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Saturday morning rolled around, and I did my best to sleep in. Aone and I had agreed on meeting around midmorning. But of course I couldn't seem to sleep late no matter how many times I tried to get comfortable. So I went ahead and got up and took a shower.

Well, at least I'll have time to find something decent to wear.

I'm pretty sure I spent a good fifteen minutes just staring at the clothes hanging in my closet. When I finally accepted that I will never be able to choose what to wear I did the only thing I could. I called in reinforcements.

Calling 'nnoying Noya🧡⚡️

"(Y/N)!!!! To what do I owe the pleasure of your amazing voice this morning!"

"I honestly did not expect you to be awake!"

"Then why did you call?"

"To wake you up!"

"*Gasp* why would you want to interupt my beauty sleep!"

"Cause there are not enough hours in the day for that to be successful anyway!"

"Rude! I still love you though!"

"Aww thanks! Now help me!"

"Absolutely! Whatever you need! I've got shovels, gloves, trashbags, and I know a guy who knows the woods really well!"

"Not that kind of help, Noya!!"

"Oh, my bad. I just assumed it was something sketch since you called me instead of Asahi!"

"Weelll, its more like it may be a date, well I want it to be a date but we never actually said it was a date, and I don't want Asahi to know that I'm this nervous!"

"OK! First off, breathe. If you want it to be a date then MAKE IT A DATE!"



"Ha ha ha! Have you done this with Asahi?"

"Ugh! Yes! And the goof just grinned like an idiot and didn't realize what I was doing!"

"HA HA HA! Oh man he can be so dense!"

"I know right!!! Anywho! We're getting off subject! What are you going to wear?"

"I have no idea. That's where I got stuck!"

I heard a loud SMACK over the phone and I'm pretty sure he just facepalmed at me!

"(Y/n)!!! That's like the first step. Ok, where are you going?"

"I don't actually know. He said he was going to show me around a little bit."

"Ok, stick with something cute and casual that you won't get too uncomfortable in. OH I KNOW! Why don't you wear (insert your absolute favorite outfit that makes your confidence skyrocket!)"

"Noya, you're a genius!"

"I know!"

"Thanks, love! I'm gonna go now so I can get dressed and do hair and make-up!"

"Bye! Have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"That does not limit me very much!"

"I know right!"

We ended the call and I finished getting ready. I still had about 30 minutes to waste so I went downstairs to get my family's opinions on my outfit!

Aone's POV

I am so nervous!

I woke up way earlier than necessary got ready and decided to try to look nice since I really want (y/n) to think of this as a date!

I opted for black jeans, a white t-shirt, and my favorite sweater jacket with a dark blue stripe at the shoulder, a lighter blue stripe in the middle, and a pink stripe with turtles printed across it  on the bottom. I love this jacket because it let's me have turtles with me since carrying my pet turtle around would get kind of awkward eventually!

We had agreed to meet at the station (y/n) gets on the train at for school. Mainly so I knew she would be able to find her way there! I got there earlier than planned so she wouldn't have to wait on me and leaned against the wall a little ways away from the seats. I could tell I was making a couple of people nervous so I pulled out my phone so they didn't feel like I was staring at them.

After about twenty minutes I heard the sweetest voice call out my name!

"Hey Aone!"

I looked up to see (y/n) waving as she made her way down the stairs!


She looks absolutely amazing. Half of her hair is pulled back and pinned out of her face and what is left down is curled slightly so that it bounces as she walks. Her make up is light and natural and compliments her skin tone very VERY well and some how makes her brown eyes seem bigger than normal! And her outfit?!?! It is the most adorable thing I think I've ever seen! I can tell she loves it because she holds herself a lot more confidently than she does in our school uniforms, and even when she was dressed for Karasuno's volleyball team she didn't radiate confidence like she is now!

If I didn't love her before, I could definitely find myself falling for her today.

"Aone?? Are you okay? Aone??"

I snapped out of the stupor I was in to find (y/n) waving her hand in front of my face.

So embarrassing! Great start, Aone!

"Are you sure you're up for hanging out today? You're really red!"

She placed the back of her hand to my forehead and I could feel my knees start to shake a little.

"Ye-yeah! You're fine! I MEAN I'M FINE! Are you ready to go?"

"Absolutely! Am I allowed to know the plan or is it all a surprise?"

"You're allowed to know! I thought we'd star-"

My brain ceased functioning as we made our way onto the train and (y/n) grabbed ahold of my hand. I'm sure it was just so we don't get separated since she doesn't know where we are going but at this point I don't remember where I had planned for us to go either?

I looked over at (y/n) to see she was blushing slightly and looking practically everywhere except for at me. Of course my full attention was on her!

"We could start?"


My answer came out a lot louder than I had intended but it was really all I could do not to just fall out on the floor now.

(Y/n) is holding my hand! This day can not get any better! MY LIFE CAN NOT GET ANY BETTER!! I have to make this date perfect for her too! So she wants to do it again!

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