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"Hey sweetie! I'm really sorry! I know I'm late but something came up! I'll be home as soon as I can! I know the storm isn't helping but just cuddle up on the couch with a hot chocolate and movie to try to keep your mind off of it!"

"No, mom. I'm at Aone's house for the project. I forgot to check the weather."

"Oh good! Ask his parents if they would mind you staying tonight."

"That's actually why I'm calling you. His mom wanted me to ask you if it was alright?"

"Absolutely! Just....make sure you and Aone don't do anything I wouldn't do!"


My mother's laugh sounded through the phone. I was very tempted to hang up on her, but she knew I didn't like to be the one to end calls so she just took her time enjoying her ability to embarrass me when she isn't even in the same building.

"I know, I know! You're the good kid! But I mean you are a teenager!"

"Mom, please stop."


"Alright then! I'm going to hang up on you!"

"No you won't! But I'll let you go! Tell his mom I said thanks for letting you stay!"

"Will do! Love you! Bye!"

"Love you too, dear! Bye-bye"

I kept the phone by my ear until I heard the call end. Turning to Aone and his mom, I smiled.

"She said it's fine! And thank you so so much for letting me stay!"

"Absolutely, sweet heart. Why don't you two get changed and I'll start supper! Aone, show her to the bathroom and get her some clothes. (Y/n) take a nice warm shower and relax! I'll call you two when supper is ready!"

Aone nodded and turned to show me the way.

"Oh! And if you'll give Aone your uniform I'll wash it for you to wear tomorrow!"

We made our way down the hall Aone stopped to grab a towel and washcloth from a closet.

"I'll bring you some of my clothes after I show you how the shower works. I'll just leave them outside the door and knock."

"Thank you!"

"And just leave your uniform in the floor in there and I'll grab it when I'm done."


I took Aone's mother's advice and made sure the shower was nice and warm. The only shampoo available was men's so I guess I'll smell like Aone for a little while!

Aone did exactly as he said he would and brought me a t-shirt that ended up being a little bit big on me, not too big- just enough to be really comfortable, a pair of boxers and basketball shorts that thankfully had a drawstring!

I left my uniform folded on the sink and walked out to find Aone hovering in the doorway of what I assumed was his bedroom.

"Y-you can hang o-out in here until I'm done. I-if you want!"

Aone's POV

I might have taken a colder shower than I normally would have. The way (y/n) looked in my clothes was just a little more than I had expected! I mean I won't lie and say I didn't give her my favorite shirt just to see how she looked in it. But the results were a lot more....interesting than I had anticipated!

It had been all I could do to get one and a half sentences out before I practically ran away from her! But I really didn't trust myself to stay there much longer!

After my shower, I kind of expected to find (y/n) sitting on my bed playing on her phone or something....but my room was empty.

I heard laughter drift down the hall and followed it back to the kitchen. (Y/n) was chopping vegetables and talking to my mom! I stood there for a little while just admiring how well they already got along until I realized that my mother was telling her all of the embarrassing things I had done growing up!


"Oops! It would seem we have been discovered!"

(Y/n)'s laugh rang out and I couldn't help but think for a second that maybe it was worth it. But then I realized out of the corner of my eye that Mom was giving me a look that clearly said 'I see you, young man!'

"So what's for supper?"

"Simple stir-fry! We probably could have been finished by now, but we got to talking! Isn't (y/n) so sweet to help me! I tried to make her sit down but she seems a little hard-headed! Youll have to keep that in mind, Aone dear!"

(Y/n) just smiled and tipped the vegetables into the pan on the stove. I honestly think she was doing more cooking than my mom at this point!

Supper was probably the best we had had in a while. Not just because the food was amazing, but because the conversation seemed to flow really well. I mean, I don't think my mom is annoying or boring or anything like that but having (y/n) there just seemed to be more fun! Maybe it was just me.

I made both women stay seated once we were finished eating and did the dishes while sneaking glances at them talking about who-even-knows-what at this point! Even when I finished the dishes I stood there just watching for a while.

"Well, (y/n), we don't actually have a guest room so you can sleep in Aone's room. He can sleep on the extra futon tonight!"

(Y/n) is going to sleep in my room! Is my bed made? Is my room even clean!?

I knew I was overreacting but I do think that is the normal response for a high school boy who just realized that the girl he may be crushing on is going to be sleeping in his bed!

I quickly made my way down the hall to check hoping that (y/n) stayed behind for a little to say goodnight to my mom. Either luck or my mom was on my side. I had enough time to straighten up a touch before I heard (y/n) walking down the hall.

"Hey, Aone. Do you think we could watch a movie or something before we go to bed?"


(Y/n) flinched a little as thunder sounded outside.

Oh right! I forgot it was storming and she doesn't like storms!

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