no plans to let this conversation drop.

"Is she your girlfriend?"


They flinched back. I didn't mean for that to come across as sharp as it did. I could feel my ears starting to warm up. Futakuchi noticed.

"Do you want her to be?"

Did I? I literally met her yesterday. That's not long enough to know something like that! All I knew is that her big brown eyes could capture my attention with ease, her smile literally stopped time for me, her giggles and laugh were so cute that my breath caught and I spent more time than I care to admit last night trying to think of ways to make her laugh more, and the way she pushed her glasses up from the side with two fingers was the most adorable thing I've ever seen!


Now I've gone and done it!

There were mixed reactions among my teammates at my response. Futakuchi cluched his hand over his heart and gasped. Most of our upperclassmen stood stock still with mouths open, but Captain's response was my favorite. He gasped and started slapping Takehito on the chest. I turned around so they wouldn't see my grin. I couldn't help but laugh at them, though, they were acting like I was made from stone.


Coach's yell brought us all back to reality and we all made our way to the court to start warming up. I did my best to focus on my form and our combination attacks but my mind would occasionally slip back to the girl currently sitting in class 2-A. Well, as far as I know she's sitting in the classroom.

I couldn't help but wonder what she thought of me. Is she actually scared of me? Most people are. But she did sit beside me on the train this morning. And she didn't flinch away when I touched her shoulder yesterday. She even called me a big softie!

Maybe, just maybe, if I'm patient I can become her friend. That will be my goal first. First her friendship, then maybe her heart!


English shouldn't be this complicated!! I'm American born for goodness sake!

I have finished most of my work but this english worksheet is driving me insane! The classroom is gradually filling up. A few of my classmates have come back to introduce themselves and say hi. Apparently it's too scary to come back this way while Aone is sitting here. I'm happy everyone wants to meet me but I'll be glad when Aone gets here and everyone backs off. The girl beside me, Sawako, said it was interesting watching us pass notes yesterday because that's the most social interaction she has ever seen from him. She seems nice, maybe we'll end up being friends too!

I notice the guy who had been talking to me throw a nervous glance behind me as the chair to my right is pulled back. Aone sits down, maybe a little closer than he had intended, brushing my arm in the process.

"I-I'll see ya around, (l/n)."

"Yeah, see ya!" I turned to Aone to whisper "I am so glad you're here!"

He looks at me a little confused.

"You knew I was here. We walked to school together."

I couldn't hold back my laugh as his very pale, almost unnoticeable, eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, but I meant at this exact moment. So many people have come to say hi that my social battery is already running pretty low! And class hasn't even started!"

He chuckled lightly, so lightly that I would have missed it if I hadn't been looking straight at him!

"Well, what's the fastest way for you to recharge?"

"A nap, a hug from my dad, or holding my friends hand."

He held his hand out toward me under the table.

"Am I friend enough?"

ashkdoenbfjsoenfhxi y/n.exe has stopped working please reboot

"I mean I guess it doesn't hurt to try."

I gulped as I reached out and gently grabbed hold of his hand. I already knew he had big hands, but seeing them wrapped around mine was something else entirely. I don't have petite hands but he still made them look and feel small! His hands were warm and rough. He had callouses across his palms that made me wonder what he did in his spare time. But he was so gentle. He gave the smallest reassuring squeeze and rested our hands on his leg so they weren't awkwardly swinging under the desk. I unconsciously scooted a little closer to him as the teacher walked in and greeted the class.

As the lecture started I turned to Aone with a pout on my face.



"One small problem."

"Which is?"

"You're holding my writing hand. I can't take notes."

"I'll take notes today. You just practice doodling with your other hand. Just try to look like you're paying attention."

I could feel my cheeks heating up and decided to try to at least listen to the lecture. Not that it worked real well. I'm sitting here holding hands with a boy in class!

Holding hands with Asahi never felt like this!

As class went on and my attention span dissipated I found myself memorizing the creases, cracks, and folds of Aone's hand. I ran my thumb along the back of his hand as far as I could. I let go and traced the lines in his palm before interlocking our fingers again.

I jumped as the bell rang signaling the end of our first class. I couldn't tell you a single thing that the teacher went over but I'm pretty sure I could recognize Aone's hand blindfolded.

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