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Today has been perfect! Ok, maybe not perfect but really, really great! The only negative thing is I still have no idea if this is a date or not but I've certainly enjoyed it!

I have done almost everything Noya told me to! I held his hand. I wasn't brave enough to look at him when I did it so I really have no idea how he reacted! But he didn't pull away and we held hands pretty much the whole time. At least while we were walking. I told him he looked nice! And boy did he look nice!!! He really pulls off regular clothes well! I mean he makes the school uniform look better than anyone at school too, but his street clothes seem to show his personality. Like you can see that he's strong but kind from a glance!

The only thing I haven't done is kiss him on the cheek! I still have time though. We are currently sitting on the swings at a park that is actually pretty much halfway between our houses! According to Aone, at least. I remember where his house is but I don't know the area well enough yet make judgments like that! But he has lived here longer and really knows the place!

He showed me around to some really great places. We got coffee and cake at the cutest little cafe! Apparently he goes there often because the little old lady behind the counter was so excited to see him with a girl and she didn't even have to ask what he wanted. And she wouldn't hear of us paying! We both tried to pay! But she just said,

"Absolutely not! Aone, save your money and take this sweet girl to the arcade and have a good time on your date!"

And he just blushed! He didn't correct her! So I've really been getting my hopes up that he wants this to be a date too!

But he could have just been too shy to correct her!

I don't know what to think! Is it always this nerve wracking?!?!?


Aone POV


Oh no! I've messed something up!!!

"I-is everything ok??"

Maybe she didn't mean to say that out loud because when I said something she almost jumped out of the swing she's sitting in!

"O-oh! Yeah! Everything is really great! I just thought that I, umm, uhhh, oh! I'll have to head home soon and I don't want to just yet!"

"Me neither! I wish we could freeze time and stay here a while!"

I muttered the last part, half hoping she wouldn't hear it.

"I didn't quite catch that last bit!"

Whew! Good! That was way too cringey!

"Oh! I just said yeah we have been out here a while!"

We lapsed back into a comfortable silence. She had a little grin on her face and I'm not sure if she was even aware of it. She looked so cute!

"So, this guy you like...are you gonna tell him?"

"Maybe, if I can work up the courage."

"What if someone else told you that they liked you before you told him. Would they have any chance?"

"Umm, well...maybe. Since I don't know yo- I mean him!- very well. But probably not because the more I spend time with yo- I mean him!- and the more I talk with yo- I mean him!- the more I like him! And I'm just not quite ready to give up on that yet."


Well, I guess that answers my question. I'll just have to be patient and be her friend for now! As long as she's happy I will be fine!

But man that hurts. I was really hoping she would think of today as a real date and I would have a chance.

"It was so cute that the lady at the Cafe thought we were on a date! Kind of made my day!"

Talk about mixed signals!

"Yeah, I guess I should have corrected her but I really didn't want to. I liked the idea too much I guess."


I really have to learn how not to say everything I'm thinking when she's around! I can do it with everyone else!

"U-uh! Yeah. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I know you like someone else but I just really wanted today to be a date."

"Ha ha ha!!"

She's laughing at me! Ouch! Her laugh is still amazing but dang!

"Me too!"

Wait what?

"Come again?"

"I wanted today to be a date too!"

"What about the guy you like?"

"Aone, just how many guys have you seen me talk to at school?"

"Well, mostly me. But then you met Futakuchi at volleyball practice. And then that day you were talking to Saito when I got to class."

"True. Although to be fair I couldn't even remember their names. Just what they looked like!"

"Ha ha!"

"S-so, Aone. I, umm, I like you. Do you- do you think we could get to know each other better?"

I froze! My head went completely blank! How on earth is this possible? The girl I like likes me too!

Apparently, I took longer than just a few moments to answer because she started stuttering and back-tracking quickly!

"I'm so so sorry! I-i mean, we c-can totally just be f-fr-friends if you'd rather!"

Tears were starting to form at the corners of her eyes!


Panicking is never the right option. She stood up really quickly and started to run towards the park exit!

Luckily, I am on the volleyball team and she, by her own words, never runs. I caught up to her quickly. Silently praying no one saw this because I'm sure they would call the cops! And as soon as she was in arms reach I grabbed her wrist.

"Wait! I mean 'no I don't want to just be friends.' I really, REALLY want to get to know you! I just kind of got really excited and couldn't think!"

I turned her to face me and gently wiped the tears that were running down her face.


She looked up at me with a slightly bewildered look.

"You mean it? I didn't make you uncomfortable?"

"Not at all! You made me really, really happy! I'm sorry I took too long to come back to earth!"

She started giggling.

Thank goodness!

I smiled and pulled her to my chest. She wrapped her arms around me and before I could chicken out I placed a kiss to the top of her hair!

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